Why the lack of Customization?

I think people put too much weight on racials. Already most of em aren’t going to contribute much to your overall situation.

I want blizzard to go nuts with AR’s. I think they have a great deal more value to the players interested in those races than mere customization.

That’s just imo though.


Are the requests for night elves even listend to?:frowning: We are in dire need of proper Highborne options aka more royal jewelry (golden jewelry, headcrowns, etc.), royal hairstyles similar to Azshara’s and also her skin color.


Nope, more leaves for you!

Sorry if these requests aren’t something you want. But me and a lot of other fans do.


But isn’t this the ankle people are using to justify what is or isn’t? The Void Elves are a rather bad example hindered by the transformation effect which people despise. Bronzebeard/Wildhammer dwarves don’t have this problem. Orgrimmar/Mag’har Orcs are just aesthetics I think.

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I was being sarcastic xD (I even liked your comment, if you hadn’t noticed)

I would love more Highborne customizations for Night Elves. The Shen’dralar joined them several years ago, it’s logical to be able to reflect that in game through customizations.


Yes they do.

Wildhammer don’t have their racials.

They’re stuck with Bronzebeard ones. Which they wouldn’t have.

A Wildhammer dwarf without a Stormhammer racial and some sort of Gryphon racial is not a Wildhammer Dwarf.

Not only that but classes are a major problem with Wildhammer.

Mages and warlock would not be available to them. Paladin would be immensely unlikely.

Druid on the other hand would fit right in.


While I agree that those sort of options should be made available, I can understand why the Night Elves don’t have those options. Customization options in large part are meant to encapsulate a race and inform their identity; the Highborne are a minority in Kaldorei society, and in-game, don’t really have an aesthetic that can really be attributed to them.

Azshara is shown to wear a tiara, does that necessarily make it a Highborne style, or is it because she was the Queen? It sounds like what you want are hairstyles with a less unkempt appearance and more jewelry options.

Cannot this be solved by simply making a Shaman and using a Gryphon mount?

My body is ready for these customizations Blizzard.

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No… It cannot.


What I want are more regal options. Similar to Azshara’s in her land form. More styled and regal hairstyles and not shaggy, more royal/fancier jewelry and not vines and leaves and also golden jewelry options.

Edit: something similar to Azshara’s land form in terms of hairstyles and jewelry. And her skin color of course.


is this regal enough for you

No, it’s not.


Would it help if you name it, “Stormcell”?

I would not mind if they pruned racials down to just simple things and some that add flavor.

Heck, even the 1% stat racials don’t make much sense at this point because they change classes around so much each Xpac. 1% of something might not even be good and you feel pressured to race change again.

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I’m siding with Fen (and the rest of the Wildhammer fans) here.

It was terribly unfair for Wildhammer fans to see their favorite race be relegated to a few tattoo options for Bronzebeard Dwarves.

They might be biologically the same, but they’re definitely not the same group and the same people. They either deserve their own allied race OR more racial customization, such as being able to toggle your race tag from “Dwarf” to “Wildhammer Dwarf” and customize your Bronzebeard racials to something else.

Ideally they should also receive their own heritage armor :frowning:


Me thinks Blizzard forgot about heritage armor.


Also Wildhammer where supposed to taller and leaner as per Day of the Dragon.


If they give Void Elves green eyes I’ll tattoo the WoW logo on my buttox