Why the lack of Customization?

When I first started this game I abhorred the eyebrows and ignored the ears. Now I hate short ears and love long eyebrows lmao good god

I love it! You did an amazing job

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I still don’t get why a height slider isn’t a thing. Scale characters up or down a degree.


Been waiting for this for both those specs feels bad I never get to see mog I make in battle

Yeah I would love to see this (worgen’s main racial mount is themself)

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Thanks! Sadly I’m just someone who organized everything and made the video. The real art in it is credited to Qualia. I’m a writer but not any story of visual artist!

Hah makes sense! I hope you folks get what you ask for too. I personally really wish worgen had tails! They’re one of the most interesting things on alliance to me though and I would love to see them get more.


They are interesting because they aren’t human despite having a human form. But they lack so many features: Fang/Claw melee attacks, tails, Greymane-like suits, a better heritage armor and fur colors.

I like the Hippogryph suggestion.

Also because I don’t like flying mounts that don’t have a walking animation :rofl: it’s also not humongous so I won’t get stuck in doorways too! :sweat_smile:

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Me too. I love the gothic, spooky aspect of void elves, not a fan of tentacles or k’thir options in general. I want them to look dark/gothic and not k’thir monsters.


I always loved vampire elves from wow, always wanted to play them. I also love high elves and void elves. Wow forums are so polarized, people are always trying to put everyone on a “side”. I just love elves, and want all them to look beautiful and cool. I want all the different elven fantasies to be playable.


More troll hair options. Dreadlocks, specifically.

top art - credit to Punkchops (@punkchops)
bottom art - credit to stumpyfongo (insta)



Excuse me Mr, the very fact this hasn´t been implemented yet is a crime in itself.

WoW´s trolls are based in afro caribbean cultures -you know, the most common users of dreadlocks nowadays apart from some Africans tribes like the Másai-.


I know. I’ve been asking for four years now. There are so few troll players that it’s hard to gather support for hairstyles and customizations that aren’t total jokes (palm tree hair, balding, mushrooms, cmon really?). :cry: A Darkspear can hope.

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If this was a thing, beard and all. Thats how I’d look. Hands down.

Toes down too…

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You can count me in regarding this petition, after all I use the braids haircut with my male Darkspear precisely cause it´s the closest thing to dreadlocks XDXDXD.

Also, bi-colored hair appliable to ALL the haircuts for DK trolls when?

The recolors of old armor tier is nice, but also makes me wonder why we can’t just dye our own armor? The vast majority of MMORPGs have that options. I’ve played almost every major title that’s come out in the last 10-15 years, and while I’ve definitely enjoyed some, I always come back to WoW. My Tauren female is from Vanilla WoW, my hunter pet is the original from that time. I’ve seen some customization and a complete rework of the Tauren graphics but having more options would be lovely. I feel like my old hunter, having been through so many wars, would be able to look older and wiser, with maybe a few subtle scars.

There’s so much to work towards as far as customization and small additions. I think doing small updates more often would be greatly appreciated by the community. It shows progress and communication with the players.


And yes! I’ve always haaaated that my Worgen doesn’t have a tail. It feels like a major missing piece. I know the NPC worsens didn’t usually (or ever?) have tails but as a humanoid player class, Worgens look odd without a tail.



Is there any chance the rather dire state of male Void Elf hair can be addressed? Quite frankly, they’re all varying degrees of terrible. Not everything needs a widow’s peak or needs to look like The Winter Soldier.

Also, for hairstyles that have the tentacles removed, will the art team be adding in hair to replace the tentacles to fill out the style? They look a little off without the tentacles.

Please thank the team for the new hair colors! While I still don’t agree with adding fair skinned, blonde haired, blue eyed High Elf appearances to the dark skinned Void Elves, it’s good to have more options. Hopefully, we’ll get actual High Elves one day with their own identity, culture, racials, etc., without compromising the identity of the Void Elves to do so. I doubt it will happen, but, hey, that’s what I get for being an optimist. :laughing:


The void nibbled away some of our hair, thus we are balding lol.

I’ll agree with this.
I’m disappointed we’ve not gotten a full necromancer class, especially with this expansion and them being featured as npcs everywhere.
There’s some great ideas out there. Same for tinkers. They’d make a great class.
I’d also like to see a heavy plate void casting melee class. Something that really delves into the void themes.

I quite like the idea of class skins for other options. There’s spots where it’d make a race make more sense or just to have the additional customization options.

I like making paladins but would really like to have them get powers from other sources for visual distinction. Elune, Arcane, Void etc

Maybe they’ll get a proper pass later that involves new stuff (hopefully voidy) and not just enabling existing assets.

They should have done it right and made it an AR. Same for the Wildhammer and troll options.

True, I preferred the mockups using the night elven bodies. Combine that with a different pose and such. Some more distinct customizations.