Why the lack of Customization?

That’s… not how it works. You don’t have to change the color or the textures to make it apply to hair.

It existed previously for Blood Elves. Ergo, not new.

Do you go to the car dealer and demand a new car, when what you want is a used car?

I mean, yes, he’s dead. He died during the Third War.

Are you even remotely familiar with High Elf lore? They’d worshiped the Light for ages. That’s why it was such a big deal when as a nation they turned their backs on the Light, and the Blood Knights were born from that.

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Uh wrong, the helves that remained helping the Alliance after WC2 were light worshippers and that’s part of why they didn’t want to abandon their human allies like the King ordered. This counts the presence of the elves as a big part of the human army in WC3 RoC. This is mentioned in the WC3 manual.


I think most folk are on that front.

Oh I know, I mean for the final of the pre-patch thats what both sides ended up with.

Those skin tones by the nature of what a Blood Elf is should have happened for them whether there were going to be alliance high elves or not. There isn’t a difference between a high elf and a blood elf.

Blood Elves didn’t get a subrace. They just got their eye color back. One which devs had already indicated would return.

It just comes out as having little to no impact for Blood Elves whereas Void Elves got a big impact.

For me and many others it doesn’t seem effectively fair.

And I don’t mind high elves Alliance side by any means and in fact wanted folk to be able to play as they want. But not getting any void options is frustrating. Seeing Blood Elves (another race I love) get next to nothing they requested? Also frustrating.

It is what it is though.

I do hope that eventually down the line I’ll see some of the void options I’ve been requesting though.

And seriously Blizz, finish the tentacle toggle out… give us tentacles for the hairstyles that don’t have them. (maybe plug those holes you made with the removal too… >.>)


I wouldn’t put it like this personally but I would agree that they won’t at least be honest or truthful about getting new stuff because it goes against the whole we are getting nothing new thing despite getting new stuff.

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The issue is more one of definition.

“I’ve got a new car.” Except it’s actually a used car.

So, is it new, because you didn’t have it previously? Or is it not because someone(s) else was(were) using it first?

Yes it’s new because you didn’t have it previously, a lot of stuff in this game is shared from different races to other races be it skintones, hair colors, jewelry options, etc. it doesn’t make it any less new if you didn’t have it before and acting like it does is as you people keep saying disingenuous and you all know it.

watch the video again. that is exactly how it works. They don’t have the same hair as blood elves.

did not exist for void elves so…

more so then what you seenm to be seemingly.

The manual is not cannon.

Does it though?

If my car is having trouble and I go to a mechanic and they ask how long its been in use, do I tell them, “Oh, it’s new,” or do I tell them, “I bought it used?”

Void Elves received pre-existing customizations. Speaking for myself, as someone who was willing to accept the compromise, I’m happy with it. I don’t see it as new though. Nothing was created in the process of adding these customizations to Void Elves, ergo, not new.

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I’m not going to agree with you, you are being just as disingenuous about getting new stuff for Void Elves as the rest which is kind of funny and sad because you know it’s new but you are acting like it’s not so you can pretend like you deserve more.


I’m willing to leave it at that.

I for one don’t buy a used car and pretend it’s new.

It comes down to what you are seeing the balance should be though.

If you compare Belves and Velves as the ultimate point of balance. No matter what velves will always lose, regardless if they have better customization.

Velves can’t be two extremely popular classes, one of which has its own set of customization BTW.

Velves also need to be unlocked, and they don’t have a city or hubs around the game.

What we are comparing as a clearly uneven deployment of customization however, is not “velves vs belves”, but how the customization “passes” measure between each faction in general.

  • In BFA Belves and Orcs got free customization (for orcs one that particularly changed and completely fixed the problems with their race) while alliance got nothing until the random eyes for Nelves that also needed unlocking.

  • In SL. The Horde customization once again overshadowed the alliance’s, despite Fem nelves getting a lot of stuff, orcs alone got double that or even triple, and in general it was alliance races which ended up at the bottom, particularly worgen.

The biggest thing the alliance got was the human new ethnicity features, and even that was botched and restricted between skin colours. (which just ended up feeling more racist…)

  • Come the upcoming patch “pass”
    Once again, alliance races are getting much less love in general, while they are literally inventing new ways to implement stuff just to enhance the horde races’ identity.

Excuse us for not thinking that a bunch of recolored hair and a tentacle toggle that doesn’t even fix the hair styles it affects, and a bunch of normie draenei things applied to lightforged are so “great”.

Meanwhile people keep acting as if nightborne are the one race that needs attention above all, despite the fact that neither LF or Velves ever shipped with much customization on the first place.

Velves were the only AR to be send out without tattoos or other special features after all, and now, they still are. While LF were well known for all looking the same.

If you think that the main point of balance should be “velves have to be only as customizable as belves” excuse us for not accepting that as our own standard.


Don’t ask for our options next time and you won’t get somewhat copy/pasted options, I’ve said that countless times in threads, if you actually want to play a Blood Elf/High Elf play an actual one instead of a void infused one just because it’s Alliance.


But I got what I was willing to settle for, so… I’ll just keep asking. Here’s hoping Void Elves get the hairstyles High Elf NPCs use.

You keep saying this like you are being victimized or something when you have gotten exactly what was asked for normal skintones, normal hair colors, no tentacles, I don’t see how you aren’t getting new stuff when you was stuck previously being a blueberry with weird hair.


I keep saying it because these forums are notorious for misreading a statement. One has to be quite careful with how they phrase something or else they can start a hundred-post argument that goes nowhere.


As I said you are getting exactly what was asked for and it’s new, that’s really the bottom line, you and everyone else can keep pretending it’s not new but it’s new, Blizzard says it’s new, Wowhead says it’s new, everywhere says it’s new except those of you that want to pretend like you aren’t getting exactly what was asked for which leads me back to the whole victim complex.


Indeed, pre-existing assets. A used car.

I don’t have a victim complex. I know when people will try to manipulate a statement though. Take this one, for example.

A subtle way of trying to make someone stop asking for more. It completely ignores the fact that all anyone can do is make a request. It’ll be the developers who answer it, and in the manner they decide.

As I said before, I’m content with the compromise. I’ve settled for it. It’s not what I wanted, but it’s almost good enough. It can be good enough with the missing gaps filled in, of course, which is why I’ll keep asking.

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I really love all the nightborne things that are coming, still would love to have the tattoos more visible (Maybe with a second option to let them stay like they are).

And possibly remove the chin piece from the Heiritage robes since it could clip with the normal options (Wich make them unnecessary either way).


So you really considered something a “used car” in your opinion because it’s been on Blood Elves despite the fact you and others call the same thing new for Blood Elves and furthermore it was asked for by people like you for Void Elves.

I have never once told anyone to stop asking for more customizations for any race, I just don’t find you or anyone else acting like you aren’t getting new stuff when you are as being honest, truthful, real, whatever word you want to use because you are getting new customization options and no way you people try to spin it makes it not that way.


When did I ever say the skin tones Blood Elves have had for ages are new? Do you mean the new darker skin tones they received for Shadowlands? Indeed, those were brand new. Then they were copied over to Void Elves along with the skin tones they’ve had since BC (or WoD if you’d rather consider the updated ones).

Perhaps the word we’re looking for is that Void Elves are getting, “more,” stuff? Or, “previously things they didn’t have access to?”

The individual assets aren’t new though. They’re pre-existing. Their addition to Void Elves enables that specific race to customize themselves in a way they couldn’t previously, but the assets themselves aren’t new.