It’s pointless trying to talk to somebody who ignores the lore in general, and refuses to think outside the box on how something could work, and rather just declines it because it it isn’t on Horde, it’s going to be unplayable for them.
GD posters get so furious when Alliance players ask for something they want, even if the entire game’s story structure was borderline leading into it.
By the way, still waiting on any sort of reasonable explanation as to why Zandalari, Dark Irons, and Worgen are playable races, despite you know, being hostile to the factions in the past.
This is why we can’t have progress.
Cool concepts for me, but not for thee.
Me being fed up and disagreeing crassly (after over a decade, by the way - i’ve been here for a very long time) with people who just refuse to think any other thought that isn’t their own isn’t being a troll, by the way. That’s just something people say when they’ve run out of any actual argument to give.
San’layn do not make sense as Horde race anymore.
Until somebody can tell me how Umbric, another exile, theoretically recruiting them cannot work more so than Talanji and the Forsaken accepting them after Dreven turned on them actually doesn’t make sense, I’ll stop pointing out the obvious.
I’d rather unqiue writing, rather than “hurr durr horde because undead” when the lore already states the undead, who the sin’dorei have close ties to, were betrayed.
There’s only one place they could go now, and sorry that isn’t what you personally want.
Dark rangers are waiting for you.
Void elves can have san’layn if the devs - not you - decide that the aesthetic suits, which, it does.