Why the lack of Customization?

The only and the true Highborne are the Nightborne.

Your Nightelves are not even close to to be a Highborne.

Before you will type that the Eldre’thalassian Highborne have joined the Kaldorei resistance in Cata, letting you know that they have joined the resistance to mentor the new Kaldorei to the ways of the arcane.

That being said, the player Nightelves are not Highborne.

A Kaldorei without a Highborn blood could easily master arcane magic even in the times of the Empire, we know this from Illidan, as well as from Moonguard mages, none of which were Highborne.


It’s pointless trying to talk to somebody who ignores the lore in general, and refuses to think outside the box on how something could work, and rather just declines it because it it isn’t on Horde, it’s going to be unplayable for them.

GD posters get so furious when Alliance players ask for something they want, even if the entire game’s story structure was borderline leading into it.

By the way, still waiting on any sort of reasonable explanation as to why Zandalari, Dark Irons, and Worgen are playable races, despite you know, being hostile to the factions in the past.

This is why we can’t have progress.
Cool concepts for me, but not for thee.

Me being fed up and disagreeing crassly (after over a decade, by the way - i’ve been here for a very long time) with people who just refuse to think any other thought that isn’t their own isn’t being a troll, by the way. That’s just something people say when they’ve run out of any actual argument to give.

San’layn do not make sense as Horde race anymore.
Until somebody can tell me how Umbric, another exile, theoretically recruiting them cannot work more so than Talanji and the Forsaken accepting them after Dreven turned on them actually doesn’t make sense, I’ll stop pointing out the obvious.

I’d rather unqiue writing, rather than “hurr durr horde because undead” when the lore already states the undead, who the sin’dorei have close ties to, were betrayed.
There’s only one place they could go now, and sorry that isn’t what you personally want.

Dark rangers are waiting for you.
Void elves can have san’layn if the devs - not you - decide that the aesthetic suits, which, it does.


I guess Dwarves can’t be Wildhammer Dwarves.
Sandfury? Not playable.
Grimtotem? Nope. Can’t be that. Not aesthetically in the least.
Mainland Panda? Out of the question.

Not allowed to request subraces and customizations if it infringes on Horde stuff that didn’t exist until well after the introduction of the sub-race in lore. Nope. Not allowed.

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I don’t mind the female nightborne faces I will admit. When they first released, I personally wasn’t a fan of the offered hair styles. I know they’re adding some now though and I’m pretty happy that they are at least doing so. I doubt they’d add different eye colors but even if it was suggested I’m not sure what would fit.

Oh, and the glowing hands is really neat. I do think some glowing hair would also be a lovely addition.


She’s hot.


Actually the moonguard was a mix of highborne and kaldorei. And actually the highborne did join the night elf society regardless of what they are doing.

Nightborne have evolved and are completely different to what they were before.

Looks much better than this.


Yes, NB can look old, so can humans and orcs and most races. That’s fine. The Eyes pretty much fix the biggest issue with elves however.


Sorry I don’t think “sun and light” theme elves are very “goth”.

There’s only one new face that is even okay ish for the women. Nightborne fans asked for younger faces and we did not get them.


You have answered to your wall of nonsense on your own.

The Kaldorei never wanted to be a Quel’dorei, there is no reason for them to have the “Highborne” options. It is against their nature.


Blonde hair and regular skintones aren’t very void.


I think it’s because we haven’t been loud enough about it currently. It’s only been recently that they’ve been taking customization feedback, so we’re gonna need more threads about nelf faces. There’s like a billion about nb faces, we might need just as many >.<


Sand-colour skin isn’t very Darkspear.

Why do people always resort to this crap when subraces are a thing now?

PS: I’m not against Dark Rangers because, like High Elves, they’re already a major part of the Horde, so don’t even start like you people always do.


Only to people trying to use night elves to pretend to be victims of bad customization. I don’t want the trash nightborne treatment for my alliance characters, thanks.


1 5 and 6 look fine to me.

That being said, again, can we stop pretending that’s a “nightborne issue”? it’s a wow design issue, most races have one good face or the same face with minimal changes (pandas).

Look at my face, most human NPCs use it, wanna guess why? because it’s the one good face.

For some reason NB players keep pretending all their issues are a NB thing alone, and thus NB deserve special consideration above all. Which is what annoys most of us.

Nelf men being F up is not “new”, is a well known meme issue in the community. If Blizzard ignores the alliance for years is equally their fault. Don’t take the blame for it.

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Guess they’re ok with Night Elf mens faces while prioritizing Nightborne ones. wow


You were the one trying to claim the goth elf aesthetic solely for the alliance.


Yes indeed, however the Nightborne are what the Highborne would have eventually become if the Empire was still a thing.

At the moment, the Shal’dorei consider themselves even better than the Highborne, but there is no denial of the fact that they are the true Highborne.

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I have a few humans, with the updates they each have different faces from each other. There’s one face I use currently on nightborne, and it’s the most tolerable. I use most of the nelf faces too.

So Blizzard I take it that you’re going to fix the sneer for Night Elf men or…???


Which is nonsense anyway literally given the forsaken :rofl: see what I mean?