Why the lack of Customization?

How could would it be for Void elves to get sha customization after a questline in pandaria?

Whoa. Relax. There’s no reason to be nasty about it. Can I not share an image of a void entity with red?


Glad you recognize Void Elves as the Void tainted Elves they are if this is your argument, I prefer the High Elves that Blood Elves actually are myself


Oh man.

We can 100% start asking for Black/White aesthetic touches too?
I’d kill to have Sha theme tentacles.


I prefer the subrace High Elves on the Alliance that exist despite people spending their sole presence on social media whining about it.

Yep here you are again on yet another alt playing this card. Can I somehow block you? That’d be great.

Nvm, figured it out.


When I look at void, I think of purple and black. Void elf aesthetic doesn’t have red in it, and hasn’t. I’m annoyed that now, suddenly, void elf players are begging for red eyes & vampyr customization when it isn’t a void elf theme or thing. I’m allowed to be annoyed about it and point out why. I’ve explained why in the posts above.


Your RP tools you mean, glad you enjoy them, Blood Elves are High Elves no RP tools needed :hugs:


I can share this image for no particular reason at all.


Red has always been a part of the void IMO, I mean ever since An’Qiraj. The OG void raid.


I don’t think it’s wrong for velves to ask for red eyes? nor for belves? take nothing out of each other?


Shhh playing dress up seems to be important to them because they are the Kmart elves, maybe Walmart either way they aren’t what we are and the lore supports that so.


I respect the fact that you’re disgruntled over it, but there are many, manymanymany red void themes. Voilet, blue, starcursed, etc. There are many themes that work for tons of classes and races. DKs, fire mages, void elves, worgen (got em), and undead (got em) to name a few fit the red.

They don’t all have to be the same.


Think many swap characters, not sure how calling out the fact I’m posting on Lannister instead of Lannisterian is a gotcha though, rather obvious and like so many others people normally either announce it like seen above or its a bit obvious?

In any case if you consider this a win or a gotcha I’ll let you have it :hugs: and my best wishes for you moving forward


I find it utterly ridiculous how any time the Alliance Thalassians elves ask for anything that isn’t the colour purple, or to expand on their gothic themes in a way that somebody obsessed with a race that isn’t even playable, nor attached to a faction, it just turns into accusations of “theft” even though those players don’t even have the thing they’re crying theft about.

So yeah, red is a void colour.
Red eyes going to void elves won’t steal the Horde Dark Rangers.
Void Elves getting San’layn as a potential option - which 100% makes sense in the current story because oops, some people actually did the Alliance war campaign - does not steal Horde Dark Rangers.

But hey, lets all go derail and whine about Nightborne getting squishy eyes for 400 posts.
Oh wait. People said they wanted it for other elves, and we’re back to the whole theft whining again because that one race asked for something that makes sense.


You would given most of us have your warrior blocked. :joy: :joy: :joy:

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It’s not, but you’re literally always toxic on the forums to anyone who you disagree with and I’d really just prefer to never see you again, since I can’t block your other characters who have their profiles hidden.

For both our sanity, I’m going to refresh and avoid seeing you from now on. Thanks for engaging in nasty behavior yet again, but I’m moving along and blocking one more of your alts.

No, it isn’t. I’m not for the faction barrier anyway. I’m just tired of them asking for it exclusively, along with San’layn. Do I wish everyone had a neutral option? Yes. Very much so. That would be ideal.

That’s fair. I’m just annoyed with certain people demanding it for just void elves, not blood elves, and this applies to vampyr customization like fangs/claws as well. Yes, it’d be nice to see red eyes on more races in general. They would look cool on trolls too, or orcs. (I don’t think orcs have them.)

I would say humans but I’m not sure it would fit them unless they were undead. I’ve suggested vampyr humans, but as a thing for the forsaken to have for Nathanos-looking undead. I dunno.


in addition to red eyes, maybe a red ‘fire’ warlock quest type unlock for void elves. red eyes, red tentacles, etc. could be the closest we get to playable san’layn

void elves and san’layn could be like nightborne and the blood elves. i could see them having a kinship and sharing telogrus

I’ll take my RP tools that actually let me look like the race I want to play.
“San’layn” can keep crying about not having red eyes while another race asks for them.

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That’s completely reasonable, but there’s hope for more to be added for them all. I love blood elves as much as I do void elves, high elves, etc. I just really got sold on the elf theme from the day I started playing wow. I want them all to be gorgeous.