Well that poster and me disagreed from the get go after I had found out what they had did to you so yeah, it’s really for the better in my opinion. I just wish others would do that if they have such a dislike for me rather than feeling the need to reply to me.
You know what I’ve always really valued reading your posts is how kind you are even when disagreeing with others so its just crazy to see them be so aggressive towards you, I feel like there’s been like 10 things we’ve disagreed on but you’re still one of my fav posters and I love seeing your stances on these topics
Especially since I always see you defend the factions and thats one of my stances too
Night elf players have been asking for highborne customizations before nightborne even exist in the game. Shen’dralar are part of the alliance since Cata, is a shame that night elves don’t have highborne options already. Is so funny, because nightborne are a new race made of a night elf subrace, their mere existence infringes night elf aesthetic.
Awww you are a sweetheart to say that and I appreciate it, as much as I appreciate you and the feeling is totally mutual my dear and yes that’s even when sometimes disagree on stuff.
I just want to drop in here and say that these are break the glass emergency changes. The Void Elves did not receive any official update yet, so there is plenty of time for everyone to make Void Elf design suggestions.
I’ve never seen you say this about Void Elves? Or was that because you were advocating for the loss of any sense of visual uniqueness Blood Elves had.
Well at least Night Elves retain their own visual theme, NB don’t have any of the nature customization options etc, and vice versa NB retain their visual theme.
Do you have proof to support this claim?
How do you figure getting new customizations again and again doesn’t count as being updated?
I always agreed that void elves were too similar to blood elves. That’s why i always wanted a new model for them.
i mean thats subjective obviously but its possible. according to you guys subs are gonna see a surge and people are gonna buy tons of faction/race changes to play something theyve had access to for 15 years now right?
You did? I haven’t seen it
And it’s not coincidental that these options weren’t made available to Night Elves after all these years. Character customization informs the identity of the race they represent and the Night Elves don’t represent the Highborne.
I swear, this discussion is like playing an endless game of whack-a-mole.
- The Night Elves dismantled the pre-sundering caste system.
- The Shen’dralar were not living in luxury in the aftermath of the War of the Ancients - they were a people that were on the decline.
- The Highborne of Suramar flourished after the War of the Ancients and continued the traditions and ideologies of the Highborne, eventually becoming the Nightborne we have today.
Also, “infringing” would suggest that the Highborne aesthetic was something the current Night Elves owned, which as we well know, is not the case.
Of course.
- The High Elf options were always released when things went bad for the developers (Mechagnomes/N’Zoth patch, current situation)
- The timewalking vendor only offers Nightborne heritage weapons. LFD can be acquired through a longer Argus questline and the available HMT-weapons are limited to 2-3 items you can get from Archaeology and questing.
They are saving everything for thematic patches - otherwise, why will the Void Elf weapons not be released within 9.1.5?
It always has been this way. Don’t you remember how the lifted transmog restrictions in BfA have been made available? I’m sure we will find more about such changes if we follow the cookie crumbs and what else they have done in similar patches.
Lol, I swear you always make me think of you as a detective.
Really? Lol. I’m happy with void elf new hair colors. That doesn’t mean i wouldn’t prefer a new model. If the only way people on alliance side will be able to play high elves is with copy paste blood elf hair colors, i’ll accept that. But i would love a new model for void elves. Unfortunately is too late for that.
I feel like this is legit just speculation on both you and a lot of others part without any actual proof.
Void Elves weren’t even supposed to get anything in 9.1.5, it was supposed to be centered on Nightborne and Lightforged Draenei but like every other more recent patch they decided to give Void Elves even more which is silly considering they keep getting stuff and getting stuff and getting stuff vs other races.
I just hate when things don’t add up, when the math doesn’t make sense
So you’re basically saying that we do, in fact, have the real Highborne. But you don’t really like that idea because it’s just not what you like and you don’t want Alliance getting stuff they’d enjoy because it somehow takes away from you?
The Highborne are just a different flavor of Kaldorei? Nightborne have devolved from that both physically and mentally, to the point where they’re basically their own race (an argument Horde players have made many times before). Compare a nightborne to Ashara and you’ll quickly see they look absolutely nothing alike, compare Ashara to a Night Elf and you’ll see they’re pretty similar-looking. NB don’t dress the same or even look the same at all to Highborne. Is there even a single instance of a Nightborne referring to themselves as a Highborne? They spent time isolated away from everyone and thing and have changed culturally and physically because of it. And why would they even go as far as labeling themselves as something else if they truly believed they were still Highborne?
Nobody’s trying to take anything away from you by asking that the Night Elves get some Highborne customization, the race with actual ties and connections with real modern Highborne.
(Accidentally forgot to make this a reply, my b. NVM, it didn’t work again
So you recognize the infringement Blood Elves have had happen and the loss of visual uniqueness for Blood Elf players, but applaud it anyways?
But you’re all too ready to say this over a theme that isn’t Night Elves to best portray to begin with? Because its Nightbornes theme.
Yeah unless someone has a source (which just reading some of that it wouldn’t) its just a player saying their opinion which is like fine but like thats all lol
This is what they don’t want to understand. Night elf players wanting to look like azshara, takes nothing from nightborne. She has an elegant hairstyle and jewelry that looks nothing similar to what nightborne have.