Why the lack of Customization?

Plus he runs around in that crouch with his arms extended almost straight out, so that can make them mess with the shoulders to look better that way

I’ve said this, meant it, and at the time I posted it, was very much true for the forums. I rarely see Night Elf players lobbying on the forums for anything other than “Highborne” customization like jewelry and regal hairstyles.

What many people fail to realize is that the backlash to the, “no new customization in Shadowlands” Blizzcon announcement clearly marked a shift in attitude from Blizzard about customization and soliciting the community for feedback. Things are changing for the better.

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“omg lorthemar has a way better model then player male blood elves, the blood elf model is trash!”

i mean these are the same people who woefully ignore her complete history growing up and living in the kingdom of quel’thalas and her time as a farstrider where she even served as a ranger captain. and they will call allerias tattoos… alleria tattoos instead of farstrider tattoos :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


I think at this point we should all just come to terms with Blizzard not giving af about Alliance requests. And when they do pretend to give af, they give us a weird half-a*sed version of what we asked for, to the point almost ruining it.

Alliance fans have been putting in heaps of effort to bring our desired races and customisation wants to life for years now, in plenty of different ways, and Blizzard has literally ignored all of it. Then you see Horde fans basically just asking for stuff and getting it. I’ve only seen one Horde thread as detailed and thought out as some of the stuff we’ve made, and that’s Fallyn’s San’layn thread - I’m honestly surprised it hasn’t been addressed by Blizzard yet too, lmao


Really? Where are belf tattoos, scars, braided hairstyles, and anything other than jewelry with two metal colors, one gem color, and hair accessories that aren’t optional and don’t even change color with the jewelry?

Where’s the young nightborne faces that don’t have goofy expressions? Where’s the actual nightborne npc looks that they should have received in the first place?


Quoted for truth. Let´s be ALL honest here: for the “first” (a.k.a. the core races) pass Blizzard was still running on their previous pre-lawsuit rep and frankly, didn´t took into account the feedback of NOBODY, period. The executives were the cretins that literally lied to the players as early as BfA´s pre-patch regarding a bunch of stuff (will I know, we have a complete thread about the lies Blizz told to the players in BfA in SF).

Right now they ARE listening to feedback, probably because their mandate is to IMPROVE the image of the company in the customer base, the same image that dropped to underground levels. We know SEE the results of the feedback because there is NEW people in-charge; Brack and his team of self assured “buddies” aren´t here anymore ignoring the customers just to do whatever the damned they felt like it regardless.

We have seen more response for the customization stuff petitioned (yes, sorry not sorry Alliance players can pretend they didn´t achieve a solid win with the hair colors and the tentacle toggle for the Velves and I will call their BS) NOW that we saw in two months at the end of last year.



maybe theyre in one of these 65 container ships parked outside my front door in cali? i mean, not literally, i cant see the harbor but i can see these huge ships uh anchored away from the harbor. pretty crazy watching this shipping crisis unfold. some of them are far away too, we just back from catalina which is like 26 miles offshore in cali and there was one right by the island :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

thats where they are tho, along with my new couch that was paid for 6 months ago. theyre there just waiting for someone to bring them in


Both NB have young faces now, and Blizzard confirmed the other day that they’re fixing those weird expressions. Blood Elves were given a really poor customisation pass the first time around, but I’m 100% sure they’ll get all those things you listed in the next, among other things they’ve been asking for.


I’ll help unload them, even if I am old and creaky.

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Trolls do deserve beards. In fact, every race where it make sense should have facial hair.

Let’s hope the Nightborne fix also fixes male Night Elf faces as (I believe they have similar faces, I know they have the same skeleton) well. Goodness, the male night elves need a lot of work. If only they were allowed to be sexy instead of angry and constipated.

Wouldn’t class skins make them make sense considering they’d be changing the light aesthetic to void? Though I want Dark Rangers, I don’t think Dark Ranger paladins make sense. I wouldn’t want them to be able to paladins. I think they could solve this problem by excluding the customization options when DH and Paladins classes are selected.

I hope not. That would suck. I mean why not continue adding to a popular feature?


Well they were happy with everyones excitement with the initial customization drop and then proceeded to state that they had no plans to release further ones until the lawsuit dropped.


They are making nb male faces less angry. Is there a post with them saying they are unaging the faces for both and fixing expressions?


I thought that’s what you meant? Idk what weird expressions you’re talking about if you weren’t referring to the scowls.

I’m just having trouble fathoming the amount of stupidity it would take to make the same move twice.


Look, I’m all for younger faces for night elves but can we not change the ones they already have?

I’d really like to keep my face…

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Blizzard is as Blizzard does.

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Only one new female face isn’t totally wrinkled with a more neutral expression. They all have lines on them too noticeable for young faces, and the few without extreme aging have a creepy grin vibe to them.

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It would, but people have legit gotten mad at the concept of class skins whenever it’s mentioned in the same breath as void elves for more “theft”, even though the concept of a void paladin is wholly unique, and a perfect counter to the light theme blood elves.
(The same skin, in most concepts, can actually be used by most or any race, and would actually be a way to have undead paladins playable as well, what with the cult of forgotten shadow.)

While it might be a pain to code for more than just demon hunters, you pretty much have the solution right there.
Unlockable skins that are disabled for certain classes.

Although, this is the point where I say red eyes should just be baseline for both void and blood elves, and you should be able to toggle the DK/ranger skins for hunters through a quest chain for blood elves for dark rangers.

Everybody wins. (Except the theft whine guys.)

And this is why we never make progress.
Fixing massive glaring issues with rigging always leads to somebody complaining.


I just like my face…

Why can’t you request more faces to go along with older ones?


There is one for both male and female that doesn’t have any of that. They’re both just young-looking. I think it’s face #7 for both? I can’t remember