Why the lack of Customization?

Any chance of a Nightborne 2h sword, bow or Polearm?


If they were new for us, they are new for you because you got all of our skintones and we didn’t get anything in return for that.

So if we are going that route does that mean hair colors like black, white, purple and blue Nightborne have or are getting aren’t new for us because Night Elves had them first, so did Blood Elves, Humans, etc. I mean where does it stop where you consider something new by your standards vs previously existing?


To be fair I’d be willing to settle on this one just if we want to frame it as who got it first on live servers, in which case, both received them at the same time.

Depends on whether the texture/color files for Night Elves were directly copy/pasted onto Nightborne. I’m fairly positive they weren’t, but if you have evidence to the contrary I’d be happy to admit I was wrong.

The colors and textures aren’t the same on Void Elves and Blood Elves and it has been proven more than once even Nico posted it multiple times, you share hair textures with Kul Tirans, so it wasn’t just a copy/paste from Blood Elves so not sure why you keep trying to spin this like you are right somehow because you aren’t.

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Someone made the pitch that they could replace the tentacle with hair braids. Thought it was a pretty solid suggestion.


I’d need to see evidence on this because it doesn’t seem to be the case.

That’s the same color and texture.


Go through previous threads and find it, I’m not doing it for you.

If it is, you have completely new assets to which didn’t exist previously for Void Elves which means more time and more effort to have them created, sure you want to go this route?


Burden of proof is on you, not me.

How do you figure? The color and texture already existed. Blood Elves were and are using it. It’s not new at all.

Used car.

I think despite us somewhat getting along previously those times are over with because you refuse to see reason despite being wrong and knowing you are wrong.

Yeah, I’m done this is pointless, you are toxic.


Personally think that’s more a high elf thing but I’m not against that to fill in the holes.

Also allows blood elves to maybe get void elf hair options later.

I’m much more concerned with blizzard adding tentacles to the hairstyles that don’t have them yet.


I wanted those models. I was never going to be happy with belf stuff slapped onto velves, and it would have been nice if so many others weren’t willing to settle for the lazy way. Especially if they were just going to complain about not getting unique options after.


I’m sorry to hear that, but if you feel that way, I’ve no right to tell you otherwise. For my part I’ll continue to see you as a generally reasonable individual.

Asking for proof doesn’t strike me as being unreasonable.

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Braids are not a High Elf exclusive hair style :face_with_raised_eyebrow: it’s braided hair. My Draenei girl is sporting braids right now.

Folks can just make their requests though, and I found the braid request to be realistic as well as fair. :woman_shrugging:


When your own High Elfers people have said previously textures on Void Elves and Blood Elves are different, shown and linked pictures in threads you were in as well as I was and now you act like they aren’t different, yes it’s a problem.

Cool, I’m ending this conversation because it’s better I don’t waste anymore of my time with someone that can’t or won’t see reason because of personal wants, I can accept people wanting stuff, I can accept people wanting more but acting like they don’t get new stuff when they do, is a good way to put me off supporting anything they want for good.

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I can’t say I saw those pictures. The one I shared is the exact same color and texture, so, if you could provide the other pictures from this thread, I would appreciate it. I don’t like spreading false information, so if there is something I missed, I’d like to be informed. Until then, the only evidence I have is of the textures/hair colors being the same.

I will cease to address any of your posts in the future to avoid any further exasperation. Have a good evening.

I’d prefer it filled in with loose hair. Braids would look so awkward in the middle of ponytails, honestly in most of the hairs with tentacles.


Ah yeah that’s a fair point. Maybe not all braids, but I think braids would fit some of the tentacle replacements.


They should replace them with cut worgen tails.


I would love more animal carcass pieces in my hair. HMT need fox tails…they’ll make the Vulpera start sweating.


Kiroh: -Bleeding on the floor as Mayla prepares her peeling knife- Is…this why, you didn’t want us…to join the horde…Baine?

Baine: I’m sorry little one, I tried to save you.

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