Why the lack of Customization?

Tonight is a golden example of why I have people on ignore and don’t reply! It’s actually a textbook example :slight_smile: It’s actually so beautifully ironic, it could be turned into a book! But I find it more amusing than anything! As Ariel says:

And what an honor this is, at this point ^^ I earned it without even being against high elves too. This is worthy of a ceremony.

Everyone on ignore to me right now:

"What was that? I can’t hear you :bat: "


I’ll never understand why or how people have such a big issue with you…

You almost always point out its just your opinion on the thing. You are generally just responding to people who have already come at you for your beliefs. And you have no issue talking normally to others who don’t have your beliefs when they’re not being jerks bout it.

I’ve never had an issue with you on any topic and only seen you get into fights when someone else started one… and even then you’ve basically told em you just don’t agree in the end and left it at that.


This is what comes to mind:

To be quite honest… I have no idea.

I’m minding my own business. Post stuff. Someone replies trying to bait. I respond. Get dragged into an argument. Painted into a bad guy. Who knows. I’m tired of repeating myself and these endless arguments, hence me using ignore.


I love the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills the gif reference you posted I mean

Oh my gosh, I remember when my Facebook feed used to be filled with GIF’s and meme’s of that. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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A massssssive chunk of this thread is two polar opposites trying to get things (very similar things, or very same things, or telling each other they shouldn’t get things…etc). I know it’s bumping the thread and showing blizzard how much people REALLY WANT what they want, but whoa.

Both sides don’t need to prove to each other why they deserve x, y, or z every breath they take.


The origin of the gif was actually quite sad :frowning: Or the meme, rather. But the lady yelling in it has been a good sport about it and reportedly does not mind. She runs a program/charity supporting domestic abuse survivors (not sure how accurate I am on this, but I think it is something along those lines).

This would be nice if people didn’t respond to my posts constantly, quoting me, with the exact opposite of what I’m saying just to bait.


I agree with this.

We all have varying opinions on these things and can express them without having to get into fights.

We’re all tired. lol


I was going to add that but wasn’t sure if I should

But yeah I don’t think Taylor (the person in the gif) regretted her time on the show / has always stood by that and has used it as a learning / awareness points

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Yes, and I would prefer people stop quote-responding or replying to when I speak up about what I’d like to see, every time, with the exact opposite, as opposed to just replying on their own. It has to be out of the way quoting something I say, and it has to always be starting something. I’m tired of it, hence me using ignore and apparently getting yelled at for that now too. I mean, people are even trying to bait through ignore now. It’s getting ridiculous.


Too many people think ignore is a bad thing.

Its just there to give us the option not to see something we don’t want to have to deal with for a multitude of reasons.

Maybe they are toxic, maybe you just don’t want to deal with em, maybe they only make fart jokes every time.

Whatever the reason its just to help keep peace and peace of mind. Its not some brand or mark of someone being evil.

Everyone should ignore more often I think. lol


Honestly this is really weird but not exactly shocking given who’s doing it so just try to ignore the negative people and instead focus on the positive people.

San’layn and Dark Rangers for Horde as either customization’s for Blood Elves or as Allied Races. :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


As customization it would give Blood Elves a second visual theme to offset the loss of visual uniqueness for Void Elves second visual theme

I have to favor that route combined with my shakey belief blizzard has done any race good in the customization pass of which only one (void elves) have benefitted both times.

They’ve had how long for this .5 patch? And only some ARs got updated? And at that there’s issues with NBs work that has been posted about let me edit that in below here I have to find the post

here we go ellinia included a link to the feedback post they made

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I know tensions always run high. People have friends they want to support and ideas they want to rally behind. You have a massive following for San’layn, so clearly there’s support there. There’s a lot of opinions on either side with very prominent feelings about your own wants.

Totally, 100% valid.

Where it becomes “can this stop” to the other side is where it just feels like friends are running circles around and piling on top. And on, and on, and on. If that makes sense? It probably doesn’t. (I’m exhausted.) But there have been a lot of claims going around that I’ve read through all these threads through the months.

As a general statement, people don’t need to pick each other apart for simple desires.

Is it remotely possible to request a truce from both sides? Like a legitimate truce for how to interact going forward? Because clearly things don’t really work all that well as they are now. It’s super apparent that there’s a general dislike and misunderstandings abound. I don’t think that everyone who has differing opinions replying to you is going to be bait though.

It doesn’t always need to be “oh well look who’s pitching a fit now let’s trash talk them right to their faces and be sassy about it but pretend we’re playing nice” and being passive aggressive from either side… constantly.

Customization options span the entirety of the game and all its players. Not just rpers. Not just people who want one thing. People disliking things is absolutely valid, but man this goes crazy a LOT. And this isn’t directed at you. Just rambling as I type as a blanket statement.

I know and that is why I put them as Blood Elf specific customizations first and as Allied Races second. :blush: :blush: :blush:

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Yep, the pro’s are toxic. Thanks Fen.

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I wasn’t referring to any pros.

It was an example reason for people to set someone to ignore.

Most pros are perfectly good folk. At least the ones I’ve met for the most part are. They get a little hot under the collar here and there but thats no different than anyone else.


The claims are true. Honestly. I am tired of the toxicity leaking into discord, and onto twitter, and attempting to get people to dogpile. I see it from the community on there, it is entirely public. After what certain people on the forums here did to me and continue to simply for supporting Vulpera, I’m putting my foot down. I could toss all of my claims as proof here in this thread. But that would be against ToS. When that side stops literally trying to get people to dogpile on those who want San’layn for the Horde, and stops playing victim, then I will stop being angry and annoyed.

No, they don’t. However, this party literally came at me and several others with “The only compromise is to give the Alliance a Horde request”. They’ve said it in the forums, and out of it, too. I’m unsure why people continue to try and justify that’s in good faith. It’s an entirely petty argument, and as I’ve said a number of times, if it was “I’d like San’layn for void elves because it’s something I would love to be able to play on my side”, perfectly valid. But, straight out the gate, it was “Now give us something the horde has requested.”

You can try to deny this, but it’s been repeated numerous times by these people.

When they reply to my posts on a regular basis with “San’layn for the Alliance”, after saying “give us a horde request”, yes, I’m going to see that as trying to bait.

The problem is, everything I say is entirely true. People paint it out like I’m ‘attacking a different opinion’. I’ve explained over. and over. and over. and over again. Why that isn’t the case. And why people are allowed to have different opinions. My issue is that it’s being argued and pushed for incredibly petty reasons. And when I point it out, it’s painted as something it isn’t.

So you tell me. Can there be compromise? The way things are going, no. I want to see San’layn on the Horde. I’m confident they will be added someday now that they are listening to the requests. Yes, I do have a big following. After working for this for three years, putting my ideas forward, sharing art, sharing lore ideas, sharing implementation ideas, sharing stories on how this can move forward? It’s justified that my following is big, because I’ve actually put a ton of work into it.

So to see someone suggest that all of the ideas the community we’ve built should be given to the Alliance for petty reasons, yes, will make me annoyed, and yes, I’m going to speak up about it.

The only thing I will agree upon is that a neutral San’layn Allied Race would be fine, and wouldn’t be a bad idea. Or, that San’layn going to BOTH void and blood elves would be fine UNDER THE CONDITION THAT Blood Elves would get another theme as well, because they can’t be void elves and shouldn’t get void customization. If, at that point, people are begging for light stuff? Whatever. I couldn’t be less interested and in fact hate the idea. I prefer felbloods or phoenix themed customization for blood elves.

But as for San’layn & Dark Rangers? I firmly stand by saying they fit in the Horde, I don’t feel like reposting why (in fact, I’ll direct people to the San’layn thread I have going, click on the FAQ, and read the reasoning), and I would settle for neutral (which would be up to blizzard). Thus far though? Alls I’ve been seeing from the ‘San’layn for Alliance!’ side are petty ‘let’s take an idea from the Horde’ reasons. Posted both here and off on other media.


So, let me drop by a thread tonight…

But to be fair, this is much better than the one SF thread I’ve been watching that’s spiraled into peak internet arguing


I mean I can’t speak for everyone you interact with. And you don’t have to defend your choices to me. I’m still never going to be dismissive of those things.

But I want to echo that people who love high elves and night elves deserve their place in this game just as much, to those friends surrounding you who’ve absolutely come after every single thing any Alliance poster has made about elves… probably ever. Like as a person involved in these threads in the past it always feels like we’re being told to shut up and never want anything, and that we’re always in the wrong for being hopeful for positive changes. “No one plays alliance. No one cares. Your opinion is unimportant and we’re going to remind you every few posts as to why.” That sounds like a similar feeling of attempts at being silenced, which isn’t okay to begin with.

You’ve done a ton of work, and that’s awesome. Everyone deserves to feel proud of what they’ve worked on and things they’ve strived for that are reasonable. Ultimately Blizzard gets to make the choices at the end of the day. But remember that isn’t not just on one side. I get that it’s massively annoying to be dogpiled on by naysayers. We dealt with that nonstop for so long, and still are. Now instead of “high elves” or void elves, it’s night elves and nightborne and blahblah… it just never ends.

Our characters and the world we’ve played in for years and years is important to all of us. Everyone deserves their place here. So yes, absolutely be frustrated when someone comes at you with an unreasonable response. I can’t do anything about how anyone interacts online, but I can try to mediate. Will it work? Hell, probably not. Can I try? Sort of? idk.

I sincerely hope this doesn’t come off as crass or rude. It’s not intended to be whatsoever.