Why the grief between M+ and Raids?

In lots of discussions the people that do Raids and the people that do mythic + grief each other. Why does anybody care if someone gets their mythic gear from one or the other? Why the debate over which group is worthy of mythic gear. Just enjoy the content you like and leave the people that do the other content to enjoy what they like to do. Prove me wrong.


Because when you kill a mythic boss you want good rewards, if you already can get a piece of loot as good elsewhere before killing that mythic boss then when you kill it that reward is useless. It’s not about other people it’s about having a progression in raids being relevant to raids, because if it doesn’t exist then why even have gear be a thing? Just so raiders have to grind M+? Doesn’t make sense to me.


Raiders need to spend large amounts of time in m+ early on to reach the ilvl mythic raids are tuned around, and M+ers need gear from raids to reach BIS for pushing later. Basically because raids focus on the start of a season and M+ on the end both need eachother’s rewards whilst simultaniously being dissatisfied with their own.


Because this is an MMO, which by definition means that what other players do, can affect your gameplay.

In a guild? Does that guild raid? Raid lead wants highest ilvl peeps. Oh. What’s that? You don’t farm m+? But this other guy does? Too bad. So sad. You just got benched for the other guy. Works even more for pugs.

There are many other examples.


Because some people see value only in gear. This can take the form of wanting to get the best gear ever fast so they rush M+ to crush the raid boss. This may be people doing raid to get the super special trinket only from raid. Both sides want what the other has, but far as I can tell neither wants to actually get all that gear in a small time frame because it will mean they have no more carrot to chase.

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In essence, it is a complaint of people who want to differentiate between PvE and PvE. There are genuine complaints for both raiders and M+ players but… I’ll be entirely honest, every statistic, everytime talking in-game, and everywhere folks are actually playing the game actively as a game…

The general consensus is that if you raid, you like M+.
If you like M+, you probably also raid.

There really isn’t that big of a divide in-game judging by people’s actions and conversations. On forums like these they tend to get polarized by people who have strong opinions and thus settle themselves into a “camp” and then very rarely move out of said camp.

Which makes this an impossible task. Because everyone is convinced that only they are right, rather than that multiple people talking about the same thing having completely contradicting views can actually be correct. Because… nuance is a thing.

Both M+ and Raids is PvE. There really isn’t that big of a difference when talking with people in-game, is largely my point.


This is a pretty strange take. I guess it’s your opinion, but it’s strange to me at least. The gear still gives you power. The purpose of the gear, to me, is to accomplish what I want to accomplish in the game. I don’t care who has the gear. I don’t care if questers have access to my gear. Things like score and titles are all that matters to me.

This is the answer.


Most of the people who raid, do mythic + and vice versa, most of the people who complain about it, generally don’t do either, or post on level 10 alts


It’s not even early on, it’s until you have 6/8 on farm to be able to reach the crest cap.

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I don’t see anything strange about wanting content to feel rewarding, at the end that’s what everyone does that’s arguing for gear. When your raid progression can last months you want even the last boss to be able to be able to give you decent rewards.

If gear for you isn’t relevant then it’s not relevant either way that this goes for you.

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Can’t that be fixed with more cosmetics and trophies?

Would you do your content only with cosmetics and trophies?

IDK, man. Maybe that’s a raider perspective. The gear means nothing to me unless I don’t have it and need it for what does matter to me. Of course we need rewards. But for me the rewards are always based on score

It seems for me that it’s mostly meaningless to you, if you can’t have something then you should go earn it.

The score for raids is simply you clear it. Not everything is M+.

The issue with earning the items is when they aren’t available to be earned. I personally don’t care who has the gear, but I think the main issue is that not everything can be attained through mythic+ or raid without doing both. I personally wish that for mythic+ we just had gear templates that could not be taken in raid, and raid gear could not be taken in a key.

Yeah, if there was say no mythic tier of gear, just a cosmetic set I would. You could even put in like the buffs for the raid by downing bosses to put in a soft burn for progression.

I really don’t care about making my number bigger, it’s like leveling pokemon to 100 when nothing in the game goes above 50, it’s numbers for the sake of numbers

As far as I see you do not mythic raid. I’m talking about content outside of raids, what if those didn’t have gear rewards.

Gear matters more in raid than M+, because in M+ going up a key level is just mathematically equivalent to taking your gear off.

Yea splitting both would be a solution, would greatly reduce people doing both but personally I think this would make raid participation much higher. A lot of raiders quit when they had to do M+ to progress in raids, raiding is already like many know time intensive in term of schedule. Adding more to it personally I think wasn’t a great decision but they didn’t like people raid loggin.

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Raiders feel that M+ players getting rewards similar to theirs somehow cheapens the hard work they had to put in to kill those bosses and learn the mechanics (it absolutely doesn’t). In reality, the game would be infinitely more enjoyable if both systems were overall less punishing and gave rewards more often. People tie a lot of their sense of self-worth into their WoW achievements. They wear that 8/8 mythic as a sort of badge of honor and they want everyone to know how hard they worked. I get it, but M+ players are paying the same money for the same subscription. I don’t think making one group of people miserable so that the other group can justify their achievements should be necessary, just make them both fun. The average age of WoW players isn’t going to decrease, it’s going to keep increasing, and attempting to turn it into an esport and continuing to cater to the top 1% of the player-base is not going to be healthy for the longevity of the game.

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