Why the lack of Customization?

He´s THE bro. The guy is the most polite person I´ve ever seen in this place, he managed to scare a troll trying to close his thread on the first posts using pure politeness and genuine kindness. Heck, a dirty “Anti” like me went to that thread to offer support much sooner than some of the people hijacking his race did.

Heck, I present yours truly, the actual person that suggested dreadlocks as a way to implement tentacle hair for Velves. And I don´t play Velves, but Fen wanted some way to get tentacles as hair and I had that idea that I suggested to him.

He deserves to get his Voidberg Jones (That would make me play an Alliance toon that I don´t ditch before it reachs level 20), period. Regardless of the “horror” of the usual suspects.


You are about 3 minutes late because she already ignored you but thanks for playing. :joy: :joy: :joy:

Now that I’ve muzzled someone I don’t want to hear barking, I’ll clarify my point for those who apparently can’t think past character models and put things into simple terms as a bonus to those who need it.

I don’t like the story of the alliance.

I find high elf lore incredibly boring.

I’m allowed to have both opinions while playing a blood elf because guess what? I liked their lore in BC, how they embraced the darker side of things, and when I played the game, I played many of mine as San’layn. Lore that I actually enjoy.

Playing something that looks nice doesn’t make it boring. The lore does. They could add the most interesting things to the alliance and I would still dislike them because I don’t like alliance vibe or lore. It’s that simple.

I don’t even like what they’ve done with blood elves at all either, for the record, but played them for a while with actual nuance to their story.

Edit: ALSO if someone loves the alliance and high elves? Good for them! I’m not putting them down. Some of them probably hate vampires and the Horde. And that’s okay too. We are allowed opinions.




I see you’ve linked my video! Been a while. Years I think. Ah… if only I got better at art in that time. Sadly I went the writing route. Well… not sadly. I don’t regret it. But I sometimes wish I could make my own visuals. I’ll have to settle with buying art.


Btw, about the muzzling strat: thank you. From the bottom of my black heart, thank you.

It does make one´s life SO much easier when the usual witchhunts can´t be seen.


Me, I haven’t ever said they aren’t, I’m a Nightborne supporter so I guess she was right you are definitely barking up the wrong tree but thanks for the old hat.

Oh no problem! Glad I could help! It’s now getting to the point where there’s quite a bit of hidden replies and I almost never click them. It’s hard to get rid of the temptation at first but it makes things a lot less frustrating.


You was smarter blocking that one, trust me on that because I know you can still see my replies. :yum: :yum: :yum:

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I could care less about the horde. Yes it’s nice to see Nightborne not have the same terrible model for 10 years like the Worgen had but you know when you see people crying over and over in the post after getting everything they ask for it kind of gets old.

well i am a fan of creativity and that is so creative it almost deserves its own game.


At the beggining I used to click on the hidden replies, got a few good laughs out of them (apparently some are “offended” I put their annoying behinds on ignore, God forbids I make a deliberate choice like an irl adult… last time I saw nobody has to become friends nor even like other people, people just have to stop interacting with other people they dislike to avoid confrontations, period).

Cohabitation 101


Great, thanks for saying this so I can quote it so everyone can see just what type of person you really are and with that said that leads me back to my first reply to you which was that you are trying to bait people for drama and to take it elsewhere.

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Also though I edited my post, I want to reiterate. Those who love the alliance are great too. I was expressing why I personally don’t want to switch despite many saying blood elf players will now switch.

I, point blank period, don’t like the faction split to begin with.

But if you’re an alliance player and fell in love with high elves? That’s neat! They’re not boring to you. I fell in love with vampyr lore from wrath and that very much isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. Some people like the silver covenant and alliance thalassian elves, and that’s not my cup of tea. Would I RP with them if I came back? Sure! I just wouldn’t RP one myself.

What’s boring to me is the best thing ever to some. What’s amazing to me could be boring or trash to some. And that’s okay.

I’m not going to insult a person for having a different opinion. I’ll express what I really want added though and what i really hope not to see. And people are free to politely do the same to my ideas too. But don’t insult me as a person.


This is about customization I know its hard for you to understand that. One day when you pull your head out of your butt you’ll understand what I’m trying to tell you but keep running around “lalala I can’t hear you” like a 5 year old and maybe you’ll feel better about yourself.

What about anything you have said so far is about customizations? Show me because nothing you have said that is customization based and not an insult against me or Fall so nice try but like I said you are here trying to cause drama for no reason.

I think they’re legitimately trolling. Best to flag and ignore.



hehe usual suspect here. i like flowers and trees and stuff. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

There’s no reason to call anyone, ‘childish,’ or refer to their opinions or stance on a matter as conspiratorial as, ‘tactics.’


If we actually got some of their hairstyles too, to properly replicate the high elf aesthetic, I don’t think I’d have as much as problem with it; even if that is the last thing I want. But we don’t even have that yet, so we haven’t been given entirely what we asked for if that were the case.

This is the worst case scenario though, since Blizzard can still make Void Elves unique enough with hairstyles and beards alone.