Why the lack of Customization?

Infringing on the visual uniqueness of Horde races (the themes and aesthetics belonging to horde elves) is a contentious subject that you’re not entitled to support for.

NE stuff that is about NE stuff like implementing younger faces or more tattoos or stuff that isn’t infringing on Nightborne why would anyone oppose that? NEs getting additional themes that aren’t pre existing Horde races I’m all for too.

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This though… Like really.

We all need to stop fighting over what folk want to generally see… Give opinions sure, but no one should be shunted off the stage.


Something I never argued otherwise. At all. I’ve repeated over and over I’m not against high elves. Which lands me in a ‘well you’re a terrible person for not being against high elves’ in the eyes of some posters here too.

Okay. I don’t see how that’s relevant, as I never went against any of their suggestions. And… high elf players got what they wanted. So there’s no reason or excuse for this behavior. At all. They could be putting effort into asking for void customization as opposed to San’layn. They could be putting effort into asking for actual high elf lore, which no one apparently cares about anyhow because I see it rarely brought up.

So in that case, shouldn’t you folks not be replicating this exact behavior on those who literally never argued against you in the first place…? It’s very hypocritical. I don’t see why this is being brought up. It’s like you’re arguing “We’ve gone through so much and keep going through so much, so now you should need to deal with it”. I know it’s not what you’re trying to say, but in a way, it’s almost how you’re coming off.

You can try. I’m tired of dealing with the drama and arguments. I’m tired of it being dragged to twitter where people play victim and pretend like they’re innocent when in reality they’ve been proven to be arguing for petty reasons this entire time.

I have them on ignore here, and those that constantly try to bait me as well. All in all, I’m going to continue to argue for San’layn on the Horde. In my eyes, they don’t make sense on the Alliance. It comes across as people asking for a Horde request now that they’ve gotten their high elves.

If it had been ‘can we both get them? Both void elves & blood elves?’ or ‘neutral allied race’, sure. But that’s not the angle, and it continues not to be. I’ve explained my stance. They’ve made theirs entirely clear.

I don’t think you’re coming off as rude or crass, but I just want you to understand I am very unamused in general that I’m being painted as some evil person for stating my point of view here, explaining why the ‘let’s take a horde race!’ is so petty, and being concerned about the call for dogpiling or harassment outside of the forums given, like I said, I’ve dealt with the same thing from another poster (who, by the way, I thought was a friend and supported for a LONG time while they went behind my back) who tried to spread rumors and lies about me.

I mean, I got called ‘childish’ for having someone on ignore for being toxic on the regular here on the forums. I don’t know why that behavior is excused, but here we are.


If one person values visual uniqueness and after seeing VEs receive two passes and blood elves losing visual uniqueness. They would probably not want a repeat scenario.

The issue isn’t pushing out people who want options, people who want the visual uniqueness of the Horde races in question don’t view others request to retain visual uniqueness as valid and seem to base all opinions on their arguments as personal, that’s no ones problem but their own. Lord knows we all see their posts asking to infringe on Horde races, the opposite is also true people ask to not have visuals infringed on.

If someone is against NEs getting more stuff period that’s completely different but let’s not act like the two are the same one is rather clearly about protecting the visual uniqueness of Nightborne and how NEs shouldn’t infringe on those themes, and it’s being falsely presented as somehow not supporting NEs getting fixes or more options.

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Lol, maybe we should start asking for everything from that side to be copy/paste to this side, Void Elf customization options for Blood Elves, Night Elf customization options for Nightborne, etc. all in the name of RPing and customization options.

Also don’t take this seriously like seriously because I prefer new customizations over copy/paste but it’s the idea. :yum: :yum: :yum:

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The weird thing is I don’t think they care, for all their claims of being alliance fans they don’t care if we get their visuals, it’s always been weird for all the claims of being alliance fans they don’t seem to value their own races and what they bring to the table and fixate on races or themes the horde has.

Some elves living in a cave in filth like animals returning to NE society and integrating into current NE society will never be the same as Nightborne literally being Highborne and preserving Highborne society and culture.

Also to be clear all for NEs to get more stuff and younger faces etc but Highborne options that are a Horde races visual theme that Nightborne fulfill, that is the issue not support for NE stuff

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Hands down. If the approach had been innocent from the beginning rather than “let’s take a Horde request” then proceeding to reply to my posts on the regular with “Alliance San’layn”, perhaps I would be more understanding, but true colors have been shown and I am tired of people making excuses for it while building me up as some sort of evil intolerant person for ‘keeping things from the Alliance’ when I honestly don’t care if they get high elf stuff in the first place. And now they actually have.

Once again, very interesting how this all comes up as soon as people are granted high elves, and people would like something unique on Horde side while the Alliance have their void elves.


I know and that’s why I tried to make my post more funny than serious because like I always say that side always seems to want our stuff and we only want something here and there from that side like a hair color, a hairstyle, etc. and it’s like in why do we always want so little and they want like everything, lol.

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Yeah I didn’t assume you were against the high elf thing, but just putting a note that the people who often find themselves in constant interaction with you seeeeem to be, and were very… active in those threads.

From what I understand, a lot of the responses could be retaliation for direct involvement or being “an accomplice” so to speak. I don’t personally think I’ve ever been a person to do anything like that, so if I have, I apologize. I’ve never meant to be that way. But no, I don’t think that ANYONE should have to deal with it. But retaliation comes from every side right now.

Rumormills are generally gross. As are responses with claims that everyone that’s supportive of a specific customization option being labeled in a blanket statement as terrible people altogether. Like the “helf crowd” as a whole is some massive figure of ill repute. But yeah, I’m not directly pointing my finger at you. It’s been a lot of implying theft and stealing or being racists or phobic or… wow there are really a lot of comments that I’ve read with a lot of claims.

Really though, the whole thing about stealing things from either side’s population when we have so many of the same copies of each race is old old now. We’ve got 2 kinds of orcs, 2 tauren, 2 pandaren, 2 humans, vulpera/goblins, 2 trolls, 2 gnomes, a blood elf/void elf, night elves/nightborne… the list goes on.

I don’t really know what to do from here, but I do hope that it stops. From both sides. There are a lot of customization options to come, and I’m 99% certain that every race will be touched on more as Blizz keeps churning things out. Even if it’s not exactly how we want it. I’m guilty of being worked up over it. The state of things right now in WoW isn’t great. But hoping for the best, here.

I’m gonna go pass out.


The idea anyone getting along with either side is now an enemy of the other side? Is so weird.

As someone who values visual uniqueness, no one is a bad person because they didn’t support HE options whether it’s someone who from day 1 hasn’t or someone like me who came to that conclusion after non void skin tones were shared.

The idea that people would target another user because they get along with people who have that view on visual uniqueness just speaks volumes.

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Ha. Very funny. Hilarious even, coming from you. God, does it ever stop?


I’ve made it very, very clear to them that the moment void elves were added, faction identity went out of the window. Though void elves now can be void and high elves, and blood elves have a singular theme, so yes, I can get and share the frustration at lack of any distinction while the faction barrier remains.

Well, in the end, I’m going to say something that many of the people I do engage with disagree heavily with and very much stand by. It’s a strong opinion that might as well make me a ‘helfer’.

I don’t believe in the faction barrier and hope it gets shattered, or that we get neutral guilds. It’s an opinion I’ve strongly stood by. I have it while many here respectfully disagree with me. In fact, some of them are on the polar opposite end of my belief in that case. Many of my friends. But I’m not going to hide my opinion and in fact will shout it on the regular.

The thing here is, though, I’m able to disagree with them in a respectable manner. I don’t try to get involved in the arguments one way or another. I tried to avoid high elf stuff at all costs, simply because they do not interest me personally. No offense to those who love them, but I just don’t have interest. Like how I’m not interested in orcs, or gnomes, or draenei (aside from Eradar), or a long list of races that goes on and on and on.

The arguments I get involved in are for the race I want to see playable on the faction I’m interested in, because to put it bluntly, I don’t like the Alliance at all. I barely like the Horde given BfA and its MASSIVE failure, but I liked the old ‘outcasts working together’ theme it had going when it was a faction that had a decent story. Of course, all of that went down the drain utterly and completely once BfA happened.

Given that I have to deal with faction nonsense though, yes, I play Horde, and feel the themes in the Horde support San’layn far more than the Alliance (I don’t feel like typing out why I really dislike the Alliance either though. and no, it’s not because I want to play ‘evil’ characters, I like antiheroes, I hate evil stuff.)

All in all, I’m going to continue pushing what I would like to see. I’m going to keep people I wish to not engage with on ignore (which I have a right to do regardless of how other posters want to paint it). I’m going to keep sharing ideas and stories in my thread.

In the end? I’m likely gone for a long time, if not forever, in a month. So I suppose it’ll be a win for those who have shown they clearly don’t like me anyhow.


I get that.

I do agree with this. Everyone seems to take everything anyone says in opposition as hostile.

And I do think blizzard will need to consider this in the future as they add things to races especially ones with cross over, like Pandaren, Blood/void elves, night elves/nightborne.

We need to be able to keep some distinction and flavor for each race while still being able to grant requests folk might be interested in.

There are some things that shared wont make an effect. Scars and such. But other things? Its nice to have the distinction.

Which is why when I ask for Shen’dralar stuff I don’t want things that the Nightborne have. I want things the Night Elves have with a tweak to represent the Shen’dralar.

Use the assets of the Night Elves and thus make something that is clearly night elven rather than Nightborne but still fits the request.

If this is particularly in relation to my post, I meant the shoving off the stage far more broadly than just Night elves and Nightborne things. More of a everyone should be able to share their opinion without being dogpiled or rushed but not in reference to any particular group.

If more to Velys posts, I think they more mean as a whole that it can sometimes feel like folk are being told to shut up more than not.

And it happens on both sides, at least in my experience.

I’m not entirely against that myself… Like there a few things that don’t make sense like tentacles… but like we have the toggle now so…

Skin tone would be hard to explain even as rp…

But turnabout is fair play?

Not my preferred.

I do as well. I think all races can be wonderfully expanded with their own customizations unique to the race and lore of that race/subrace/culture.

While I disagree about them living in literal filth, though they did definitely live in squalor…

I do want to agree that we should NOT get a copy paste. They are not the same people or group (at least not after ten thousand years) and you are entirely right that they did integrate into Night Elven culture.

That is exactly why my interests for the Shen’dralar lie with more of the Night elf style jewelry with just some more purple arcaney gems in it, a tattoos designed off the current night elf stuff thats just a little more arcaney in nature (angular looking rather than the swoosh for nature look.) and maybe two eye colors… though ones just an excuse to get Malfurions eye color if the Nature aspect isn’t enough.

Annnd this is what I’m also going to do.


My judgement of people has nothing to do if they support HE options lol

That’s honestly fair. Do what protects your mental health. Especially regarding something you love.


Lol, I really want to go to bed so I’m going to after this reply but it’s a really easy spin for this or tentacle hair being shared with Blood Elves as RP customization options just add an easy line of lore or have a dev say that not all Blood Elves that became Void Elves left the Ghostlands and joined the Alliance and bam just like that you have a portal to shared options but as I already said a few minutes ago I wasn’t serious like serious anyhow so.


One of the ideas I always saw from people who wanted the light to be BEs second visual theme (which on principle my issue is a second visual theme so I have no issue with it as a concept) was just making them light tentacles


Yes but those elves have been humbled and integrated into NE culture.

If you’re integrating into NE culture you’re going to try to embody the Highborne caste they have not re established and do not embody?

The jewelry that’s already in place I think should be turned on for guys, and if more jewelry is added kept in theme of NEs, so not the arcane look that arguably Nightborne embody of the Highborne and their arcane theme

Also as a BE fan who has seen whats happened to Blood Elves who no longer are able to retain their own visual uniqueness as people clamor for VEs to get a third pass when BEs first pass lost them visual uniqueness in a weird turn of events, it’s not in good taste for Blizzard to do that to another Horde race.


I think they already moved away from the AR-concept. The next logical step is to have a race model split in heritages.

Still better than “you are not allowed to post here with us because you play race x”.


More a, they’re holding on to a tiny bit of their past and it comes out in a few minor things. Jewelry designed with a mana gem for instance. A tattoo (made by a night elf tattooist) with mage symbols. Nothing super out there or gaudy.

The eyes thing is just an annoying lore plot hole for me.

They effectively subsisted on a demon for ten thousand years…

That necklace is night elf themed. Purple gems and silver metal are just night elf colors.

Though I agree jewelry should be for male and female.

I can’t speak for others wants for Shen’dralar but I feel like what I’m asking for isn’t going to even phase the Nightborne’s far greater grasp and use of magic in their very being.

Maybe so, but I’m still gonna request em.

Also I really am going to bed now. Dog wanted to pee so I grabbed my phone. Lol