They have no use for druids. They have artificers that can create tech stronger then any bear or cat can do. If anything they would be one of the few races that could get tinkers if that was released as a class.
And any other magic druids could perform other then transforming they could already do with light magic.
Also they do not want to restore nature, only to take down what they perceive as evil.
Both the Vulpera and the Pandaren have access to literal Wild Gods/Loa/August Celestials. A far more effective reason for them to be able to be druids than anything the LFD have.
LFD have Nothing to suggest they would ever be druids. Not a single thing. No links, no reasons.
Just admit its not about the lore or the likelihoods for you. Its just that you don’t like Vulpera and Pandaren. Stop pretending there is any lore reason for it. Cause you claimed up and down that the lore didn’t fit for Pandaren and Vulpera when someone suggested it before.
No new customisations announced in the ptr patch notes. Blizzard really did just give velves copy+paste stuff and called it at that, lmfao. I feel like I should have expected this because it’s Alliance content and Blizzard we’re talking about, but I gotta say that I’m still pretty disappointed
It’s a shame that Blizzard seems to be ignoring void elf players who want more void options. I’m sorry that this happened, but it’s standard fare for Blizzard.
Our haircuts with the tendril toggle straight up look broken without them too. Blizzard’s half-assed approach for everything about Void Elves is getting so tiring
Them touching up the hair is still possible. I don’t see anything about the HMT stuff being added either and they said they were on the mark for adding it in 9.1.5. Perhaps touching up the hair without tentacles and adding tentacles to the hairstyles without them to give us a true toggle is still ongoing?
Many high elf options and void elf ones can easily coincide so long as blizzard gives equal showing.
Take the tentacle toggle. If blizzard adds tentacles to the hairstyles without it the toggle effectively makes any hairstyle work for both.
Tattoos would be the same easily enough.
Hairstyles of course and scars too.
For the most part both groups should be able to coexist without issue.
Things like more tentacle options, on let’s say the body, though aren’t really going to be interesting to the average helf fan but many velf folk are into that.
Many options many paths some connect some don’t.
Farstrider options at this point I want some differences myself.
Blood elves I think should get the thicker looking tattoos you saw back in WC2.
Void elves should get ones more like Alleria’s current.
Colors I think shouldn’t be restricted per side though. (excepting void glowy ones or light glowy ones.)
Blood elves have the actual farstrider organization, so I’m much more inclined to see it as their thing personally. Doesn’t mean though that we, void elves, shouldn’t get something along those lines.
Again… I don’t like to claim “everyone” would be happy.
That being said, BElves farstriders have never shown anything that WC2 did even in WC3, and considering that Belves abandoned so much helf stuff like the unicorns and the blue/silver scheme. I think their farstrider would also be vastly different at this point. Unlike those who are still inspired by Alleria.
Aside from a color scheme change which may or may not have been canonical to Silvermoon itself, we don’t really see them use unicorns at all.
Actually from WC3 I think the only Elf animal we see is Dragonhawks.
Again I disagree. Alleria is the only elf at all to have tattoos aside from Demon Hunters until SLs prepatch. Thats a matter of the game not having the option rather than lore.
Now that we have that opportunity I think Blizzard should use it. Besides its what Belf players have long been asking for and they definitely need more than what they got.
Which is why I suggest that Belfs get the more WC2 version to represent their heritage, and Velfs get the Alleria style of them.
Heres an example of the belf ones I’d be referring to. (By Izzabelle, before we broke their poor hand asking for things like this… T_T)
We see Silvermoon in both WCIII and Reforged, the scheme was blue back then there’s no missing it. The red is to signify blood, following their name change for their fallen brethren.
As for unicorns, we actually see them as elves motifs all over during WC2 and its manual. And the fact that they added the Quel’dorei steed, from the SC, with the legend that it tracks back its lineage since the WoE just further confirms that.
Even if you want to argue they didn’t use them as mounts, they ditching them as motif (a one that was present everywhere even) shows they had a huge cosmetic-ideal change anyway which is the point here.
But the game always had tattoos for special units since vanilla. Whitemane, Dark Iron dwarves, even old “high elves”. So this wasn’t an impossibility for Blizzard, if they wanted they would’ve added it to Halduron at the very least.
Belves however changed their visual culture to be more streamlined and modern. That’s even noticeable in the fact that their own units in game don’t wear cowls anymore. And those have always been in game.
There have been other things missing that have always been very Belfy however. Like the runic tattoos from the BC box.
Untimately, it’s one thing to have stuff from a race’s past. But also is important o preserve a race’s evolution that defined them. In this case, Belves changed substantially when they took their new name which is the point of their race.
Oh I’m quite aware. Just blizzard has kinda said that Silvermoon was red here and there all the time and even depicts it as actually having many colors in Chronicle.
I’m just not sure exactly what the canon is supposed to be there.
Yes, we do see the motiffs here and there. But thats it as far as any animals until WC3 where we see the Dragonhawks.
In WoW of course as you point out in Wrath they added in the Unicorn mount and also gave the SC Hippogryphs out of the blue. We also get in TBC Hawkstiders for Belfs.
Whether this is really that important doesn’t really change much. Farstriders don’t have much connection to it.
Should also mention that their ships used to have the symbol on them too.
Sure, lets assume that.
Farstriders don’t have any direct connection and I don’t really see why using specific designs for one (belf) and another for the other (velf) is a problem?
The way I suggest it Velfs end up with Alleria’s design of tattoos anyways… so what is the issue you have here?
None of which were added to player character options until Demon Hunters and later some AR’s.
Which by that concept if they had wanted them to have tattoos (velfs) why wouldn’t they have added them with LFD and Nightborne…
Its a lose lose concept to assume that because they “could have” it means they never would have had them in lore.
Which I also think they should get.
I immensely disagree.
Not giving the Blood Elves their farstrider tattoos is absolutely just to screw over Blood Elves. Its a long standing request for belf players and one they continue to want and request.
And again what I suggested above gives both Velf and Belf farstrider tattoos… it just gives some differentiation.
Personally I think they should just focus on void themes from here on out. High elf players has enough as it is. Heck, one can say the “high elf” theme trumps void customization in numbers as you have more options to look like a “high elf” on a void elf, then a void elf can look like a void elf. Which is sad because the race name is void elf.