Why the lack of Customization?

It’s not even something I’d lie about which makes it so much weirder that you turned it into this weird thing when you did add the word and then followed it up with

And now you claim


Fair enough, I can accept that and I’ll say that perhaps we just see them differently based off of our way of thinking being different or whatever either way I’ll leave it at that because I argue enough on my own that I don’t want to be part of this one outside of just reading it.


Never sure how serious you are about this.

That’s what I’d go for too…

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what is up with all the projecting? we all post in the same threads

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All good, I should’ve just ignored in the first place as well, instead of turning it into a tangent.


Lol, we should all do that more often than we do but we don’t even I’m guilty of that but I’m trying to get better so I understand completely in that regard. :yum: :yum: :yum:


People are going to believe what they want to believe but you saw it too, then he followed it up with trying to project this narrative immediately he followed up with

And if you look at my original post

And if you know my stance I’d have said the same thing regardless, as in my original post would be the same even if he had the word Alliance there as in idc I’d have still had that to say? So it was this weird “you missed context there” exchange that followed which is literally bizarre

Well it’s not super outlandish, one thing that WoW doesn’t do is reflect informants from the opposing side. Kind of like how in Rise of the Horde, there is a human informant that tells Thrall that the Draenei have landed onto Azeroth.

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Hmm… I like that. A system like renown for your specific race.

I could get behind that.

Sure though that’s a hard sell for a full race slot I think.

Though as far as Mags goblins there are plenty of trade prince’s. Lol

Oh I agree. At that point the faction wall should just be torn down so we can expand playable races instead of Alliance and Horde playing hot potato.


I’m obligated to burst through the wall and yell in agreement.

Also, and I didn’t notice this until after I posted… points to my guild name





The factions even now are starting to make less sense as to what they were 15 years ago. And in a supposed “faction vs faction” game, the only faction vs faction conflict happening is here on the forums.


Nah, just between VEs and BEs :crazy_face:



(No, I don’t really have this mentality.)

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If it’s red, it’s dead.


Look all I’m saying is that if the factions are forever here to stay, I would love to play my favorite race on both factions.


I’m iffy on mine given lore. But I’d be fine as long as it was on both. Not just the Alliance like some push. (San’layn I mean).

I doubt they’ll add more neutral races without destroying the faction barrier even though they should. That’s another thing.

Having a race need to fit a faction in order to be playable is so annoying.

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I’d rather see Eredar added for Dranei, though a part of me on principle wouldn’t object to Eredar for Horde simply being upset about the loss of visual uniqueness of a Horde race for Alliance.

But I still would rather support you getting those on Dranei, I think there’s value in the differences on the factions.

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But Fallynn, they’re RED therefore perfect for the Horde. Color coordination is important.

Well truthfully, they’re just not likely to happen, which is why Blizzard should stop being cowards and give the Draenei their abs D:<