Why the lack of Customization?

Exactly,the older you are, the most prominent they become.

Don´t believe me? Go check irl Granpas and Grandma´s pictures… you will find the pattern there.

That NB is deffinitely avobe 55, my dude. Younger males don´t have no laugh lines of such caliber irl unless they suffer from some kind of skin syndrome.

Why do you think the male NB got an armory to “bling” his face? cause it´s the ONLY way to hide the ageing lines… and I HATE taht kind of solution, it WILL screw up my tmogs yes or yes considering the “jewerly” is limited to the huge selection of: 3 colors.

Right next to the toon´s left nostril… it´s a harsh purple line going downwards. Also the skin between the lips and the nose? quite the harsh purple line too in there.

The femNelf literally has NONE of those.


Also, since this is the general customization thread, and some of us are on the topic of night elves.

Pulling up some old threads from WoD about them in general, and found some old comparison shots by Mace.

They actually made him buffer, and changed how the muscle sits on his frame, and the posture is worse than mine IRL.

If they do another look are core races later outside minor fixes, these guys need a little extra TLC. (Worgen first though. Oh my god. Give them their hairstyles and hair colours back. It’s been a decade.)


It’s weird to because our faces bug out when initially on the character screen and then become a bit…distorted.

I have no idea where the big toes even came from for this face.

Oh man, I remember the big fuss over the Male NEs. Sure would be nice to have feedback looked at for them to not be as awful.

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That’s who I’m talking about. I understand that people want their races to be unique and special. I’d like one of my favorite races, Blood Elves to be more unique and agree, with at least the sentiment many fans have shared. People on either sides of whatever debate almost always have valid points. It’s just that I feel some people come off as a little hostile towards one another. Of course, I may be reading things wrong as I have a disability that often prevents me from reading things correctly. I actually quite like many of you (Ariel, Fallynn, Avarie, Autai, Fenn, Naughtymoon, etc)

Thank you very much.

Yeah, the wrist problem is very very apparent. I’d also like to point out man hands on the female night elves which, while I love night elves, have always bothered me. In fact, my first ever character was a white haired female night elf hunter.

IMO, Every race should have body options. I really hope that Blizzard does address the issues with the models. I also agree that night elf fans have had it very rough recently, though the Forsaken have had a pretty crappy time as well. I very much disagree with the direction the writers chose for Sylvanas, Tyrande, the Forsaken and Night Elves. I mean both races took violent blows to foundational blocks of their society.

IMO, neither side has it “perfect” because both have significant problems. They just happen to be suffering in different areas.


I’m still upset about the loss of the skull face for female Forsaken, and Sylv just getting turned into a western comic book style character in an MMO that’s mostly been about world building, and not character narrative driven.

Although, I kind of brushed my frustration with the face removal aside with Shadowlands, because as a former undead main, I actually got every request I had for them through the years.

Every single one.

I’m still shocked.

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I’m serious when I say the Forsaken women got the worse out of WoD. Truly disappointing.

Always had the tinfoil theory that it’s Chinas fault :eyes:

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I think the only face bug was the one I pointed out earlier in the thread. Face 1 can have a scowl or a normal mouth in character creation screen. Even if you pick the scowl version you will not get it in game. Nelfs just really need some younger, more attractive faces :confused:


They absolutely do.

Also antlers and green eyes. >.>

Perhaps some things for the Shen’dralar. (Not Nightborne stuff I’m talking things more Night Elven in design just with some more arcaneyness to it.)


And tattoos for women! Also I do concede on the whole nelf women have big hands thing. I wouldn’t mind if they made them smaller.


Tattoos for women and a separation of male tattoos between body and face. (I assume such a separation would stand for Female Night Elves already.)

Ok, I concede that Night Elf male hands are really weird. lol


I mean, you’re potentially not wrong.
I’ve been tin-foil hatting some of the changes we’ve gotten are to appeal to a particular country that bought a lot of Activision shares lately.

But this isn’t the thread for that.

There’s a few Discord groups I’m in that refer to it as a bug.
My bad if that isn’t the case.

The lip still needs to be fixed though and shouldn’t have gone live in WoD.

Or just add new faces. Don’t really see why not…


Then add new faces to the Nightborne and let them keep the lip. Don’t really see why not…

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TBH, I dislike the writing quality and direction for both BFA and Shadowlands while leaning more against the latter. Both were trashfires in the lore and story department. Of course, this is all my opinion which people are free to disagree with.

I still want the skull face back, plus female drooler face, patchwork skin, and basically everything suggested in Baals thread. I’m a lot less lucky in getting my requests met. I wanted runic scarification, longer hair for female belfs, jewelry for male belfs, Dark Ranger customization for Night Elves, Blood Elves and Humans (since I have no faith in DR becoming a class), damaged ears for void and blood elves, scars, and farstrider tattoos.


I’m 100% into that idea. Its what I would have done.

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And that’s not what’s happening, and that’s not what the Horde playerbase was requesting, and not what the Night Elf playerbase was requesting since Vanilla either. So here we are.

i want a druid exclusive skin that looks like this

even official wow tcg art has green eyes for night elves. DKs and DHs already have unique skin tones so this isnt some new concept either


I think the best thing would have been a toggle or more lip options + new faces :smirk_cat:


Dark Ranger Nelfs and Belfs in the same sentence.
I like you. Everybody wins.

To be fair , I do think the humans can be covered with the theme with cultist makeup and red eyes, which should be an unlock.

How do you feel about the potential of Dark Ranger being an overall class skin that goes ontop of Hunter for a set amount of races? Akin to the Void Elf paladin thing from earlier?