Why the lack of Customization?

It’s not a big deal Muir your original post didn’t have the word Alliance, I’ll be sure to quote you right away next time since its been this weird thing, the only odd part was that you tried to play it off like context was missed as if that was some weird gotcha.

People can see edits done in real time just like they can see when a post gets a like.

I forgive you I hope you can be constructive in the future with our conversations :hugs: I know I will

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I just can’t understand how you can think it’s bad for some people to feel how they do but okay for others then make it so personal that you made the comment that you did but since you did and I asked about it and then you replied with this I can see it is personal and you said it directed to be a jab at Lann like he’s worse than others and he’s not and I’ll leave it at that because as I said in my original reply to you we usually get along now so I don’t want to ruin that.

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He’s calling me a liar, I do take that personal.


Don’t let it get to you. I don’t think Lann is the sort of person to lie, but from my own experiences the noting of a post being edited is instant, so in this case, I think he’s mistaken.


Where is the exact word liar at because I didn’t see that since I joined this thread again when I wrote my original reply to you.

No I am not mistaken edits are not always instant. And it really doesn’t matter it was just really weird for the reply of “you missed the context” I saw the word added after the fact.

Edit 2 at 1 min past (maybe it’ll apply an edit mark?)
Edit 3 at still 1 min but maybe it’ll apply now?

Really naughty? He doesn’t need to say the word, he keeps saying ‘it’s ok that you edited it’ despite me literally saying I did not and there is no edit icon. It doesn’t need to be explicitly stated because it’s already being implied.


i saw it edited too after you posted

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He keeps saying I am doing something I did not do, and then talking about projection of pettiness.

When he literally replied to a stand-alone reply I made about being excited for Alliance High Elves in the upcoming patch.

How does that check out?


THANK YOU it was immediately after I posted and then played off like “you missed that” it was just such a weird thing to make a thing of

It doesn’t.

That said, these forums drive people insane. We’re in an online forum arguing about whether or not someone edited a post. Does it matter in the long run? No. It’s just this really bizarre tribalism between red and blue players that has gotten out of hand.


yea im just playing sims on one monitor and i had this tab open on my other monitor so i saw it happen too. not sure what the big deal is in just admitting it

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I’ll agree. What weird stuff to be greeted to after being away for days (a week?) Like I literally haven’t been around and a stand-alone post I say is getting gas lit? :roll_eyes:


Hence why I didn’t even think it was a big deal to say he edited it in I thought he was being sarcastic and then he doubled down on this “Wow you’re taking this so seriously get help” it was just an odd exchange.

I really don’t understand the need for this oneupsmanship. Do people think the Devs will read this thread and go, “Oh wow, that guy totally got made to look like a fool, let’s ignore his feedback?”


I think some people unironically do think that. It’s why I’ve always argued using the developers words and statements and not the ‘gotchas’ between posters. Only what the players wish for and what the devs allow is what matters in the end.


Look I wrote my first post because of it being a jab at Lann and then I asked about your stance due to the context, do I agree with how you replied not really but I’m not trying to fight with you like fight with you, I’m trying to get why you are feeling how you are feeling and making actual jabs, you should know since we became friendly I’m not that type of person so chill a bit especially towards me.

Its a sad state of affairs, and it makes trying to have a legitimate discussion pretty difficult.


I’m not aggro with you, but if you read his posts they continually keep implying I’m lying. That’s an odd thing to do.


Yes, look at this weird tangent of posts now just because I posted my excitement.