Why the lack of Customization?

Here is a list I made with our main customization suggestions for Void elves on hairstyles, tattoos, eye colours, jewellery and entropic embrace customization :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

And for the original thread by Fenelon go here Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)


NB were awful before the update.

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Nightborne still look awful.


Bruh. What? Night Elf fans have been asking for this fix since WoD. FFs Blizz :joy:


I hope they take a look at the female faces too, they really need it.


So were the LFD? The male LFDs have been given literally half the effort either HMT or NB got.

Hogwash is demanding a race only exist on your faction when they were shown betraying that faction after one of the current leaders flat out says they don’t trust them.

Get over it.
It’s a valid request.

Gothic aesthetics should be on the goth theme elves, that alone is enough to even make the request have merit, not to mention the lore doesn’t support your cause at all at this point.

Go ask for Dark Rangers.
That’s what the Horde has.

Alliance can have red eyed void elves with bat ears for the illusion and a few NPCs skulking around Duskwood.

So yeah once again we can see they have gone above and beyond for Nightborne but apparently nothing in the alliance deserves that consideration, not even the fact that Draenei have the model’s shoulder literally broken since WoD


They literally look miles better than fem nelves lol.


This is why I’m so tired of this stupid faction bias.

They’re fixing Nightborne (multiple times over now), but won’t fix the parent race? When we’ve been asking for the exact same thing since before they even made up the Horde equivalent?


Blizzard’s not even trying to hide it once again :joy: This sh*t’s actually a joke now.

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Nelf women don’t look like we’re ancient.


Were you wanting belf looks to remain exclusive to the horde? If not, the alliance has no claim to exclusivity of goth elves.


Right, just look like clowns.

I’m pretty sure they are just trying to flush us out now. They don’t care for the alliance fandom and most of the alliance fandom don’t care for them. Oh well, it’s their money they are losing.


At least we have High Elves, which we can’t even talk about in most spaces without people screaming at us for hours because they exist.

Guys, fix the Night Elf faces too.
It’s gotta be a similar bug causing it. Please don’t leave us waiting a literal decade for model fixes again.


We have balding, greasy high elves. But honestly, I’m still really happy we got this stuff; even if it’s half-arsed af.

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San’layn aren’t Horde btw.
Go back to your thread and let people request things in peace for once.

No idea what they said given they are on perma ignore on my end and I don’t care because they’re a troll who literally admitted petty reasons for vampyr elves on the alliance, but it’s pointless arguing with them to be completely honest.


You saying this isn’t clowny?


I don’t hate that look, honestly, but I get where you’re getting at. They need to add at the very least 4 extra faces to each sex