Why the lack of Customization?

I totally agree with you here, I wrote out a pretty long post earlier in the Blood Elf thread about it while reiterating my support of San’layn customizations and red eyes for Blood Elves only. :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


They can wield other magic types while still being based around the light. Their purpose is to follow the naaru and become their army of the light.

Wrong, but ok.

You stating that the Draenei are fanatics of the Light is like saying the Stormwind humans are fanatics as well. :woman_shrugging: Which again, is a complete misrepresentation of the culture of the Draenei race.

You might have a point if every ally to the Draenei went full, “hide your kids, hide your wife” when they saw one. But they don’t. Because the Draenei aren’t killing or forcing folks to follow the Light, aka not fanatical.

As if it wasn’t bad enough Blood Elves lost visual uniqueness to gift Void Elves a second visual theme, Void Elves who retain their own visual uniqueness as well as now being able to utilize an entirely second visual theme, I found it beyond distasteful people found the need to try to showcase VE options in the BE thread. The devs if they do read the threads don’t need to be under the impression that’s all people care about and certainly not in the BE thread.

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Well, maybe before the devs decided to boycott indeed this theme of the core Draenei race in favor of implementing an AR (I mean, in a way the AR ended up robbing the core race of their canon lore râison d´être… now the core Draenei race NEEDS another theme to focus on).

Personally I found poetic the “Velen is such a good potato he ends up forgiving the Ma´nari” with the whole issue with his dead child and all.

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Nuuri is still missing :eyes: :eyes: :eyes:


I see potential for a Soap Opera romance in here!!!

As dirty Spuffy and related ships scum, I approve.

Do it, Blizz.


I’m still subscribed to “As Azeroth Turns”.


Eradar bother me so much because I see it as a situation like the San’layn. There were implications that something more was going to happen with them, maybe a splinter faction, in Legion, and that never came to be. I was hoping there was more to the story…


Tbh, I’m like 99.9% sure we’re going to get a Legion follow up. I’d play the hell outta an Man’ari though, Autai is ready for that corruption.


Honestly? I would play one too, and I’m not a big draenei person (sorry :stuck_out_tongue: ). I find them very intriguing and really do hope to see them added at some point.


I’ve found multiple things stating that, and nothing stating that the auchenai use shadow magic and necromancy other than what you linked, which is not an official source and includes a lot of guesswork, including the supposition that draenei death speakers could only use necromancy and shadow to do their jobs.

In any cause, using shadow to put spirits to rest is a very different use than forcefully corrupting things to do your bidding like the void elves do, so I’m still not sure the draenei would feel great working with void elves.


They’re very interesting! I still want to know the scenario of the complete shift in power when Velen fled Argus. There are so many questions needing answers on it. The fact that Blizzard teased us with a mercenary Man’ari all of Legion was also interesting.

Duh. I never argued otherwise. I pointed out your statement that the Draenei are Light fanatics and that they don’t just utilize the Light. Stating that the Draenei are Light fanatics is incorrect. They are not fanatics in any sort of way.

The Auchenai utilized Shadow Magic. Pay attention to the Soul Priests and general Auchenai and their spell castings.

Here is the Shadow Priest that even becomes one of our followers in WoD. You are choosing to ignore the utilization of the Shadow the Draenei had. They don’t strictly use Shadow Magic though. Similar to an Archmage, they utilize their entire kit.

Again. If the Draenei were FORCIBLY pushing their Light narrative onto others, you could probably call them a fanatic. But they are not.


Don´t we all?

You see, attention tyo a plot like this one rested resources for the Blanduin soap opera, Fallynn.

I´d have expected Deux Vult altercations between LF Draenei and Velves but this is Blizzard, the Alliance is NOT allowed to show any nuance nor much less any indication they aren´t WoW iteration of the children´s cartoon´s version of the Justice League.


Well Turalyon and Alleria in Shadows Rising has potential. Whether Blizzard actually utilizes that amount of nefarious activity is up in the air.

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hmmm…idk humans arent exactly lining up to become lightforged. draenei are the race with the strongest devotion to the light by far and i dont think thats debatable. their race was basically uplifted by the naaru

you saw what yrels become right? theyre really the only race i buy heading down that path

you want more fen? here you go. more void themed stuff

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I didn’t say they only use the light anyway. Fanatical was the wrong word to use though.

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I wish I were this good at painting.


Yeah we can’t have the alliance do anything but skip through fields together acting like humans are the best.

Please, Turalyon was literally wow´s iteration on Nolan´s Jim Gordon. And Alleria was batman getting baited by the “bad guy” (a.k.a. the Orc mother who had to be portrayed as a rude scum idiot so the poor wittle Alliance characters could be justified in frying her brain).

Let´s talk about ACTUAL nefarious activity like Blackmoore´s or Garithos, the rest? kiddie stuff that gets neutered just as it gets delivered.

My drawings are a crime against humanity, so I understand the sentiment.