Why the lack of Customization?

Indeed, the eyes you refer to seem to have a more narrowed pupil while the image I’ve posted are bright, brimming with otherworldly power.

Adding this image as well as the cinematic accentuates the narrow gaze Sylvanas has, similarly to how Tyrandes Night Warrior eyes stand out in her cinematic and how bringing our characters closer to the in-game cinematic appearances would really make their respective looks pop :hugs:

Receiving harassment for a half decade is mobbing and abuse don’t let people stay unaffected. Of course they want revenge if the other sides has never stopped doing it.

Then they’re just as bad as the other side.

Its pointless, to continue breeding hate when you can stop the cycle instead.

One continues the same. The other actually brings it to a close.


Frankly, Sylvanas seems to be using the same style red eyed Venthyr Kael´thas used in 9.0:


See? smallish pupil but the white of the eyes IS visible. Hmm a little bit closer to the style you posted, but that too could be the " red eyed Belf style" (it is seen at least on a BELF character).

There´s no excuse to troll, period. If anything this double downs on the original conception that marked those kind of individual as childish, period.


Having a different opinion and expressing it is not harassment.


This one too… as I said, no excuse to “troll”.

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People have taken google files that Helf discord uploaded to one of the twitter devs with high elf suggestions and replaced it with Trolls beheading elves because it wasn’t password protected.

People have literally gone onto WoWpedia and tried (and failed) to remove sections of the High Elves and ‘where they are today’.

People have gone into High Elf threads and said ‘yeah all these ideas look great for Blood Elves’ (something which some of you should be familiar with is happening now to Blood Elf suggestions).

Those are all examples of harassment and not simply ‘having a different opinion’.

None of this is to say that people are justified in revenge trolling/harassment, but don’t downplay what the High Elf group had to endure, especially if you weren’t around for it happening.

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I mean that first one was stupid whoever did it. I don’t think the group I’m in had anything to do with it, and whoever did it is wrong,

Wowpedia editing war is harassment? I mean, that sounds like a disagreement there, unless there was other stuff going on outside of a lore disagreement. Since it’s not unknown for some people to oversell things. (Oh, and while I was doing other things, to respond to an earlier point, between troll wars and warcraft 2, the only connection I see is through the mages of Dalaran, doesn’t really sound like an active alliance situation there)

Frankly, if a bit annoying, that on its own doesn’t get to harassment. Especially since blood elves and high elves are the same race, and as you guys like to point out, anything designed for one could work for the other. Where the problems with the requests are when things go farther than that, like if someone like the person in question in this thread, goes and actually harasses someone who frankly wasn’t even part of the pro/anti scuffle outside of the forums and such while admitting they’re only doing this purely out of spite?


Never said it was ‘anti-helfer’ group, it was obviously some lone individual because it got dealt with quickly.

Wowpedia is a place where a ton of lore is compiled and organized so that people can use them in discussions. Someone or few peeps tried to edit out portions speaking about Alliance High Elves in ‘current times’ as people were using them in discussions at the time on the forums.

Again, this is why I said if you weren’t there at the time then it’s strange to be downplaying what all happened.

And none of that is to say that people making fun of those who wanted Alliance High Elves, constantly, over years long, isn’t a form of harassment. To people simply wanting stuff in a video game.

People would make images of fans of other races asking for Allied Races appear intellectual and High Elf fans pooping out their bum asking for High Elves.

How is it not harassment to get continually made fun of? That makes no sense to me to downplay that stuff.

How does one person doing that individually equate to being an entire group’s fault? Especially a group made up of hundreds of individuals?

And no one’s trying to discuss ‘degrees of harassment’ here, that’s just plain silly to do so.

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Bottom line is, people wanting Alliance High Elves were harassed. To downplay it or say it didn’t happen is straight ridiculous.


And it’s user written, it isn’t always correct and I’ve seen some stuff in there at times that was wrong in favor of high elves. Without seeing what was editted out it could be obnoxious or could be someone cutting out some creative smudging of facts in favor of a viewpoint.

hard to say. I mean some of it comes from the bad behavior of high elf fans in storming other threads, trying to shout down opposition and other stuff that has made the forums sick of the whole debate. It’s not just some innocent group being polite getting attacked out of nowhere, you’re downplaying the bad actions that have been made by people who support the request that made people sick of hearing about it.

And I’m sure some were harassed, and it’s not right, no one should take it that far.

But, some people who want them seem to have an unhealthy obsession with it, and take it too personally when people disagree and treat people as bad and enemies to be crushed if they don’t agree. And this gets downplayed a lot.


The section “Recent Events” was removed by some rando and then put back by a moderator of the wiki.


You could literally say this about those that opposed High Elf fans because that’s exactly what they did. They would come into High Elf threads and shout them down repeatedly.

I’m not downplaying any bad actions, I said earlier it doesn’t justify doing the revenge trolling thing.

This is on both sides imo. And I agree it gets downplayed a lot. But like I said the bottom line is that group was harassed, anyone saying they weren’t is being ridiculous.

And to me your comments here sound like they’re trying to justify the harassment that happened because you keep trying to say ‘but they’re doing this now!’ When my point is harassment happened to the High Elf group in a reply to someone saying it was simply ‘a difference of opinion’.

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Gotcha. Seems a pretty fair write up of the situation. I mean, fair enough that I could see some rando from either side having a problem with it and taking it down.

It was a reaction to bad behavior, not the best. But it’s not like there weren’t cartoons made about us in an unflattering light. I guess I’ve got a different definition of harassment that’s a bit more personal and directed and I’m not as bothered by the same things as you.

I’m talking about that because the comments you replied to were directed at a person who has been actually harassing someone within the last week or so and freaking them out. So, basically that it’s not about everyone on that side, but people are talking about what that one bad actor is doing.

I’m Avarie. I know full well what has gone on. I’ve seen disgusting things, but to my knowledge none of the antis I’m friends with have taken part in any such things, and don’t deserve the treatment some of them have been facing.

It would be nice if helf fans would denounce it and speak against it more, though I acknowledge I also should have spoken more against it back when I wanted high elves as well.

And some of the things being done for revenge are completely unacceptable.


Yes I know that’s Avarie, it still doesn’t take away that High Elf fans did face harassment and again you’re measuring the harassment (“actual harassment”). Being made fun of repeatedly is also a form of harassment, one might be more severe than the other but again my comment wasn’t aimed at measuring harassment levels, simply that they existed.

Yes I know, and no one is saying any of the current “antis” took part in those things, like I said they were lone individuals, most of it occurred before ‘anti helf discord’ even existed.

Again, you’re trying to place responsibility on a group of hundreds of individuals, all might not even be aware of what’s been going on. Like I used to be in the Helf discord but I haven’t been there in years, I think I left around the time Netharea(sp?) the Blizz CM was in there.

Such as, people posting ‘let’s take sanlayn for void elves’? According to Tarrok, stuff like that isn’t harassment.

And by ‘revenge’ I am assuming you’re talking about these recent weeks where the hair colors to VEs have been given. Because I’m not sure going back further than that I can find any stuff happening ‘for revenge’ as Drede is pointing out the Sanlayn stuff mainly.

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Actually a different case here, targetted at someone who has her own request not related to pro/anti factions that the person being talked about is twitter stalking among other things.

By revenge I am talking about people who have been dropping someone’s real name in the forums as well as stalking someone else on social media.


Fallynn droppped it n twiter 2 & ur side didnt care


Level 10 AND classic with 11 posts, this screams out someone totally not hiding on an alt to be a twerp


Can we have obtainable Metamorphosis skins or glyphs in the game. Can be done through a quest chain or talk to a demon hunter trainer.