Why the lack of Customization?

Dedicated fan you say.

God damned powerhouse says I.

No one better to talk bout blood elves than Ariel.


and thats what makes people interesting. depth.

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did you happen to see my new spec idea?

I don’t think so! What was it again? Sorry, I’ve been busy trying to keep a cool reaction to things and just… let people bait me, as usual.

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potential customization idea:
a new spec for every class that includes a shapeshift into an unique race with preset gear appearance. examples are:

spec: necromancer
shapeshift: lich or banshee
pets: undead

spec: mindcontroller
shapeshift: naga
pets: charmed npcs

spec: faery magic
shapeshift: dryad/keeper of the grove
pets: sprite darters

spec: dark ranger (belf if horde, nelf if alliance)
shapeshift: dark ranger
pets: whateva

theoretically, the lich/ banshee for necro could be male/female san’layn instead for horde


Oh yeah that’s neat, I like that idea! Very creative. I don’t know how another spec would be taken due to balancing, but it’s something to think about!

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it’d be a fiasco but fun fun fun.
also note i added that the necro shapeshift could be san’layn for horde and lich/banshee for alliance, perhaps

theres gotta be a way



Oh, I’m not sure what other people’s thoughts are on this, but I’d personally really love to see core racial mounts updated. The old models are something I, personally, really dislike, and they look poor (in my opinion) in comparison to the newer models.


Old Gods absolutely.

I think Ariel went over it a bit earlier too but I’m a fan of Racial Flying mounts being worked on too.

But yeah the old mounts should be updated to current standards. I miss my Wintersaber so much.

Also Eagles for HMT! Pheonix’s for Blood Elves! Starcursed Dragonhawks (Or hippogryphs) for Void Elves! Unique Wyverns for Orcs and Tauren!

And for real big points… A Wildhammer Gryphon for dwarves so I can at least have some of my Wildhammer back…


Fen is right though, it’s far more healthy to step away than to get further steeped into it.

Admittedly I’ve failed at it more often than not.

But his point is correct, it’s not that ignoring is “running away” it’s more so “I am done with this” and moving on.

That’s actually far far more healthy for the mind of that individual than to keep bickering, especially over something as inconsequential like video game customizations, but people do it in the real world as well.

I get your viewpoint, but ultimately none of this is worth incessantly arguing over.

Like Alerovia said, there isn’t anything to be dramatic over. Focus more on what you’d like to see.

Like I said I’m definitely at fault of it, but we can always aim to do better than what we’ve done previously.


Hippogryphs get my vote


I feel like that would be better overall.

Keeps us from taking a blood elf mount. (I’m aware we already have one on Alliance.)

Hippogryphs will appeal to High Elf folk more cause of the SC Hippogryph.

Void Elf folk just want more starcursed things. :stuck_out_tongue:

Win Win Win.


That’s what I love about it. Hippogryphs are also related to night elves so just gives more of that Alliance vibe.

And yes starcursed ofc :wink:

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Who hasn’t?

But even then, there’s a difference between people who get heated while talking seriously about it, and then the people who are just in it to try and get a fight started, I can see ignoring the first if you’re not comfortable with how you react, but ignoring the second group is just adjusting the channel to get rid of static.

(meant as a seconding of your point)


These are good changes, but this isn’t close to enough. WoW needs an entire patch dedicated to hundreds of new hairstyles, skintones, etc for ALL races across the board. I’ve heard Blizz representatives echo that our characters are the lens through which we experience the game and the importance of it, but it doesn’t feel like in practice Blizz really understands what that means. I think more attention needs to be paid to the classes and characters themselves rather than new systems - where would we be if things like Conduits and Torghast weren’t a thing and instead Devs focused on making classes more fun and exciting? There’s a youtube video floating around out there of a former wow dev (think his name is kaleiki) who upon joining Blizzard was surprised to find there aren’t developers dedicated to classes themselves - where this may be normal, this along with many other things makes me question Blizzards priorities. Players want fun classes - players do not want to be caught up in a game of constant systemic change, being pulled one way, and then another way, pulled right, pulled left, every patch, expansion, etc and this is true ranging from the core experiences (covenants, etc) to the classes themselves. I hate having playstyles and abilities taken away from me, abilities pruned, and core talents just ripped from my class with seemingly no reason why or good feedback/communication loop (give me back Empowered Seals damn you).



It’s nicer when the dust settles lol


It’s why I’ve always liked the times where the elf threads got more lounge like. We just disagree on elves, doesn’t mean we disagree on everything and we’re all humans, we can all argue about game things we’ve got strong opinions on but then move on to other things about the shared interest(s) we have.


Hey Linxy, do you think we could get a Glyph for Shadow Priests and Balance Druids in 9.1.5, that allows them to use a completely humanoid model (that hides the Shadowform visual and shows the Druid in a non-star tinted Caster form like Malfurion)?

So many beautiful transmogs in the works, and yet those two classes won’t be able to fully enjoy them because of obscuring spell effects related to the class. I’m sure the players of Void Elves that would play Shadow Priest will echo this sentiment too. Thank you for reading!


Hey Linxy, any chance we’ll get to see one or two of the missing Heritage armors in 9.1.5? 7 core races still need a first set while folks are clamoring for recolor and alterations of existing sets.
Also it would be nice to hear if there were plans to take a second customization pass at a few races that were somewhat slighted in the first pass. Pandarens could use some love in this department with perhaps additional faces beyond the single one we have, being able to have our hair color not tied to our fur color, Red Panda options for male Pandaren and jewelry options for our tails.