Why the lack of Customization?

Oh no…he’s hot.

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Eh, ok. Fine. Fair.

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Most of the elf players are in their youth, craving the perfect look they can’t get in RL. You can’t blame them for wanting to play the anime youth character who can solve every problem at the ripe age of 14 while being the hero of the story.

The male Nightborne look great. As you said, the classic french and regal face sells them as the noble aristocrats they are compared to the wild Night Elves.


Now that I’m on my void elf.

Can I ask for velves to get the OG high elf eyes? they were the cutest thing ever but they removed them even from the NPCs WTH just why, these were so much better than the current blue.

Cuteness overload



If they want elves to all look “young” like in classical literature, time to remove all the beards while we’re at it. They’re not supposed to have facial hair.

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They cater to all possible player demographics. From the 14 your kid to the soccer moms and the retired army soldier. I think it’s fine but the majority of players like to play beautiful people in their games. Females have to have these hourglass body features and males need to be as slim and ripped as athletes while being still young AND successful at the same time.

First of all, thank you very much for this lovely addition, I believe having the “glowing” hands on your Nightborne, means that your Nightborne has ascended or has mastered the arcane powers, which makes me as an Arcane mage main so happy.

It is almost the same as having antlers on the Night elf, when they go beyond their limits.

However, I am not here to talk about those haha, I am here to give feedback as requested.

After yesterday’s ptr update, I have checked the hand glow option. It looks AMAZING.


I know that is it still a work in progress, however, I would like to ask you to add the outlines of the glow that the NPCs have.


Would be lovely to have it like this.


Looking forward to seeing this addition on male Nightbornes as well.

Yet again, thank you very much for the great addition.

PS: Mana hair also maybe please? :pleading_face:




All lovely suggestions, especially the mana hair, I’d definitely love that for Nightborne too.

I’d also like a few different eye colors for Nightborne; violet like I’ve seen others mentioning in the thread, gold reminiscent of the Highborne, green like Felborne. I’d also love the hand and possible hair glows to utilize this color once the tech is perfected.

For skin colors I’d also like a nice rich blue, like Azshara, a lighter almost peachy lavender skin tone and a pallad off green for Felborne options.


While I agree that particular face isn’t ugly…points at Nightborne children running around They’ve clearly been having children in those 10,000 years under the bubble, and being in said bubble doesn’t stop said children from growing up. Our playable Nightborne should run the gamut from some of the several thousand year old original guard eager to see the changes in the world and new adult, never left Suramar until now to be adventurers elves…ergo some young, non-scowl faces for both males and females only makes sense.


Wouldn’t changing a male Dreadlord, a design that’s stayed mostly consistent for like, 20 years, upset people more changing it? I mean a female Dreadlord was new territory for design.

Now, let’s talk about female Ogres.

What do you exactly mean by that? Shimmering hair?

I have attached an example below it.


Be careful, you’re gonna get the furries stirred up that worgen should have tails. The female worgen already look like deviant art dont make it worse.

Can you PLEASE tell the team to look into the faces of male and female Nightborne. Maybe make 2 or so more youthful. Face #10 for example: get rid of laugh lines and wrinkles around eyes/between eyes. The males have the awful scowl. For whatever reason the faces on the model look like they have saggy skin. The NPC models do not have this saggy skin look. It would really be appreciated if the team looked into decreasing this look or at least giving a few of the faces a much smoother, youthful look and getting rid of the puffy saggy skin effect.


/target Chedder /muted

I’d love to see more saturated hair colors too! Almost all of them seem to be sort of “grayed” if you know what I mean, a lot of them clash with the new skin tones because of that


Indeed. Most of the skintones are a dark blue or green of some sort and most of the hair is desaturated in color.

I’d definitely love some vibrant mid ranged colors for hair and skintones.


Could you please tell us if the team is working on void elf new customisations? Since all other three legion AR got unique stuff, we can assume that they are? Would be good to have the confirmation.


Void elves is getting a pass, just without added void customization.