Why the lack of Customization?

Pass. You already get High Elves. The only reasonable request to ask for would be the Heritage weapons at the moment. Your time comes with the next Blood Elf update.


Agreed. I need at least one good Void skintone or something.


It still makes me sad they picked to make Void Elves more like Blood Elves instead of enhancing the void aspect of Void Elves but it’s whatever and I’m over it.


looks more like half elf XD

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I was just looking for a moment to post this. Thank for you mentioning that word.

They could

Copy-paste textures in a few hours

Actually making new stuff for days/weeks.

Company Corp. Has made a choice, the choice is “the cheaper one”.

Something else to consider is that there isn’t a limited number of customizations a race can receive. High Elf options can be copy/pasted over, and Void options can also be created. We can have both. The void options just need to be created.

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They made the choice to give what was asked for repeatedly, I have told others this and I’ll tell you it as well, next time ask for unique customizations instead of ours.

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They really needed it, now they have three tabs with various unique customizations, and additions are still in the works.:+1:

I hope the void elves will be next as they only have one tab.:crossed_fingers:

This again?

They did not give us new hairstyles. They repainted the ones we already have. As such it is new assets, and work had to be put in place making them new assets.


Cheaper, yes… but also very often requested. The Void Elves will get their unique void customization later on. This update will do more for the Void Elves community as a whole than the actual Void customization.

Real winners are the Nightborne and Highmountain Tauren players this time around. Although I still wish to see a Fel Tauren option for them.

This is completely wrong. This update helps the high elf community, not the void elf one.


No, we both are right. The game needs the often requested race system for the creator screen. It’s neither the Void or the High Elves fault to be shoehorned into one single race but given how Blizzard neglected and denied the request in the past, they surely backpaddle a lot now.

I kind of wonder if I asked for the Night Elf hair colors which I haven’t but if I did if they’d consider that as just copy/paste given it wouldn’t be either, somehow I would be willing to bet they’d say it’s all new because it’s for a Nightborne and not Void Elves. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Sure, but when they can get away with a cheaper excuse , they will.

This is Blizzard we are talking about after all. The same company who offered 4 recolours of the same horse to the alliance in BFA without even bothering to do something like changing their armour.

You don’t get to me, what I asked for.

And if you really think they just happen to listen to the alliance in this one after everything that happened in BFA with the AR, lmao, suit yourself.

Yes, much cheaper, easier work. so much that the velf hairstyles still have blood elf texture for things like the ponytail holder instead of a new colour that fits the void elves theme. Like the actual velf ponytail does lmao. That happens, because again, they didn’t “repaint” anything, that’s literally a copy paste.

Because they already have this stuff mapped out, doesn’t take that long nor is that impressive.

There’s no confirmation that this will happen, and even then why “later on” , meanwhile they can cheap out now.


Just my opinion, but the cheaper choice here is copy/pasting High Elf assets rather than creating brand new ones exclusive for Void Elves, and then updating the Alliance’s High Elf NPCs to use them.

There isn’t a choice but to make new void assets since those don’t already exist.

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Indeed, that’s what I said.

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First of all this doesn’t even make sense for how it reads and second I don’t care what you asked for personally, your faction asked for it and spammed threads about it so deal with you get what you get.

And they did listen to Alliance, I get from some of your other posts you want to play this fake victim complex and act like there’s an Horde bias but there’s not so if you are going to peddle that please peddle it elsewhere.

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Please don’t bring this up. All of us laughed so much when we found out about these stupid recycle horses. I remember my oldest brother making a big fuzz about this on the EU forums and why the existence of the exclusive Bee mount is justified for the Alliance.


BLIZZARD! Where is the jewelry for the male BE?! AH!? where is my jewelry!?! :rage: