Why the lack of Customization?

Not DRs as far as I can tell but San’layn they specifically want VEs to get a third visual subrace theme.

And I think

This poster said it best.


Red is a corruption color too. I support red eyes for blood elves for dark ranger fantasy, but red eyes make sense for void elves too.

I’m not sure but i think San’layn have pale blue eyes and not red. Red is a dark ranger thing. How exactly red eyes for a void corrupted race don’t make sense or would give them a third theme? There’s many examples of red eyed void corrupted creatures in wow. Not sure why people would be against this option for void elves.

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No ones disputing the old gods / void route for red eyes.

But that poster asked why the request is for DRs for VEs and we all know the poster making a San’layn for VE claim so that’s why I corrected him saying they’re after San’layn not DRs.

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Isn’t diluting something like this not strange? If you see a pale elf with red eyes how are you supposed to tell the difference between a Void Elf or a Dark Ranger and know that they are two very different things and empowered by two very different cosmic powers?

I just don’t understand the desire to dilute something as important as identity in this game.

I just think the N’zoth/old god style slit-pupil eyes would make an awesome void customization for void elves (though I really wish they’d get a darker purple eye in general too. My velf rogue uses the grayish-white original skin tone and the pinkish-lavender eye color they currently have and her hair is going black). The mock-ups of those that have been posted just look neat and creepy. It included an awesome red and there’d be no confusing that with dark ranger red eyes.

San’layn in game usually have black/blue eyes but if we’re talking giving blood elves unique customization options which aren’t shared with void elves (which they 100% absolutely deserve), the undead-style red eyes are a no-brainer (and frankly it boggles my mind why they haven’t already been given since it’s purely a matter of unticking them as npc only options) in my opinion. And they could be used by belf players for both dark ranger and San’layn RP purposes (though I’d hope they’d get red and that creepy black…maybe red with a black schlera).

  1. People trolling Blood Elves players as ‘revenge’ for people trolling those who requested High Elves.
  2. People trying to block darker themes on Blood Elves by trying to get them on Void Elves.
  3. People being greedy and wanting things that don’t fit their characters. (Talking the Dark Ranger/San’layn stuff on Void Elves)

What good does this do, honestly? If people want this cycle of “tit for tat” to end then one or both “sides” need to end it. If those people were trolled, you’d think they wouldn’t want to inflict the same thing that obvious hurt them on others just out of decency. Kill with kindness not fuel with cruelty or else this will never end.

Why? If they don’t like them don’t use them but don’t reject that these darker options are canonically part of lore and don’t deny people who want them.


Me too.

This! Purple with black sclera would be perfect! N’zoth eyes but purple instead of red/orange would be great too!

They are totally different. Old god red eyes should be a customization option for void elves and dark ranger red should be a customization option for blood elves. Both get red eyes but they look unique.


Honestly none. I do not understand why people would do that to this extent.

There is a small bunch of people that have an absolute aversion to Blood Elves getting anything dark or gritty and think San’layn/Dark Ranger/Felblood options would corrupt the entire race. (And I can show quotes on that but throwing names out is bad)

So they have started saying Red Eyes/San’layn for Void Elves thinking somehow that will keep Blood Elves from getting them.



Why if you perceive something as bad do so many go out of their way to do it to others in “revenge”?

Which is weird.

Red eyes could be done for both using two different routes.

Dark Rangers obviously for Blood Elves… (Or San’layn )

Various void beings show up with red, so red could be a void based option.

All that said I’m more of the opinion that Void Elves don’t need a Dark Ranger red style but could benefit from something slightly different or N’zoth based eye systems.


The key is, once again on the design used to portray both colors for each race (if I´m not mistaken the current purple version is slightly different between Belves and Velves?).

I summon Fen and ask him to post the art he posted wednesday on his thread… it is a collection of images exploring the “Starcursed” theme and it included a red eyed option that was absolutely different from the current Dark Ranger style. Stuff like that is good, no need to demand things that doen´t even belong to the RP experience they want to play with (indeed San´layn NPCs proper either have the DK ice blue eyes or blackish / green eyes).

N´zoth style eyes too seem a good choice to use to explore this concept (kindly reminder that the Old God in charge of sponsoring the Emerald Nightmare was N´zoth, so…)

That poster in particular is just baiting us… however his trolling has awakened the legitimate interest of Velf players that want to explore heavy void corruption themes.

Here, Drede has a very good tl;dr:

Some people more invested in following that poster´s trolling are literally proposing the Dark Ranger aesthetical style (heck, i don´t think even himself has reached so far, though I´m aware who has done so out 200% pettines and saltiness… and it isn´t a “Pro”).


I have been summoned!

(By Ace)

These the ones?

(For posterity the N’zoth eyes by Lance as well.)


Yup!!! Tyvm Fen.

As all you guys can see, the third model from the first picture IS a Velf using red eyes… a particular kind of red eyes.

Maybe that design rings any bell for any of you? maybe reminiscent or familiar to this guy here:


It´s a win-win for me: the red color for Voidf elves yes BUT additionally, a design that is NOT basically a gross ripoff from Dark Rangers.

Both races win cause both would get the colors AND it wouldn´t be another “copy pasted” asset.

Omg, Mr. Mouthy´s version are SO good (for the people not informed: that´s Yogg Saron, a.k.a. the upper left example from the picture. He used to have “thousand eyes” that weren´t actually eyes but mouths made of fangs… VERY scary).


No problem at all.

I agree. This would be infinitely effective.

I rather like it myself. They also gave me a Starcursed eye as well…


Put more central brightness on the place the pupil would be on the “starcursed” eye example and you literally have morpheus eyes, WoW version.


Yep. That’s why i suggested nightmare themed red eyes too. I don’t know if they are the same tone of red as dark rangers, but i doubt they are. If i’m not mistaken dark ranger eyes are a darker tone of red compared to Xavius, nightmare dryads, Satyrs, or N’zoth.

To be honest void elf players have been suggesting N’zoth eyes and other corrupted options for a long time, but since void elves got natural hair colors blood elf players seem to be more interested in dark rangers as a secondary theme. (Nothing wrong with that).

This is by far my favorite of all the red eyes suggestions for void elves. It’s a “cosmic” red that really fits them.


<—genuinely curious, ran to the dressing room to check this out. Actually blood elf eye color 11 and void elf eye color 7 is identical (the pale purple). Unless I’ve reached the age where I can’t tell tiny differences in shade and color (which is possible, sadly :frowning: Still…I wish we could get darker purples, and the N’zoth eyes in purple would be amazing.

h ttps://imgur.com/a/hN9ymf6


We realized that we had to ask for low hanging fruit to get anything remotely unique (I wasn´t keen in Dark Ranger stuff back in january cause it was… so basic, so “obvious”. I was under the belief that it was better to ask for the runic tattoos and the scars first. Joke was on me cause the devs regardless didn´t implement the stuff I wanted and limited themselves to put mediocre jewerly and call it a day).

The Dark Ranger eyes are basically blood red (like the anima in Revendreth). The N´zoth versions have a slight orangeish touch.

Very unique too to boot. I tried to play with a “phoenix concept” for Blood elf unique eyes but so far it must be a truly nightmarish thing to implement (basically I wanted eyes that changed color from the pupil to the border of the iris following either the Claw of the Phoenix color scale (ergo from bright pink to orange or even yellow) or any of the basic color scales seen in the base aspect of the Felo´melorn artifact (yellow to red, light blue to dark blue, light green to dark green, purple to dark violet). Basically an application of irl central heterochromia.

Well, i think someone mentioned that in the males, there´s a difference in the effect of the eyes (related to the pupil, i think. Not 100% sure).

Maybe it´s because of the hair colors and the makeup colors, but notice how in the image you posted the effect the eyes have on the toons is slightly different (somehow the Belf example looks more vibrant).


A great kind of Emerald Nightmare style for red could be a red version of their ghistly Void style they have now, deeper red on the outside and brighter towards the pupil, as seen here;

Whereas Blood Elves could have a deeper red, closer to the Blood anima animations. :hugs:


The traditional Dark Ranger red eyes basically follow on this premise, see:



These have waay more red and a smallish touch of white in the center for the pupil in comparison to the image you posted. To further differentiate, maybe put some darker red touches to deffine better the outer circle of the iris in the Belf case and voilá!!! unique eyes for both races, same color.