That’s crazy, I used to think I had a lot of characters when I had 25 but I don’t judge so that’s totally okay with me.
Character making is my endgame. Someday I’ll have them all leveled. With cool looks, mogs, interesting character hooks, and then I’ll… iunno, rule with an iron fist, I guess.
It’s kind of mine too in addition to like gearing them up then starting on the next one, case and point I just finished my Goblin Warlock on Sunday and leveling up my Dark Iron Warlock yesterday and so that’s what I’m working on in between talking here on the forums.
I need mana hair and actual NPC-esque mana hands for this girlie In different colors too please! Blue and white and pink at least!!
I have 4 accounts total. Most are nearly full, I did purge a bunch of characters recently though.
Wow that’s impressive and a lot of characters.
It would be nice to have at the very least, a green glow to cover some of the felborne options.
The blue is nice for mages, but since Nightborne are the ultimate magic elf, having a chance to reflect that with varying glows/tattoo color would be awesome.
Also, my monk could use glowing feet to go with her glowing hands, and my mage could use some mana strands in his beautiful new hair.
…also a not-robe version of the heritage armor.
I definitely don’t have an alt problem. Nope.
Makes me feel better about my 50 fully decked out toons over level 20.
I think I have only 1 toon out of nearly 50 that is like level 6 that I will refuse to delete, and it is only because of the name.
I have one of each class, and most of them are different races except I have 3 blood elves (Phae, Paladin and demon Hunter for lack of choice) and two Nightborne (rogue and priest) though I would race change the demon Hunter if I could, and possibly my priest if we get new races.
I like having just one of each race for the most part. Phae and the Paladin Luminea are sisters, and it’s like a Yin and Yang situation with them. One is evil, the other “mostly” good. Kind of like Raistlin and Caramon, but Phaeliea would kill Lumi if she had to.
I love that you have like a story/point of view for all of your characters, it’s fabulous.
It’s part of my enjoyment in gaming, thinking of backstories for my characters. Otherwise what is my motivation for playing?
I will admit I have nothing for my Demon Hunter, as I don’t like that I have to choose to play as yet another blood elf.
What name?
I have too many stories bouncing round my head. I can’t keep focused like that. >.<
I’m amazed by folk who can though.
I didn’t before legion, but I loved the class halls so much that I wanted to experience all of the stories. If they’d do that with races, I’d be over the moon (and just watch Nobbels video on the alliance ones)
I totally understand because there are races I want to play as a Warlock that aren’t available even though lore could potentially allow it and even though I don’t play Demon Hunter or anything outside of Warlock anymore I am supportive of more races being playable for Demon Hunter eventually like Draenei and Orc for example.
I think all races should be able to play as DH. Have a lore reason being they were taught by the elves, and had to drink demon blood or something silly.
Sorry I didn’t mean that I think it should just be Draenei or Orc they just were first two to come to my mind because I think everything could be spun one way or another to be playable and although lots of people disagree with that, I think people should play what race/class they want to so you get a like from me.
I’m in the camp where I think it’s healthy to have some restraints with classes, as a void elf Paladin makes no sense, and a rogue Tauren (as much as I would love it) would be clopping too loudly lol
I started wanting one of each class for order halls, then race for heritage armor… And somewhere along the line, I realized I really like leveling and the low stakes of lowbie BGs. What with… stuff, I haven’t had as much room for stress in my life lately, so a very laid back approach to my favorite video game has treated me all right.