Why the lack of Customization?

Literally no one has said that at all today so nice trying to bait but take it elsewhere.


Oh sorry, no, I meant the reddit OP, drflanigan. In the OG reddit thread, a few peeps even call them out for being misleading, but IMO the reddit OP is pretty clear. They just didn’t do anything to correct other peoples’ misinterpretations, which is kinda shady. What a pot to stir.

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Okay, since we’re not allowed to ask for new stuff, where are our blood elf hairstyles? :thinking: We still don’t have that yet

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I know reading is hard but ya…

Alright! These are awesome! Now time for gnomes! :sunglasses:


Understood, again I apologize for misunderstanding what you meant.

I usually try to provide a source for something if I’m able to and that chart has always been useful for discussing possible combinations on races (although it will be outdated now sadly). I just wanted to clarify that I wasn’t trying to twist the data to fit a narrative.

That said I am curious now about how many individual options each race has. I don’t think I’ve seen a chart on that yet.

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G’head. Take 'em. You’ve ensured I’ve no passion left for my race, and have ruined one of my favorite things about this game. Go on. Go forth and continue requesting them.

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Where did this come from? We just pointed out that what you asked for is what you got, and it’s pretty tacky to pretend that it’s some sort of disappointment that you got so much.


Interesting uthopia that person lives.

Is not as if math has literally made the construction of the human civilization irl possible (nothing long lasting nor safe can be done without some amount of math involved)

Omg, I ADORE Baskin Robbins (also i have an unnatural resistance to sweet flavors).

Indeed. And what do you think i tried to tell some of the people asking for low effort cloned stuff back in the days of participating on Helfer threads?

Sorry not sorry, some of them made their mortgage and now they will have to lay on it.

This is why for this incoming patch for the Belf race I´d vouch for:

  1. Low effort toggle for the two new haircuts that have jewerly
  2. Low effort accesibility of red / orange Dark Ranger eyes on the playable Belf model
  3. Middle effort white skin characteristic of the Dark Rangers (these is more complex cause panties, I know).

For a short to mid term future core racial for the Belves pass I´ll ask for:

  1. Characteristic runic scarifications and tattoos of the TBC game box available for the Belf playable model (runes on face and body btw)

  2. Scars and damaged ears

  3. Warpaint for the Farstrider experience (to make a distinction with Alleria model, I´d ask for warpaint more similar in design to the one used for the Orc and Troll races -btw, this design is hilariously, more similar to the old RTS Farstrider design)

The tattoos and warpaint in as much colors available as possible, for Belves I say they can be: White, blue, purple, pink and orange for arcane based roleplay, red and black for Blood roleplay, mint green and teal for Farstrider roleplay, Yellow for Light roleplay and Fel green for Fel based roleplay.

Sorry guys, i don´t believe in the “let´s limit color access BS” after the announcements of 9.1.5. Color stopped being a mark or racial identity as far as I´m concerned and every race deserves to customize their stuff in all the colors they may want, period.

For a middle to long term future additional core pass for the Belves my petitions would be:

  1. Toggle to modify already existing hairtcuts (like something to add or remove braids or bangs or any other feature)

  2. Toggle to add “mutations” like: the characteristic feathery wings of the Sunwell Plateau Fellblood NPCs (in several colors too btw, or at least black and white), horns, claws, fangs, bat wings (for the San´layn experience), bat ears, etc.

  3. Increase in the “jewerly” department in both colorations AND design (please Blizz, next time safer necklace designs that won´t get the toons killed if they accidentally fall may be appreciated. I know the word gaudy is not nice, but sorry, the current necklaces ARE gaudy). Include stuff like: proper tiaras and chokers (like the ones that appear in the TBC cinematic), rings that can be seen above the tmogs, ankle bracelets and foot rings and/or decorations. Regarding colors, take the suggestions made by Féyrre in some posts above this one.

All the suggestions above available for male and females, let´s stop with these limitation by genre trend, tyvm.

Ofc most of these petitions have been suggested by several different posters who deserve their due credit. You guys may consult who was the one suggesting the stuff on the Belf customization thread or the San´layn tyhread (sorry Fallyn, i almost forgot to give the due credit).

I never said you can´t ask for actually decent stuff (Fen is one of the people most hurt by the implementations given by Blizzard, and i really appreciate him, i hate to think how dissapointed he may feel right now), i´m just saying that a company will always go for the low effort stuff and use it as an excuse to procrastinate on the more elaborate stuff.

i work on the industry, if a client tells me I can deliver to him his merchandise in either generic containers i can buy anywhere or in an specific type of container, what do you think my boss is gonna choose? the cheapest option ofc a.k.a. the generic stuff. There, the client set a precedent.

I repeat: nobody isn´t saying it isn´t lame -heck, I told you guys THIS was gonna be the lamest thing ever-, we´re just telling you this is something you guys should had considered before, cause now Blizzard can say they have given you guys ways to replicate a completely different look using lame ways, and this is VALID as customization features from a technnical PoV, period.


That’s a self own hahaha.

Apparently you can’t comprehend people liking different types of lore. I never said humans are boring because of how they look. You keep trying to reach though. :roll_eyes: I’m allowed to dislike factions and races because of their lore. Even have a human vampyr thread going for human models on Horde but yeah you keep barking.

No idea why I’m not even allowed to share my opinion anymore without some chihuahua yapping.


I love this, legit love it!!! :heart: :heart: :heart:

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Real talk, Fen is a bro. I feel bad he might be as disappointed as most of us. I hope he sees his options implemented.


if you had gone to the barber to customize your nightborne, velf or lightforged draenei at the time, it felt like slim pickins.

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I see you are one of the stupid one… stupid I can work with.

Your elves are humans with pointy ears. Sorry to break your heart my dear.

They say this is how the vampire v. Werewolf war started, but it was over a bit fast because the werewolves had an odd fascination with their tails and projected their inability to think critically.

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So, you saying the High Elf community has been requesting for Gold and Green eyes?

Because the High Elf community has never been requesting for the Blood Elf options. Ok, there is either the 1 person on alts or a small “other” group who wants the Blood Elf hair styles, but a vast majority of us have never been requesting for Blood Elves options.

I’ll put it this way, when Ely stated the reason to the Blue Eyes for Blood Elves and Skin Colours for the Void Elves, there was an objective to why it was given. And it wasn’t because it was requested by the High Elf community. As soon as Blizzard went down this way, then it was clear on what we could request for instead for us to be our Alliance High Elves.

Yeah, skin colours, they are not to unique to blood elves as you have other races with fair skin colours. Just easier to copy and paste those from the Blood Elves to the Void Elves because they share the same model. Hair colours, once again, they are not unique to the Blood Elves as there is other races out there that have neutral hair colours. But as I just said, just easier for Blizzard to copy-paste.

You do know the irony of why our feedback has really been listened too, isn’t because of the High Elf community, but actually the Anti community. Between all of us, the Anti’s have posted in our threads more than us, and kept our threads active, therefore, why Blizzard listened to our feedback :hugs:


I’m going to tell you to stop projecting and swiftly put you on ignore. Good day, bad human-shaped dog.


There is no call to be so aggressive and rude. Fallynn is a wonderful individual and has always been very neutral on these matters. That she finds High Elves boring is nothing to snub. She has a very vested interest in the San’layn, and let’s be honest, vampires aren’t as much of a staple in most fantasy settings as elves are. They’re not rare, but they’re certainly not run of the mill either.


Sara. Real talk. I don’t care. Nothing you said means anything to me. I have my stance. Nothing you, or anyone else will say will change it. My opinion is formed from the behavior you all have displayed, and I most certainly hope you are pleased with everything and anything you get. Truly. I mean it. I’m happy for you. Have a good one.


Oh I get it your one who wants to be a vampire with your want to be goth look. Bad news princess you are a death knight. You were bad at being a fighter and died but the Lich King saw some use for the corpse and figured… what the hell… when in rome… and brought you back for more suffering. I almost pity you then I read what you post and laugh.

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