Why the lack of Customization?

These additions are really great! I hope some (or similar types) of the body/tail/hair ornaments get added to the regular tauren. I really like the tail decorations especially! :slight_smile:

I also hope that when core races get more attention that worgen will have as much detail as these! The worgen form only really had some new eye colors and furs. I hope they get stuff like bangs, accessories, more fur colors like solid black, and posture options!

Seeing HMT get stuff so early is really good to see. I am happy the devs are taking feedback :slight_smile:


It’s not hard to quantify. Total combinations possible leaves VEs at, what, fourth? Still far better than a good number of races. Yet you still want more and more options.

After reading what you linked, it seems like the unspoken pressure to give VEs their coveted HE options came from the players and the devs simply caved in. So congrats, HE customization options were shoehorned into the VE race instead of further developing the VE options. And before you say further VE options may be introduced, it’s sad to see their unique appearance sacrificed for some ham-fisted HE options.


More options is always better. Every patch day should have new customizations added. If they don’t want to give us bulk new hairstyles or a color wheel, give us a few new whatevers every week. There is literally no reason for anyone to be mad about getting more options. They should ALL be getting new options constantly.

Or you know, just give us a color wheel for hair colors and keep adding new mogs. More customization is NEVER bad.


It is the same amount as Blood Elves have.

They had not yet a VE-update. These were all the typical emergency options when player numbers are falling. You know, like these new transmog features from Battle for Azeroth or the lifted level restriction for transmogging.


i am so grateful to have the skin color, eye and hair color options. some helf combos with tentacles, look awesome too. we’d love something like this also

and this!

and this!


Actually, not quite.

Kind of weird that Void Elves were behind Mechagnomes, actually. Granted this chart is outdated. I’m not quite sure where Void Elves would rank with the addition of 8 hair colors, three ear length options, and tentacle toggle which will only affect some of their hairstyles, not all of them. My guess is they still won’t be approaching Orc Males or Night Elf females.

I mean, they even acknowledged it was a request from a lot of people so… I don’t know what you want me to say here, exactly. They changed their mind based on feedback. That’s typically a good thing, especially when it concerns something as nebulous to the gameplay as character customization.

Can’t say this was the outcome I wanted, but it’s one I’m content with. I wanted High Elves as their own Allied Race with appropriate class options, their own heritage armor and mount, different racials, etc… That said, given how many players were against adding High Elves as an Allied Race, I can’t fault the developers for going for the compromise.

Nothing has been sacrificed. You can still make a Void Elf with all the options they’ve had since they were introduced.


Obviously, more options are better. If every race got the same amount of options every patch, then everyone would be happy. But that wasn’t my point.

I don’t think I was clear, but my point is that VEs ask for more options without accounting for the fact that the devs have limited resources. There are other races with far fewer customization options that were ignored for a long time, while VEs keep getting more. Pretty clear where those resources are going.

It just seems selfish to keep asking for more when others have far less, and the devs resources/time is limited.


That is gorgeous, without a doubt!

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Speaking for myself, it’s why I noted in my request in this thread that I would be content with the hairstyles High Elf NPCs use. The assets already exist, and as such, copy/pasting them onto Void Elves will use far less of these resources. I’d argue that’s probably why we got the customizations we’re seeing for them in 9.1.5 as is. A toggle to remove tentacles is just removing an asset, not making a new one. Pre-Existing hair colors and ear lengths are just being copy/pasted. I’d be surprised if it took more than an hour to add all of this.


They look amazing! i’m very excited to see what the team have for void elves, can you confirm if they are working on new options for velves? They look great with copy pasted options from belves, but they deserve their own new customisations like the other legion allied races. Thank you for taking our feedback to the team!


It’s because since they gave in once, the Pro High Elf fanatics will keep asking for everything and no matter what they tell you, enough is never enough for their appetites. It’s annoying how many void elf threads I’ve muted and fans I have blocked.


I dont think its realistic to ask that every race get the exact same number of options added every time. But to say every Tues, (some-race) gets a new (something) and it rotates would be cool.

Also, I play a void elf. And a human, kul tiran, troll, dranei, DI dorf, blood elf, and orc. Pretty much everything except gnome i think.

I think most of the anti-customization posts in these threads is people who just like to protest to give themselves something to do during the workday. Who SERIOUSLY only plays 1 race, faction or class and also identifies so strongly with it that they can’t stand the thought of other people god forbid having hair color that doesnt fit their personal narrative? Yeah, not likely.


I agree that people make to much threads for high/void elves, it is annoying sometimes. But i have seen a lot of nightborne threads too, A LOT. High elf fans wanted to look like Alleria and Vereesa, nightborne players wanted to look like suramar npc’s why should we call them “fanatics” because of that?


yeah i think the time sink is getting the options thru a committee of interested parties, who all have to sign off on them, and who may or may not be available on any given day to do so, thus bogging down the creative process… apparently one of the downsides of megacorps


especially if you consider this pie chart lol
its outdated now, since several races got new customizations, but ain’t nobody gonna challenge orc males lol


That’s not always the best way to judge what is added, it mainly shows who has more categories than others. And not all customizations are equal, like say blood elves, if you don’t count the jewelry options that would be better served as being made into some cosmetic slots on the paper doll, they have less than 3 million combos now.

For a simplified example, let’s say we have something simple that can be customized and each one gets 12 different options to use, but they’re divided up in different ways,

If all of them are in one category, you have just have 12 choices
two categories of 6 gets you 36 combos
3 of 4 gets you 64 combos
4 of 3 gets you 81 combos

So you can have the same number of options actually added, but if things get split up (say one race having beards and mustaches as a category vs a race that only gets facial hair) that inflates the number of combos. That is a good thing as it means more personalization, but it doesn’t mean more actual options added, just how they’re divided up.


I adore the starry hair. High elf stuff is definitely not my thing so more void options are something I love seeing. Not a tentacles fan either so the starry night void aspect is something I’d love to see more of.


This. Those pie charts ain’t worth nothing.


Just gotta ask for HE as allied race to separate it from VE.


Could you possibly give Void Elves more hair options to suit the new hair colours they got? They still look pretty strange with what we have, and the content you did give us is just copy+paste stuff from BEs, so it’s not like it came at a cost or anything