Why the lack of Customization?

All priority should go to building up the Void Elves. It might get more people to play Alliance again. The Void Elf customization thread has a lot of good ideas just add some of those ideas it’s already there to be made.

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Still waiting for my red eyes because we already look like vampires now on PTR.

These are the sort of people who think people looking at something, going “wow, this looks like this really popular thing we’ve been asking for” and then going “hey can we have one thing to make this 100% instead of 80%” is trolling.

Faction morale and imbalances 100% play into who gets what.
Pretty sure the faction that has 20% representation in actual content deserves some extra TLC right now.

Goth customization for goth theme elves.
Subraces exist.
Red eyes for void elves.
Ease of development matters.

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When are Blood Elves going to be addressed for a second visual theme to offset what was given to VEs that allows them two distinctly different visual themes?

Hopefully before VEs get worked on, and while I am biased to the ease of adding Dark Ranger stuff using Velonara as citation I think any of the suggested possibilities would work like playing up the Light or Fel Blood Elves.


Another “Gimme gimme gimme” post from Lann.

Like seriously, while I would like to see more for Blood Elves too, I would not go ahead with “Blood Elves should receive more before Void Elves receive anything else”.

Oh yeah, void elves actually have less customization options than blood elves.

A few eye colours (red), a small amount of new gothic hairstyles - tendies toggleable! - and some better jewellery options would put us up to par.
I’ll take some all grey and jet black skin colours too.

So just to check.

You want red eyes for velfs, sure.

How do you feel about it for belfs?

I disagree that blizzard considers this.

I don’t understand what elves you are referring to?

Goth isn’t the theme of any playable elf group.

I mean Dark Rangers are just as easy for Belf as Velf… It’s the same model… It’s literally a switch. Only issue is there isn’t lore for velf dark rangers but there is for Belf ones.

So if ease of development matters then both should end up with red eyes.


Hopefully all you get is jewelry options, the more the better.



It’s a wonderful morning to point out how easy and simple this would be as a recolour of assets we already have. The vampiric white being turned into a white/red with the tentacle toggle just :weary:


The goalposts on Alliance side have been moved so many times in this regard, originally it was if they got Blood Elves that side, then High Elf skintones, then our hair colors and now it’s this, it’s like did anyone ever think people don’t want to play Alliance outside of who already does.

Another question. What is this for a group you’re part of? Content creators of wow, journalist? I tried to post a reference picture for the Netflix Castlevania show because I think this is why I have seen a rise on red eyes requests for the Void Elves.


I’m pretty sure B-License-145 is access or had access to beta or something.

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I see. It seems like these players can post pictures freely without any restrictions.

Yeah, I know. I’m not worried though, as long as I have the privilege to post and hang out on the forums with the community, that is all that matters for me.

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I’m not sure the posts have been moved. Alliance always complains about the imbalance in end game. Though some seem to think that we’re few in number in other areas and I just haven’t seen that myself.

Though maybe my servers are healthier than some.

Oh you meant their request for what would “fix” it.

Yeah that shifts from time to time but this particular one seems to be more Vapyr’s thing than anyone else’s.

Some others want red eyes for velfs but mostly they’re not trying to restrict it to Alliance only.

If vapyr would drop the angry act and talk rather than scream and complain, I think they wouldn’t get so much pushback.


You can get a grasp of the situation by checking the queue times on both sides during peak times.

A question Fenelon. You’re a true RPer, yes? I have been checking a few of the American RP-server subforums and it appears to me that your communities are extremely small compared to what EU has to offer. Do your people face the same issues as the European ones where the roleplaying community fights back against the incoming regular players on their servers?

Many EU-players flee to the RP-servers due the faction imbalances and it has caused several issues in the past.

Exactly, it’s kind of odd how much it changes from this will fix it to that will fix it to this will and none of it does because it’s not actual incentive to play that side and it never will be.

Yes, there is also that issue on the RP servers. But honestly, it isn’t a rule that you have to RP on an RP server.

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Then don’t play a side you don’t want to play. Gosh, nobody is forcing you to play as Alliance, Naughtymoon.

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Pretty sure I never said they were Sara but feel free to show me where I said they are, I’ll wait.

Seems to me to be the same old queue times as in the past (plus the issues with end of patch decline).

I’m not saying there is no imbalance, especially in end game, but I think it’s a lot less than most claim.

Then again I’m attached to two communities of players so I also always have friends to call upon for what I need.

On both sides.

I’m much more new to it than not.

I used to rp a lot back in the day.

But things have changed, I don’t consider myself a “true rper”.

I’ve heard the same but cannot speak to this accurately.

I think they do but cannot claim to be knowledgeable for rp servers.

I think that’s more because it’s a complex issue. A “fix” for it is not going to be simple or one thing and everyone disagrees about what would do anything at all.

The imbalance didn’t happen overnight and a fix can’t either. (in fact because of min/maxing I’d bet any fix would just flip it)