Why the lack of Customization?

Well Autais reasoning + ideas are sound. But I dislike the portrayal of an attempt to steal BE heritage armor, but that seems to be the artist so thats that on that.


So rare an Alliance player will see them every single time they use the portal chamber.

The lore says one thing, the game does the complete opposite, and extrapolating from Ion’s comments on Lore, something he is thoroughly proven to be ignorant of, doesn’t change what’s in game, my friend.


First of all what an odd way to start insults.

Actually this is kind of your MO so idk why you’re projecting that, but you yeah the edit mark doesn’t show actually up to 5 mins sometimes.

Also why I found it so weird to not tell the truth about it just seems like such an odd argument to pick.

This. Especially Mages using magic is supposed to make them super super tired according to the lore but in-game it’s used so willy nilly like.


Agreed. I don’t care for the Void Elf heritage armor myself (it looks like it was ripped off of the corpse of a Dreadlord), but I don’t want it to look exactly like the Blood Elf stuff either. There was one picture in the Void Elf customization thread I liked, lemme go find it…


Dude are you ok? You’re the one that replied to a post I made and making up that I said something I didn’t.

Please ask for help if you do need it. Not going to reply to you anymore.



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The infamous portal keeper, there’s your one.

Right you just use the art directors words for lore lol. What a weird standard that is.

One portal keeper still isn’t an army.

They at least seem to have an idea of it given their reasons for providing High Elf options to both factions.

Hopefully they’ll see the value heritage sets and recolors could bring and continue to add them once they finally finish the rest.

Really they should put stuff like that out often and give us more quests to introduce players to more lore through it.

Also… Heritage weapons.

OK but really can we all just imagine how nice those racials would probably be for caster classes?

Also Horde, Alliance or neutral?

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Its not a big deal that you didn’t have the word Alliance beforehand, I personally don’t care because it doesn’t make a difference Alliance HEs are few and far between, but you responded to me telling me I missed context that I saw added to your post immediately after I replied, ergo you corrected the post which is fine.


but i would also enjoy posting on an si:7 goblin

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They’re commenting on art assets and how that extends to player agency, player agency isn’t more than what it is for your character.

I feel very sorry for some people. Almost seems like their entire life hinges on customization options in a video game.


Yeah, I mean I like the covenant armor stuff, but I don’t really like how they don’t do this kind of stuff for the playable races. While folks have mixed feelings on the renown, I personally feel like this would be a cool thing for folks to work on for their specific race.

Nice casual content that increases racial immersion and storytelling + race specific cosmetics or customizations.

It’s one of the things that I feel could survive outside SLs as a feature if they refined it and listened to folks feedback on it.


Sorry but didn’t you like last week link an mmo c thread trying to redrudge up things from years ago?

Seems like projecting again.


Normally we get along these days but since you said this I’m legit curious did you say this/think this when Alliance players were asking for High Elves for like 14 years and then after getting Void Elves for High Elf customizations for like 3 years?


oh, linking to posts from other forums is against CoC

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Thats interesting omg good to know

I said what I said because it seems extremely petty for people without proof to say some did or didn’t do something they did not. Then continue to badger em about it.

Nothing to do with how long a request has been going, and I highly doubt anyone present today has asked for 14 years straight, nor for 3 years straight post Void Elves.