Why the lack of Customization?

Oh the joys of having jewelry options basically no one uses and that only female characters can use when we could have had actual character customization options. :joy: :sob: :yum:


Great news! This is amazing for Highmountain Tauren! I hope Dark Iron Dwarves and Mag’har Orcs will have some new customizations too. :grinning:

The broken horns for the Lightforged Draenei are great . Is it possible to have these customizations for the regular Draenei too?

I’m also thinking about the corrupted red skin color, the corrupted orange skin color and the corrupted purple skin color for the regular Draenei. The green eyes color for the regular Draenei too. These colors are only availabled for npcs (Man’ari Eredar). Adding them could finally allow us to roleplay a Man’ari Eredar. Another good customization for the regular Draenei could be the purple color for theirs eyes so we could have some other colors (three) for the eyes and not only one. Is it possible to have these customizations for the regular Draenei? That could be a great addition for them and for the world of warcraft roleplay community.

But also the green skin for the regular Trolls (Darkspear tribe). This color is only availabled for npcs (Revantusk tribe, Witherbark tribe, Dazar’alor => Revantusk Speaker, etc). Adding it could finally allow us to roleplay a Forest Troll (as you do it for Sand Trolls/Farraki tribe and Dark Trolls). Is it possible to have these customizations for the regular Trolls (Darkspear tribe)? That could be a great addition for them and for the regular Troll/Forest Troll fans.

Adding the customizations I put above for regular Draenei and regular Trolls could be so amazing. I really really hope we could finally get these ones. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

And thanks again for these amazing additions. I can’t wait to see the next ones. :slightly_smiling_face:


and that doesn’t even take into account that if you add new categories for subsets of the same thing you end up adding to the numbers to find the combos from non-options. 12 facial hair options plus a none option is 13, 6 beards and 6 mustaches with the option to have neither bumps it up to 49

Adore the starry hair and glowing tattoo idea! I so wish that hair was in game.


it felt like that chart when i went to the barbershop on my lightforged draenei, nightborne and void elf - took a few minutes. then same barbershop my nelf and human, who had so many options it took me a long time to decide.

Tbh, you BE players got a raw deal with those jewelry “options”


Female draenei new options are basically jewelry too, but they got cool hairstyles at least.

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Tell us about it. It was awful.

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I’m just saying that more categories means more combos. I think it’s good to split things up, like I’m not fond of the fact that tauren hair colors are combined, you can’t mix body and mane colors, splitting them wouldn’t add any new options, but it would massively raise the number of combinations available.

Yeah, it felt like they were walking a fine line with BE stuff, or at least that they needed to make them less tough or something.

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Are there talks about adding more void-like options to void elves? As far as I could tell you guys seemed to have only added options to help people role-play high elves and have disregarded the main theme of the race, the void.

We could use tentacle toggle on all hair styles.

We also would like starcursed hair effects too as an option.

Oh and 2nd question, is there any chances for new allied races or core races?
Many would like mok’nathal and half elves to be playable preferably with unique model rigs including skeletons/animations.

Oh one more quistion;

Can we get a customization update for DK’s? Eye color choices (red, green, dark violet, black) and more Undead skins espiacally for AR DK’s would be nice.


This is great. If you got time, more void elves stuff aside from the hair colors and ears? Give all 4 legion races the full treatment.


Fr. Why aren’t Void Elves getting the same treatment as the other original ARs? Super disappointed.


This is why I don’t have much hope for it despite asking for it for a decade and then rather passionately during Shadowlands beta. The only good reasons besides indifference I can think of is that maybe they’re going to be a class or an allied race (which I doubt.)

Allied Race seems unlikely.

A class would work, except Dark Rangers really should have been available with Shadowlands. It’s their expansion as much as Wrath would’ve been Death Knights’ expansion.

I can think of at least two races on each faction you could have Dark Rangers with as well. On the Horde its a forgone conclusion that you’d see them with Forsaken and Blood Elves, but I think you could squeeze Darkspear Trolls in there due to Shadow-Hunters as well. On the Alliance, well we’ve seen undead Night Elves as Dark Rangers, though this would require a story element of them returning to the Alliance. Void Elves would also work, although in their case it’s less a matter of necromancy and more one of Void magic, not that we haven’t seen Void Elves animate corpses with void energy before.

Like I said I doubt they’ll become an AR.

Don’t forget humans can be Dark Rangers too (yes, I know there was only one instance, but that doesn’t prevent it from occurring again.) As for the Kal’dorei dark rangers, I think that they’re in the process of rejoining their living kin anyway via group therapy with Calia Menethil. Then again Calia thought it fitting to shove herself into the Shadowlands narrative without any real purpose. :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes! Troll Dark Rangers would instead be Shadow-Hunters sort of like how Tauren paladins aren’t really paladins in the same sense the other paladins are as they are Sunwalkers. I wouldn’t mind sharing Dark Ranger class with void elves since they’d be Dark Rangers in a different sense than blood elves and trolls. I wouldn’t necessarily say that the window for a Dark Ranger class has closed as they could easily be part of a void expansion due to their shadowy abilities.

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Oh, I don’t think the window will ever close, to be honest. I mean, if 10.0 launches and we get Allied Races from the Shadowlands and they add Dark Rangers with them, then even if 10.0 is all about the Lifelands (or whatever the realm of Life is called), it’d still be thematically appropriate to add them.

I could see Night Fae, Maldraxxi, and Venthyr easily fitting the Dark Ranger aesthetic. A bit less with the Kyrians.

You need to keep fantasy breaking, lore breaking changes out of RP realms. Really all realms, but the cat is already out of the bag.

Yeah, the only way a Kyrian would fit Dark Ranger is if it were a Forsworn or ex-Mawsworn.

I’d like more posts, but sadly I’m out of likes.

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These look really good! I’m not sure what you guys might add to the Dark Irons and Mag’har Orcs. I would however would love to see the Allied Race Heritage Armor Color Variations kind of like you did with the Mag’har with Warsong, Blackrock, and Frostwolf like… Void Elves with Silver and Blue Version but robe and better looking helmet without the Wings but make the Wings match with the Back, Kul’tiran Trench Coats of Green, Brown, Red, and Black, Bring back the older versions of the Nightborne and Lightforged Draenei Armor Sets of Color Variations and etc.

Also I wonder will you guys add like Frostborn Options to Dark Irons or will they be added to the Original Dwarf Race kind of like the Wildhammer Dwarves and also same with the Dragonmaw Orc options too for set Mag’har or Regular?