Why the lack of Customization?

I miss writing for fun. I have a degree in English literature and creative writing and most of my writing these days is for my research degree, so it’s lost a lot of the individuality

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There was once a princess, named Saradots, who loved Pinneapple pizza. So the people in town decided to burn her at the stake.

The Evil queen opened the gates of the castle to betray the princess. But before the people in town got to her, a unicorn from the land of magic pineapples came to her rescue.
They shoot pinneaple juice into the evil Queen’s eyes, and flew away at down, living happily ever after.

The end.


What are you researching? I almost have a degree in illustration. I am trying to decide if I am going to graduate school next or not.

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I used to have a talent for writing nice stories when I was young, but as I grew older, I seem to lose the interest. And around my teenage years, I was more of a teenage brat than someone who wanted to write.

Always had the dream of becoming a author, but well, I didn’t expect to change so much from my young years to my adult life.

I’m working on my masters degree in educational research. I’m currently researching the effects of poverty in comparison with enthusiasm for reading and I’m doing my own research in my classroom on how to engage reluctant readers :slight_smile:


I’ve learned that we can all write :heart:


I was actually thinking of looking at getting into TAFE or University to try and go for learning on game creation as well as animation, considering I have a love for being a gamer, I thought might push further to go into more of my interest.


Neat to see other writers! I’ve got a novel coming out myself in just a few days. Writing is so much fun.


Oh nice.

Writing is so much fun. Gosh, I wish I could just go back to the days where I would pick up a pencil and write and write and write.

I mean, I could do that now, but as I said to Feyrre, I lost interest in writing when I was young.


Yeah, I wish I could do art but sadly I don’t have time to practice so much now. Wish I got into it more as a child. Never too late to get interested again but understandable if not.


Well, that’s probably for the best. The reason I haven’t gone full writing is that I work in art too. And I studied economics lmao.

So specializing in something might be better.

Yeah, you’re right there. I will continue to try and practice, but my true craft is in writing, which is alright! It’s just hard to get far in the industry, but hard work will hopefully prevail.


Good luck with it!


That reminds me, I keep meaning to pick up your books. They look really good.


Aw thanks that’s super kind of you! Yeah they can be on the violent side but I’m a vampire/dystopia writer so it’s to be expected. I’m honored! And thanks for the well-wishes!


Yeah, the Shen’dralar really should look different according to their lore, they’re the odd ones out when it comes to elf changes.

I’m inclined to agree. The surviving Shen’dralar have abandoned the use of fel, it’s not something that they brought with them when they rejoined their kin.

The only thing wrong with troll beards is that players don’t already have access to them.


Gold tooth cap for goblins or as a universal option :eyes:

No one will see it, but it does add flavor and a bit of a story about your character.

Also, what about gemmed eye sockets?


That’d be really good.

Wait wat

You know, like a golden eye or something

Oh fake eyes. that’d be interesting. Could work for many races.

Speaking of… Why do LFD and Nightborne not have more eye colors?