Why the lack of Customization?

Trolls will never allow Void Elf players to ask for anything.:grin:


Not many were asking for unique stuff though, and the current compromise is unfair to other fans of other races.

And antis wanted belves to remain unique, not to have a direct copy of blood elves on the alliance. That is understandable, and antis certainly didn’t want belf assets just slapped onto void elves.


It largely would depend on who you’d ask in the community. There were plenty willing to accept compromises, because they’d lost hope on getting anything better, and there were plenty who refused to accept a compromise, believing the game deserves better.

The current compromise is hardly unfair to anyone. It’s a result of two communities clashing for years, one of which wanted something new and different, and the other which didn’t want them to have anything at all.

Now we have Void Elves with Blood Elf assets when we could’ve had something like this, something the High Elf community had been asking for.

Then they should’ve supported the addition of a new Allied Race with a different model and customizations, as had been suggested by the High Elf community to begin with. Instead they went for a, “No, you get nothing,” play, and now here we are. Neither side 100% happy.


Neither side is a monolith.

Some did. Some didn’t. Goes both ways.

We have what we have now and should move from there. Its unlikely we’ll see a new high elf AR at this point.

Its also weird, to me at least, to say Void Elves haven’t had a pass… we have. Its just been used to take the request of high elves and slap it on us. We’ve had scant few void based options provided so far and I do hope we see some in the future.

Right now the most I think I can hope to see on that front would be adding tentacles to the hairstyles that don’t have them completing the tentacle toggle option fully.

Anything else I’d imagine we’ll be waiting a long time to see.


Agreed. The best we could get would be half-elves, but with the ear length options included on Void Elves, there isn’t much of a point to adding them either, now.

Speaking for myself, in my opinion, Void Elves haven’t had a proper customization pass. They’ve had touch-ups in the form of applying pre-existing assets on them. Its about as much of a customization pass as, say, Allied Races in the first wave getting eye colors.

A pass is something more dedicated to a race, expanding on it’s identity with new categories of customizations. Jewelry, Scars, Tattoos, Warpaint, etc… In the case of Void Elves who never even started with extra stuff like this, saying they’ve had a pass or even two feels disingenuous when they haven’t gotten anything like that at all. Don’t get me wrong, I’m fully aware what Void Elves have received has been great, and what was asked for in general by those accepting the compromise. It still doesn’t feel like a pass. A pass would’ve addressed things more completely, rather than piecemeal as has been the case.


Thinking that 5 hair colours and a toggle is fitting compared to a bunch of customizations given to other races is how we get here lmao.

And the disingenuous talk of “iT wAs tHe lOuDeSt” is so stupid, if that had anything to do with it, the first thing alliance would’ve gotten was Worgen tails.

Is hardly just the devs though. Clearly the community bends over any horde issues while dismissing Alliance stuff that has the same problems or worse.

It’s not surprising however, since there’s like 20-30% still playing alliance lmao.


As much as I realize that Blizzard is incapable of providing the time and effort or care needed for it, I still think every race/culture needs its own AR. They were the perfect setup for that minus the rep gate to add in the races long requested without having to make whole new world sections to justify it.

I also realize this goes against my realistic take you quoted.

But things like what they’ve done don’t make players happy.

Wildhammer are nothing without what makes them Wildhammer. Making them nothing more than Tattoos just shows that blizzard has widely forgotten what this game is.

High Elf folk clearly aren’t happy. As a Void Elf person I’m not happy.

There still are no Ogres or Forest Trolls or San’layn. Even Dark Rangers would be easy right now.

It feels like one misstep after another with how blizzard stubbornly clings to these things.

Honestly fair enough. But thats not how most of the people you’re talking about it to will or do see it.

We can each have our own opinions on it but if we go into a conversation not understanding how the people we’re conversating with see what we’re talking about you’re gonna run into issues.

To be fair… by this setup you’ve laid out I’d say blood elves didn’t get a pass either.

To me, personally, I see what we got during the pre-patch as very significant. First run we got some nice purple eyes which fit much better to our void theme I think, and we got skin tones we had no business getting. Even several of the blue eyes that Blood Elves got and the same purple.

We came out getting a new subrace from that first pass, perhaps incomplete by somes standards, whereas Blood Elves got jewelry as their big neat new thing.

These things don’t equate to me.

So due to the impact of those options added despite being unrelated to Void Elves themselves I do definitely qualify then and now as a pass.

I just wish they’d toss some actually clearly void oriented stuff our way… at least finish off the tentacle toggle and prepare for any new hairstyles we will get in the future to utilize it.

Its a mess.


Considering they had to repaint it in, yeah new assets.

A new feature along with;

These did not exist on void elves,which is a new asset, just like with hair colors, they had to be redrawn and worked on to be on VE’s. These are not just a simply copy and paste espaicially since some if not all of the VE hairstyles is different assets then the BE ones.

You can rp as one, but they did not say you are one.

Paladin is a holy light class. Void Elves is a Void race. That is how I figure. Common sense.

Half elves have more going for them then ear length. Don’t sell them that short.

They do need to finish the tenticle toggle. Or re-brand it void toggle and have the other styles have different void effects.

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With being able to animate the face, I’m surprised they’ve not just done a neutral expression as well, then have an “emote” option somewhere to pick from a list of expressions to set your face to until you change it. Pretty sure another game had something like that.

I really liked these mockups.


That is a pretty neat idea. Could work nicely as a type of customization for every race, they may even have the tech for it.


I know plenty of people who are happy, they just aren’t on the forums crying about it for half the day. My main RP guild is a Blood Elf guild. Only one person is “mad” about it, and he’s mocked.

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I don’t disagree. A new jewelry category for female Blood Elves is nothing. I’m really hoping to see scars, runic tattoos, etc…

Void Elves had the shades of blue first, actually. Initially Ion was against giving Blood Elves blue eyes, so those datamined eyes were always going to be for Void Elves. The same holds true for purple.

You’re forgetting that Blood Elves also got new skin tones, skin tones the High Elf community had been asking for. I do agree Void Elves wound up with two racial identities compared to the Blood Elves who have… well, two if one wants to be technical about it, but it’s certainly against the spirit of it.

Source for this? Last I checked it’s the exact same hair color and texture as Blood Elves.

New feature, not a few asset.

Still waiting on a source that those, ‘hair colors got redrawn,’ for Void Elves. The ear lengths aren’t new assets. Blood Elves already had them.

High Elves are a race that worships the Light, so… Paladin confirmed appropriate.

Yeah, they’re either the human model with pointed ears (Kalecgos, Alodi’s ghost) or High Elves with shorter ears (Arator).

Thus I said, “100% happy.” You’ll never please 100% of the people, after all. I was more referencing the forum communities that got caught up in this whole thing for the past few years.

In-game I’ve seen plenty of people stoked about the hair colors and tentacle toggle, and I’ve seen plenty of Blood Elf players who are completely indifferent about it.

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What Ion thought is obsolete, they planned for BE’s go get blue eyes since wrath/cata. They even talked about it in a Q&A.

I used the thought process of it baised on why blizz do not use color wheels.

Is new assets, like it or not.

Actually no, the only known high elf that worshipped the light rather then saw it as a tool was liadrin before she became a blood elf. Other then her most high elves didn’t get involved with the light till late 3rd war, and that was not a common trait of high elves.

Doesn’t mean they cannot create new model/assets for them.

I like how those are new for blood elves but nothing special and don’t count when void elves got them


This is so cool! Please take a look at this ideas for highborne customizations for night elves. Arcane vines could give them a cool magic effect xD https://youtu.be/eMhF6TKRnPM
Any news for void elf fans?


I would have preferred an arcane magic hair toggle to the hair jewelry. Not a fan of the hair jewelry on nightborne. The lightforged definetly have better jewelry. Now if the nightborne stuff was more magical like arcane jewelry (magic like the disguise masks quests) that may have been better. I do hope they add cool magical variants to the jewelry colors. I can’t wait to see the glowing hands. Hope they pull out the glowing hair magic effects for 9.1.5.


Void Elves and Blood Elves have received new high elf customizations, I think we all know about it.

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Its the same colors and textures.

No, it is not. A new asset is something that didn’t exist previous and had to be created.

You’re… aware that she had a mentor, right? Vandellor? High Priest of Quel’Thalas?

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It’s funny how stuff they consider new for us will never be considered new for them, despite them not having it previously, I don’t understand it myself either but I’ve realized a lot of them act like that.


No they are not, last I checked void elves hairs are either short or balding on most of them,which means they had to be repainted make it work.

It had to be created. It is a new asset. It did not exist previously for void elves. Stop trying to twist logic to make it fit your opinion.

Whom is never mentioned again. And possibly dead. Again, light worship is not a big thing for high elves. It is a rare sight to even had seen a high elf priest that actually did worshipped the light.

I think it’s guilt. They know what they did was wrong, but they are denying themselves the truth of the matter. Such pitiable thing it is.

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