Why the lack of Customization?

Also a bit late Balesong, but I mentioned that there’s this weird issue about how the Alliance men are all super steroid jacked, and don’t look like your average attractive 20-30 year old guys - which tend to be, with modern mmos, the most popular customization type for male characters.

I’d kill for male night elves to be able to look like what they do in a lot of art, and to have options to be as “pretty” as the other 3.
Night Elves have existed for so long we can have both our bear dads and slim highborne pretty purple boys. But, for some reason, we’re a purple mostly extremely angry dorito.
Updates helped, but for the men? Not by too much since the base model has such weird proportions, not even counting most of the faces having the wonked out scowl rigging. (…didn’t we update models in WoD so we didn’t have perma-expressions in the first place?)

I don’t really think I should have to grab the first 3 randomization on a male night elf versus the Thalassian model (or the updated Nightborne model) to show that you don’t have to put much effort in to have a handsome blood elf, but the night elf models tend to wind up wacky and old man trucker looking more often than ruggedly handsome. Not really helping morale.

Can we not protest bug fixes?


I’m not protesting a bug fix… I’m asking not to lose my face in the name of younger or changed faces.

New faces should be added for that.

That’s probably the only one I sort of like, and there are lines on it too. Nightborne fans certainly haven’t been listened to though. One new non aged face that still doesn’t hold a candle to the npc faces asked for.

I was listening to Drake sing “don’t invite me over if you throw another pity party” as I read this and had to laugh as I’ve read this sentiment from you quite a bit.

How does Blizzard not care about Alliance requests after giving you a Horde race visually over and over again? This is three times now the model, our entirety of non void skin tones when they claimed the time was for core races yet you got thrown into the mix, and now again when there was no more customizations supposedly but they came back for ARs and they still decided to dedicate options that come at the expense of a horde races visual distinction to the AR who already skipped the line on the Alliance.

I don’t think the devs have bias and I hope there’s so many good things for all of us coming still on both factions.


I honestly think anybody who thinks that leaving these alone are just trolling at this point, or so adverse to change - positive, even - that they’ll complain any time something potentially might.




I don’t have any pictures on hand of the faces without the rig forcing this, but they’ve been seen with the expression relaxed like… pretty much every other race/gender in the game (there’s a few with a more stern/angry expression, but it’s not outright GRRRRR with the lip in a completely unnatural position.), and they just look like older men. I’ll go try to find it, but most of my resources are for void elves and worgen.



The rest of my comment mentioned that when they do pretend to give af, they give us half-a*sed adaptions of our request. None of us Helf fans wanted Blizzard’s lazy compromise for helves, but it’s what we accepted because they’re obviously not going to put any more effort into giving us what we wanted. What we wanted is mentioned in the many helf megathreads we’ve made. We wanted a model with a different silhouette, different aesthetics, animations, different faces and plenty more to what the Blood Elves have.


The NB npcs are all old though? And they still did give you guys young faces. Those two faces look younger than NE faces.


So you feel slighted? As a High Elf fan you can say with your full chest that you didn’t get what you wanted? Is that what you are getting at?

I truly hope they do read these threads and draw a line somewhere is all I’ll say then, and Blood Elf exclusivity over Farstrider tattoos seems like a good place to start.


Who can blame people for wanting their PCs to look attractive? I can’t. I for one would love for Night Elven men to look half as good as they do in art. When I looked through the updates I was really disappointed especially with Night Elves’, which are one of my favorite races.

Yeah, I’ve noticed that the Alliance has that problem too. Why make all of the men look so unappealing to a majority of people? Human men (no offense to those who play them or any of the races I point to) look like mutant apes with the physique to match. There should be young, handsome, chiseled, and pretty boy faces for males of every race. No race should have monopoly on either ugly or pretty faces. Customization is about giving people more options. Even with the update Blizz is far behind on that aspect compared to many other MMOs.

Yeah, I feel for you on basically every level. Most of Horde’s races aren’t supposed to be “pretty” when compared to the more “conventional” appearances the Alliance races are supposed to have. I mean, personally, I think most Horde races are attractive but I’m a weirdo.


Yes. Yes we did. We put more effort into expressing what we want than Blizzard did in giving us our budget high elves. You’ve personally seen how much love and time we put into our concepts, only for Blizz to c+v stuff from belves to velves


None of the new or old nb faces look younger than nelf faces. Well maybe for the men, but female nelves only have one face that looks slightly more aged than the others, and even that does not look older than nightborne faces.


While you are entirely welcome to feel however you wish, some folk just like the faces… Its not wrong to want what I already have to remain. Nor is it wrong to want new faces like the ones you want as their own thing.

I don’t really see why you’re so aggressively upset about it.

Both what you want and what I want can easily coexist.


Blood Elves are High Elves, not as in RP tools for a second visual theme but their main theme so yeah you didn’t get those but idk if what you did get is anything to scoff at you got a Horde core race visually and that Horde core race in return for the loss of visual distinction got what? An eye color? I mean I can’t imagine you who per your own admission scoffs at skin tones, hair additions, two visual themes, would be satisfied with an eye color.

If having gotten nothing or close to nothing is the narrative you’re going with then I truly wish you had gotten nothing because then at least it’d be truthful.


If any of my nelf faces were replaced by nightborne faces, I’d riot. Do not want.


When did we say that’s what we wanted, again? None of us wanted that. You’re pretty much just proving my point. You thinking they’re not worthy or not doesn’t mean anything to us, because we’re not after your approval, unfortunately :man_shrugging: You can’t deny that we haven’t put in heaps of effort on our end. More so than Blizzard, the people making WoW, has.

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New faces or changes I think should be added separately. That way we all have more choice in the matter and get more options.

Not really sure why thats a problem for some.



They are welcome to the awful nightborne treatment for their own characters. I want my characters left alone though.

Ergo my previous last post:

Only until NOW the devs seem to be taking players feedback into account (I´m quite sure they just ran with their bosses indications in the previous pass). They basically ignored us ALL blatantly in january, if not the customization pass for a LOT of core races -not only the Belves- would have gone quite differently.

This idea people can´t provide feedback pointing to fixes and/or disagreements has to stop. Saying “nope Blizz, that´s NOT the stuff we want” is perfectly valid too.

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This constant argument about who shouldn’t have what really shouldn’t have become this nasty. People can disagree without going for each other’s throats. Gatekeeping, imo, is really really petty and sophomoric except for very very specific reasons. This thread is about suggestions. Wouldn’t it be more productive to ask for what we want?