Why the lack of Customization?

Maybe you should have been, I mean they always seem to want to take everything from Horde side and Blood Elves but we don’t ever get anything back for that. Perhaps now you are starting to understand why I am only nice to certain people. :wink: :wink: :wink:

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How are we discussing taking something the Horde doesn’t even have?

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No dear, no, let’s not legitimize more of this awful expac.

Belves could get red eyes because of the anima magic yeah.

And Velves could get them too TBH, because red is one of the most representative colors for void.

However these should be different reds.

The Varnish-like red for the Blood elves, and the Burgrundy one for the Void.

San’layn are Blood Elves which are High Elves which are still Blood Elves, it should go to us not Void Elves you people want everything we want because we want it, as it was already said it’s pure pettiness and it’s funny because you didn’t even want to dip into the void theme or dark theme you wanted our normal theme, yet here you are now trying to pretend you actually care about it because we want it so save yourself the trouble and don’t reply to me again.


Pettiness makes an ugly picture of yourself Magnificent. Don´t take it out on Fallynn just because some of us aknowledge we rather not look like clones of Alleria or GTFO like you wanted and pretended to “remove” from the Velves.

As you wish, but that rune design HAS been present since the RTS.

I have a better idea, you guys get the “N´zoth” style of eyes -you see, the actual iconic look linked to Old Gods and the Void- and we get normal red eyes or the Dark Ranger variants, period.


The red presented for void has always been more “neon” than burgundy, and across fantasy in general, is just plain ol’ bright red.

Compromises aren’t really needed in this case.

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void san’layn elf


Anyways, red is a void colour.
San’layn aren’t Horde.
And Alliance asking for them to be attached to Void Elves because it takes a minimal amount of effort to actually make it happen isn’t absurd, and the request doesn’t “steal” dark rangers.

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I’m talking stuff that would make sense lorewise for the races. Not y’all petty race war.

I don’t remember that being the case.

I don’t think compromises are necessary, but differences make things cooler.

Man, I need to try to dig out some art somebody did of a void elf cultist that had the bat shaped ears. The character wasn’t a san’layn, but ever since I saw it, I realized the aesthetics crossed over perfectly.

Now look who is actually acting like the worst kind of Helfer…

Where was “red” such iconic thing regarding the Void? No seriously,point to examples that DO belong in the game?

I don´t remember any “red eyed” cultist that happened to use the exact same shade of the Dark Rangers. I do remember Kul Tiran humans having N´zoth style eyes.

If we start with the "but MUH colors according to MUH “iconic” cosmical magic source, then we frankly should get the whole rainbow, because in SHADOWLANS -you see, the land of the DEAD- we have mint green Draka and red eyed Renathal and silver eyed Kyrestia and so on and so fort…

The idea colors were restricted to one specific magical source kidna went out of the window with Shadowlands… heck, since Cata with “green eyed” Malfurion.

Corrupted druids my gal, also… read my posts about colors.

The issue with that poster -if you noticed- is that he demands THE EXACT SAME stuff. He isn´t asking in good faith.

He just wants to bother the antis as “petty revenge”.


What’s funny is up until now she’s been anti anything being shared to Void Elves and now she’s all the sudden pro sharing stuff we want to Void Elves. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Believe it or not, I started on their side entirely, not sure why they were given a bad time. I learned my lesson the hard way after the blatant homophobia and racism present in their community. No I’m not saying every high elf fan is that way. I’m saying some of them are, and some invaded threads back in the day.

Note: NOT saying every high elf fan, and I am friends with many of them. As I said before, high elves? Sure. I don’t care if they are added. Am I interested? Not really. But it’d make some of my friends happy, so sure.

But some people, certain members, including someone who hates :fox_face: go out of their way to either harass or be petty.

Granted, yes, there’s been bad blood on both sides, but there’s a lot that’s twisted about certain individuals not correct and such.

Honestly, I just want San’layn on the Horde. I don’t care what the alliance gets as long as we get playable San’layn on Horde. Obviously I would like far more for blood elves too, playable Sethrak, playable ogres (for my friends). Playable saurok. Many ideas. But I don’t really care what gets added where, I don’t even like the faction barrier, and I’m so tired of these ideas now trying to be alliance-locked, when most people who like San’layn are on horde and want them horde.

What do you mean by this? Void is pure black or starry night. Or purple. I see red for nightmare, but that’s druidic magic. Void magic though? I don’t see it.

As I said, I don’t care if void elves get it as well to be honest, though understand those greatly opposed to it.


Erm… wha?


The entire nightmare raid???

I didn’t even said they should use the exact same shade as DR?

Void has been present in void stuff from the beggining. The Nightmare is not druidic magic, it’s void, confirmed lorewise. But also C’thun, many of the K’thir are red, even N’zoth’s stuff had a lot of red.

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You are by far nicer than me, I would give them something like Mecha Kul Tiran because they hate Kul Tiran and Mechagnomes and given how petty they are about most things we want because we want it would just be funny.

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I see a ton of purple and amber there.

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All seems pretty baseline red to me, and not purple, honestly. But, I’d be happy with most anything.

Also, we can use references outside WoW for the gothic void fantasy, and whoops, there’s more to it than just “purple” and “tentacles.” There’s more to the vibe and aesthetic than just HP Lovecraft - he’s just the most popular.



I find it utterly ridiculous how void elves are now begging for red eyes after it clearly was expressed as a want for Horde for Dark Rangers and San’layn. Why do you folks need to ask for everything Horde does, seriously?