Why the lack of Customization?

I mean we all should get scars to use for whatever reason. But when the nelf scars are called “Teldrassil” in the customization tab, you know they were just high in their own farts.

Uh…ok? what is this even…

Welcome to a customization thread where people talk about Blood Elves.
They can have multiple themes, but not those multiple themes., all while another race can’t have multiple themes too.

I’ll grab the vodka.

I would care about it due to me seeing San’layn as something that is Horde based and Alliance already got the main theme of Blood Elves which is High Elves, they can stick with their own void stuff or go for something that’s not connected to us at all.

As for void options for Blood Elves I wouldn’t be for it or against it because I wouldn’t care like care but I would like having the burgundy hair color. :yum: :yum: :yum:


Night Elves have never been treated properly in my opinion. Thats nothing new.

There are several Horde races I don’t think are really being treated any better.

For me I see that both sides have issues. Its hard for me to see a bias one way or another.

What I do see is that blizzard has mismanaged many aspects over the years stubbornly rejecting what their players actually want to see in the game.

The differences between factions in that regard seems minimal to me.

This. All of it.


Agreed, especially considering undead are on the Horde, the San’layn worked WITH the Horde while the alliance literally butchered several of them, the San’layn were looking to join the Horde, and yeah… -.- not to mention I’ve been pushing it for about 3 years now.

And yet here they are in thread demanding blood red eyes to not be given to blood elves, but to void elves.

Yelling at those of us who protest this notion for “gatekeeping”…when some of us have literally…been asking…for years.


i can see sanlayn being given to void elves. theyre not playable on either faction yet so neither one has a claim. and the lore can be contrived just as easily to give them to the alliance through the void elves. the void elves could be like a ‘mini horde’ where outcast elves seek them out. theres safety in numbers after all. all they have to do is convince alleria to vouch for them too

forsaken elves/dark rangers however are strictly a forsaken thing. theyre a distinct part of them and their military. thats where they live and thats where they should be a toggle. never part of the alliance or blood elves(imo)


Let me tell you, this? Literally NEVER asked before some particular poster believed it was a nice “payback” to the antis in Lore´s “let me clone a Belf” thread. The most comical thing is, after effectively getting their cloned Belf just like they upvoted so massively… then they figure out that was second rate customization and now decide to blame us for NOT getting actual unique stuff?



My friends Rhielle, Baal, and I are still very upset over what was done to Elune.
I really do wish they did some background checks before committing to what eventually happened.

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Agreed, I think the issue is that they realistically are only hunters. The DR are a class, like DKs. but you can bake them into hunters. However there’s no “Dark ranger priest” or so.


agreed :100:

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San´layn don´t have red eyes, Magnificent. No seriously, people should go check the actual San´layn NPCs… they use the ice blue eye colors of the Death Knight toons… oh and sometimes purely black eyes like Lanathel. If not golden like the Princes.

Fallynn was the one that asked for red eyes for her vampyr elves… according to actual official art as per the in-game NPCs, those Alliance players are asking for stuff that doesn´t belong to them but to the Dark Rangers. They are poaching HER suggestions using a BS argument, sorry NOT sorry.

So me thinks she has ALL the right to complain, cause the actual IN-GAME San´layn look like glorified Belf DK´s that have a bigger wardrobe than plate, period. Not even the bat wings are “a generalized” thing, only Lanathel had them, and she happened to be a UNIQUE character with an UNIQUE model.


That’s what has me so bloody annoyed. They have their high elves. They got their hair color, et cetra. That’s fine. They could be asking or more void stuff, which many have. They could be asking for many high elf stuff, which they have.

Yet certain folks latch onto something the horde has been asking for for years out of pure petty reasons, and I’m really glad most people can see through it. People can try to paint it out like it’s something else, but in the end, most can see it for what it is.

It would be different if it was “well both void and blood elves could get it”. That would be a bit more reasonable, and I’d shrug and say “As long as blood elves get it, though many don’t want that and for a completely valid reason.”

But nope. It’s “No this should go to the alliance because it’s something horde wants lolololl wouldn’t it be funny”

Meanwhile I’ve not even been against high elves this entire bloody time, so it’s pure pettiness.


This is exactly how I feel about all of it!
The Alliance - and Void Elves - covering Thalassian Exiles through subraces just feels really good, and covers a lot of popular themes ranging from the regular high elf, to the starcursed void elves, to vampires who actually screwed themselves out of a home with other undead.

I’d actually love to see the Dark Rangers be a model toggle for Forsaken to keep their aesthetics intact. People protest the idea of Void Paladins, but then are somehow okay with ignoring Dark Ranger Paladins? That’s where the whole feeling of petty bias comes from, sadly. Stretches for me, but not thee.

Also, I would like to add in that aesthetics, and aesthetics wise only, it’d be extremely cool if Void Elves (and their subraces) and Worgen teamed up. Gilneas turning into a huge gothic fantasy hub on the Alliance would just be divine, and adding San’layn into the roster that goes up against the Forsaken would be an amazing twist on Vampires vs Werewolves. (…which does exist in WoW. It’s just “zombies” instead.)

No matter what happens though, as a void - VOID - elf player, I’d be perfectly happy with just some red eyes for my Nightmare Hunter (who is a void elf), and for my friends who are already playing San’layn over here to be able to RP them proper. (…and yes, people do play them over here.)

Red eyes on San’layn isn’t exactly an unheard of thing though, as seen from an official piece of Blizzard art. Granted, this is from Hearthstone which is non-canon to WoW. Point being though, it’s something Blizzard has certainly thought about. Besides, it really just suits them quite well.

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Red eyes among others should be given to DKs of all races TBH.


They aren´t even asking for proper San´layn aesthetics that aren´t a literal and brutal poach from YOUR ideas, they want Dark Ranger stuff smuggled under the “San´layn” label.

This is a completely different petition -one i have no issue with, cause that is CLASS customizations-… and the DK´s need to up their game to be on par with the other Hero Class a.k.a. the Demon Hunters.

Red / plague green eyes and the sweet domination runes of their true “daddy” a.k.a. Zooval are stuff all the DK toons should get AT LEAST. But properly restricted to the class, period.


void elves/san’layn teaming up would be pretty cool


If it’s an elf, it should have red eyes. (Even Nightborne, because rule of cool.)
Nobody’s actually gatekeeping who gets red eyes, and that’s a stretch from people who either take sarcasm in the face of actual gatekeeping seriously, or people who see a request for another race as theft of something they don’t actually have, so it means they won’t get it.

Red is a void colour by the way.
Void elves should have had it the moment they were invented. Or was me running around at 100% corruption and red and about to explode not actually a thing? Did the Emerald Nightmare not actually happen? N’zoth’s red/orange themes?

Like, come on.

Agreed, along with green for unholy (but not spec locked. Just to represent.) Though I firmly believe red should also go to blood elves.

Yeah, it’s what has me so annoyed. Many of us have been sharing our ideas and pushing this for years, only for some void elf players to demand our ideas because “lol wouldn’t it be funny if we got something the horde wants” after they got their bloody high elves?!

Not even “But Falls, what about both void elves AND blood elves get it, or neutral AR?” to which I’d be like “okay whatever” but nope. It’s “This should be given to the alliance because [insert a reason here that makes no sense]. Oh and because the horde wants it lol.”

San’layn weren’t widely talked about prior to a megathread being made for them by me. I wanted to join the discussion and make a thread for them back when ARs were a thing. Lo and behold! There was none! So I started it. Then, I kept it going, and the community grew because we shared our ideas on it, more and more, and with a lot of depth.

I’m not saying I or anyone else in the community are the cause, but did we get it more out there? Yes, we did. People can’t deny that. So for the alliance to try and claim what we’ve put out there for years is so bloody annoying.

All of the model modifications for actual playable San’layn? Our ideas.


looks at pale void elf skins that already exist and are useable right now

looks at this

it takes so. little.