Eh… it is still just a more filled out human at the end of the day. Most modern mmos give you multiple body types for any 1 race. Even SWTOR did ages ago.
If it was “too much work” they should have just skipped it, in lieu of something else… or build out the rig, but still call it a human at the end of the day.
That’d be fun, but I can see why they wouldn’t go that route.
Most of the gear appearances would just fall apart - or they have to make very bizarre concessions. So maybe like they can’t wear pants and boots, in the same way troll feet don’t fit in boots for some reason. Then from the chest up the gear looks the same. Maybe some folks would go for it.
There definitely better bipedal options though than what they chose. Ogres, satyrs, arrakoa all come to mind right off the cuff. I don’t they are “great” choices…but certainly visually distinct.
I’ve always found it a bit funny that people complain about roleplayers wanting more customization and QOL changes like last names when many of them are super easy additions when it’s QOL wise and for things like customization, the art team doesn’t make the systems so it makes literally no sense to say casuals are taking valuable time away from fixing things wrong with the game lol
Uh? They shouldn’t be any different than, say, a Tauren.
Now obviously they’d have to look a little different than the dragonkin already in the game, maybe for some odd reason or another, these dragonkin are shaped slightly different? /shrug
Though knowing Blizz, they’d probably do something weird like use a worgen’s body, make it a bit thicker, put scale meshes on it and slap wings and a tail on it, lol.
Unless you mean like the aspects, but they just take humanoid forms of the existing races. I guess there are a few like the ones in BWL or BD.
I still think it would be easier for them to go with body types of existing races like they did with Vulpera.
Imagine if instead of Kul Tirans the alliance got Tuskans. Then use that rig to make bigger humans as a cosmetic.
Not only that Blizzard could lean into some of these cosmetics as content.
Unlocking a Kul Tiran body type on a human that you can use at the barbershop after a long quest chain and rep grind feels a lot less egregious than leveling to cap on a toon you may or may not be interested in, only to then abandon said toon or have to pay to race change.
Imagine a mage tower like scenario that allowed us to make brown orcs or red ones like in TBC.
But nope, instead we went with mount equipment… because waterwalking was too OP. Guess no one told that team that SL hardly has any water. Good times.
The Tauren models need some fix with gear models, especially with resect to shoulder pads and shields. These two items often weirdly clutch into each other and that really destroys the immersion.
What’s even worse is that if one is equipping shield without a pair of gloves on a Tauren, it looks like the shield is floating 3 inches away from the character and attached to the Tauren arm by some mysterious force.
This is problematic for both Tauren and High Mountain!!!