Why the lack of Customization?

I’d love to see more troll hair options & I’m a big fan of the dreads, I think there’s enough that are balding/have weird hairlines lol


God, you’re awesome. I am being genuine in my admiration for how you carry yourself on these forums and how you treat others (even those you disagree with.) You’ve quickly become one of my favorite people on the forums. Everyone could benefit from being more like you. :smiley:


How about Blizzard give us the switchable dances that we were promissed back in tbc. Or they fix how male orcs run. Male orc’s run is so over the top comical its really bad. And has made me consider race changing thats how bad it is.


I’m still just shaking my head over the fact Fallynn started this whole thing over her comment of humans are boring and she hates the Alliance. (Which she later edited mind you) And all I said in reply is elves are just humans with pointy ears. Somehow she took that as a personal attack for some odd reason and attacked me back then couldn’t take the heat when I called her out on her attack. Oh logic your so much better when people use you rather than have a knee jerk reaction. Sad thing is her ideas for customization seem well thought out but if she takes a simple comment as a personal insult the conversation was doomed from the start. Pity, that it went down the way it did buy hey that’s life not everyone gets along.

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Yeah agreed entirely. Worgen are interesting and there’s things I like about the curse lore, and things I dislike, but all in all they can be really neat. I like that they can be fierce, at least, and monstrous. But yeah, they’d look so much better with tails, in my personal opinion, and I wish we had the option to at least give them.


Tails and also a straight-backed option for the males.


Oh that’s a good one too, I forgot about that one, entirely agreed. I know we’ve seen straight-back forsaken, but are there worgen NPCs with straight backs as well? Pretty sure aside from special NPCs, there weren’t ones for orcs prior to the change for them, though, so I don’t’ think it matters. Not sure how tough it would be to do, but regardless, i’d love to see that for them.


I’m kind of confused on how there was no room for more customization options in shadowlands after launch, and how the recent systems changes were completely off the table, and now all of a sudden you’re able to pull all off ALL this stuff for a .5 patch? Where did these resources come from?


I feel the same way!!! But that’s because the devs consider different tints as specific rewards :roll_eyes: , it’s a very outdated way to handle it. I like how FFXIV handles it, exclusive effects on weapons are from achievements (usually some kind of raid achieve or grind) but regular ol’ armor dyes can be gotten fairly simply.

That way you can preserve ‘unique looks attached to specific rewards’ and also allow more creativity for your players through the dye system.


  • cue Bison gif meme



Hi Linxy,

Any chance that the Nightborne male faces will be altered or more will be added? They’re looking… not quite right. Could we get some young options that are not scowling?



Equality does not equal equity, though.

Giving everyone the exact same number of skin tone combination possibilities is vastly different than offering high quality content that is in line with the desired customization.

A prime example being Void Elves. It doesn’t matter how many “void” themed customizations were offered, players were asking for an entirely different present (that being the High Elf aesthetic).

Even if every building in town gets a staircase so that we can all get inside, people in wheel chairs are still going to be unhappy because there is no ramp.

Not that we’re entitled to customizations here, just to clear that up. But I think it’s important to keep in mind that the company makes big strides when they actually listen to what players are asking for, instead of just shoving ridiculous things at us and hoping we’ll shut up because “now everyone has the same thing”.


would be cool if we can get hot pink tattoos and actual void stuff. some of us want to play void elves


I mean if they kept the design of the old model we probably wouldn’t need tails those models stood upright and had a lot of features that players have been asking for. If they just updated the og model instead of making a brand new one in cata we would probably have less complaints.

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the purple eyes are awesome <3 My velf rogue looks so great in the PTR with them and the black hair.


Also, as a whole, it doesn’t matter how many options some races get if it doesn’t actually add aesthetic diversity.

It’s a huge problem with the Alliance right now.
We had “too many humans”, while the Horde got new aesthetics and entirely new made up races.

Doesn’t matter how many options Kul’tirans get when it’s just another human and the main complaint was “too many humans”. That didn’t help the problem; it only made it worse. Especially with the counterpart was “dinosaur mayans” that were also one of the most requested faction specific races in the last decade.

At this point, some races having more customization to fix that lack of aesthetic diversity is what would actually be fair.

If Night Elves have more options and cover more subraces than Nightborne, then that is fine. If Void elves get San’layn ontop of High Elves, that is fine. If Dwarves get Frostborn and Dark Irons get ActualIron dwarf customizations, that is fine.

Because we just have less actual races with aesthetic diversity, and just expanding on what we have more is the only way to fix things without giving the Horde like 2 more kinds of orcs to make up for BFA.

Also, I’ll always say it;
If they really want to make an impact on the faction morale issues, give us a Horde request and one that’s actually popular. Won’t fix playability issues, but we could really use something after BFA.

Blood Elves are literally just an attractive human model in this game.
Any of them complaining about “alliance boring” is just cringe, because they’re literally playing a race introduced to the horde because they were “pretty” enough to get people to actually play there in TBC.


Agreed, totally.

This, though - is a bandaid on a dam leak. It doesn’t fix the underlying issue (which you’re right about: a lack of aesthetic diversity is essential).

Blizzard needs to take a closer look at the sort of fantasy they’re driving for each faction, and really zero in one how to expand the factions, not contract them. Homogenizing everything is not the way to go, and it seems like they haven’t learned this lesson yet.

Penalizing one faction like this is borderline spiteful. I’ve long believed that the factions need to build outwards, rather than towards each other. Less parity between them, more unique and compelling narratives and features.

The Horde and Alliance should NOT go tit for tat on developments. One shouldn’t lose a capital city because the other day. One shouldn’t have a character die because the other had the same.

Everything about each faction should be unique, because we don’t play this game to play a mirror of the other side - we play our preferred faction because we like their culture and aesthetic (and some people play for population reasons, but that’s a whole other issue).

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I posted this is a San’Layn thread, but because Blizzard appears to be looking and responding to this post, I’d like to post it here as well.

Female Void Elf Options:

  • Hair Color Options: 8 unique options, 20 total options
  • Skin Color Options: 6 unique options, 16 total options
  • Face Options: 8 unique options due to void skin, 18 total options
  • Toggle Options: Tentacles on all hairstyles

Female Blood Elf Options:

  • Hair Color Options: 8 unique options, 16 total options
  • Skin Color Options: 0 unique options, 14 total options
  • Face Options: 0 unique options, 10 total options
  • Toggle Options: None

I will give Blood Elves this; their female avatars have multiple jewelry options (3 necklaces, 3 bracelets, 3 armbands, and 14 earrings in two colors: Gold and silver).

Male Void Elf Options:

  • Hair Color Options: 8 unique options, 20 total options
  • Facial Hair Options: 8 options total, an array of beards and goatees
  • Skin Color Options: 6 unique options, 16 total options
  • Face Options: 8 unique options due to void skin, 18 total options
  • Toggle Options: Tentacles on all hairstyles

Male Blood Elf Unique Options:

  • Hair Color Options: 8 unique options, 16 total options
  • Facial Hair Options: 13 options total, but only 3 full beards
  • Skin Color Options: 0 unique options, 14 total options
  • Face Options: 0 unique options, 10 total options
  • Toggle Options: None

Using these options, that means that Void Elves have 6 more total skin options than Blood Elves with 8 being completely unique to them, they have more facial options due to the dynamic of void-tinted faces having a more “makeup” or “withered” effect, and they have most of the Blood Elf basic hair colors with their own unique colors.

Void Elf Hair Texture: AKA, way better than Blood Elf hair texture

Here are some examples of how textured Void Elf hair is compared to Blood Elves. It was clear that Blood Elf hair was used as a base, but then layers and length were added for female Void Elves. Blood Elf hair looks like cardboard in comparison.


Void Elves can look like Blood Elves…


But this is what happens when Blood Elves try to look like Void Elves…


(The above image showing that Void Elves can look exactly like Blood Elves with a few minor differences, but Blood Elves have no opportunity to look similar to Void Elves with the current hair and skin options)

Void Elves have two subraces (Void and High), whereas Blood Elves have none. And Blood Elves are the core race. So what would remedy this?

  • Adding a Dark Ranger / San’layn sub-race for Blood Elves. Red eyes, undead skin tones, potential unique hairstyles.
  • Adding more differences to make Blood Elves stand out, such as Farstrider tattoos, feathers, and runic scars.
  • Enhancing current Blood Elf hairstyles. I am not asking for a copy of the Void Elf ones, but something with similar quality would be nice.
  • Adding more jewelry toggles to hair (the TIARA one as an example) because Void Elves have tentacle toggles.




Thanks for coming to my TED talk. There may be minor mistakes in here because I’m tired and will fix in the morning.


This is well put together and well said, I really like it ^^ I gave my support for much of that, but want to highlight the hair issue there too. I’d love more whispy details on blood elf hair, I think it’s why I have gripes with it so much. And when it’s put into perspective there… I understand why.

Also why some void/high elf fans reject wanting blood elf styles :stuck_out_tongue: Some are incredibly outdated and need an update.


Well said. :slight_smile:


These look great, but it seems like the Highmountain will end up with more customisation than the base Tauren so I hope they get some love too.

Other than the horns, tattoos and jewelry which should be unique to each group they should share things like hair/beard/eye/skin options.

Same thing for Orcs/Mag’har or Draenei/Lightforged.

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