Why the grief between M+ and Raids?

I personally don’t think making title spec wide would improve things either. I think better balance and a better spread of rewards in the 800-1000 point gap between KSH and title would be a much better direction.

I think many people would feel more welcome to try to push with a group if their spec had any chance to succeed in getting there.

I don’t think you can simply do better balance at this point radical changes need to happen.

While this might be true, having stuff like afflock get title at 3k from keys that can be comfortably 4 manned would be extremely silly.

I’m 3k rn and the keys are actively boring.

Most likely the competition would be there if more people felt they could play that spec comfortably. Right now there’s no point in trying. I would have tried to push this season if blood dks could, they simply cannot I don’t see a point in even trying.

I do not think it would, at least not to any degree that would move the needle. And if it did, is people flocking to XYZ bad spec to get carried to free title really a better outcome?

At least right now if someone has it I know what level of dungeons they were doing to earn it.

You can tune the amount of each spec so that feels right. I think it would definitely make more people participate.

There should 100% be something between KSH and R1. Rewards-wise there’s no difference between me and someone who is 1 IO below R1 cut off, and with my output and lackluster approach to the game that’s kind of offensive to people who try their best.

(Also I know I asked you this like a week ago but I lost track of your response. I’m having major rotational issues and think I like Spriest enough to just make it a permanent main going forward, so I’d like to learn to play it better than just ‘good enough’. Did you say there was a Discord where I might be able to get some tips on priority casting for ST/AoE?)

Personally it might not be much but +12 should reward 2/6 myth track gear in the vault.


There’s the WCP discord (Warcraft priests), which I moderate, as well as a community called Visage where you can apply for free long term coaching from myself.

If you ever want to chat, or have me look over something of yours (Logs, footage, stream w/e) you can DM me on discord. Should be obvious enough who I am in the list of WCP mods.

If you’d rather message me directly then add “ellipsis_icebear” on discord.

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This argument will never be settled, but this irks me.

In m+, you don’t get to play the bosses and wipe 429 times to get it right. You have to do all the bosses and all the trash and you can’t make a mistake for 30 minutes at a time.

Not hitting the wrong color orb sounds really easy in isolation. If raid bosses lasted 30 minutes and had 25 phases, you wouldn’t expect any of them to be as difficult as what you see now.

Apologies for the Sylvanas flashback.

That’s me btw wanting better M+ bosses, some of them are really boring. I think this expansion is better, probably only mist that I would call first boss terrible if I could think quick.

Moreover I get it, when bosses are the difficulty of M+ the main M+ players dislike it. They prefer when trash is the bigger challenge with the fast paced combat, even if I find it much repetitive on that part.

I also said that M+ as a higher standard when it comes to execution as raids get easier over time while M+ simply keeps ramping up to keep that execution relevant. But this also means raids are much much harder at the beginning.

I skipped that raid once I saw the playtest of a 15mins fight on heroic.

I’m very picky once it comes to mythic raiding nowadays, I don’t just want to play the same game but the good patches. As I find it much more exhausting to play both M+ and mythic raid when I play. So far .1 is a skip for me. To be fair mostly because .1 patches are rarely great.

I joined the server, thank you for the info! I should technically be asleep right now but I’ll definitely reach out.

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It was not fun. We didn’t get it. Ran out of time.

I think I am the way I am because I love playing this game so much, but I dislike managing other people maybe even more. I’m a Director in real life (business, not Hollywood), and I can’t abide mismanagement. But this is a game, so the cycle goes round.

Story Time.

I’ve never gotten a CE. I’ve killed loads of mythic bosses, never gotten a CE. They added CE to the game around the time I got divorced and left my guild. And because I’ve never gotten a CE, I’ll never get into a guild that isn’t half assing it. And half assing mythic is in that US 1501-2000 range. Guilds good enough to kill bosses, not organized or motivated enough to finish a tier when you spend 2-5 weeks on one boss, turnover eats the time and then people quit.

But I’m pretty good at the game. I can push m+ to high hell. I can learn every ability and spell queue for every mob in the dungeon pool and memorize 32 routes based on setup, comp, etc. But I don’t have the CV to get into a raid group. Not that many raid groups need tanks anyway.

I have a completely useless skill. It’s really only good for this game. Nothing I can do on any of my characters transfers to anywhere else. It’s only good here, and I’ve spent 20 years honing it. I want to feel like it mattered. I want to beat the game. I want to finish my bis list and have the achievements and the title that proves I know what I’m doing after all this time.

Yea I can get that, it’s not easy to progress through mythic raiding. My cheat code was switching around 7-8 times guild in WoD by climbing through better guilds, once you join guilds that can reliably get CE you pretty much made it. It felt somewhat easy in WoD because so many guilds were burning down. Bad for them, good for you.

But, getting into a guild as a tank is simply not that doable, I have played dps many raids and often a spot open and they ask if someone in the guild wants to.

If your goal is to get more easily recruited as much as it might feel counter-intuitive pushing keys over +12 can work, M+ is really accepted as a way to start a trial with many guilds. Parsing for good damage in heroic can also help, even as a tank. Don’t stick with bad guilds if you feel they won’t let you reach your goal, keep trying to advertise yourself on websites like wowprogress/raider.io and send whispers to guilds that put their bnet down on those websites by looking at guilds who fits your schedule.

The method by which they achieve the difficulty doesn’t really matter to me. I think it’s actually pretty smart in this case. The alternative would be to not have any casts or abilities that could be stopped or interrupted, no roots that need to be removed, no bleeds, etc, like raid. But instead make people run around and dodge things more than they already do. Or perhaps they have even more soaks, even more spread mechanics, etc. As keys progress, they just have more of that stuff. But that would be extremely boring just like raid is, imo, extremely boring.

I don’t consider more of that type of mechanics to be more challenging than what happens in keys when all of a sudden everything needs to be stopped or heavily mitigated at some point, and I don’t think most people do either. Mythic raid has been dying a slow death for quite some time now, and I think the main reason is group size. For me personally it’s group size and lack of personal accountability

Raiders shouldn’t be required to step into M+ to fill in missing pieces. Raiding is the harder of the two by a long shot in both commitment and overall requirements.

All M+ has going for it are the achievements (KSM, KSH, 1%). Most players won’t shoot for 1% so that’s a prestige thing. Meanwhile Mythic raiding is an accomplishment without a percent based goal. Even with that in mind, it’s only for the truly dedicated.

(Personally I think Mythic raiding is overkill but Blizz seems intent on keeping it around.)

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Becuase my BIS items should come from the content I do not what blizzsoft wants me to do. As a raider, my BIS trinkets should not come from previous expansion mythic plus dungeons. It should come from a raid.

Yup. It’s about getting gear from each to do the other.

I agree with this, but the people are unhappy with the current system want that to no longer be the case. My comment was about the past before the crest system existed I was forever behind and felt frustrated by it

A lot of raiders who are up in arms about this topic want us to go back to that time period because m+ only gamers could never catch up they didn’t feel as much pressure to m+

Hot take, all gear should be scaled in Mythic raids. Rewards should be something other than player power: mounts, titles, transmog, the actual fun of the experience of mythic raids.