Why the Darkspear suck

probably goblins tbh

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So they are not equal gotcha…also lol Vol’jin died to a mob while Varian got the honor of facing the main villain and reafitm his faction loyalty. The troll man death looked pathetic in comparison.

Another excellent point, Erevien. We should see the Darkspear in more cinematics doing cool things. Such a cool tribe deserves more screen time!

Keep these wonderful suggestions coming, Erevien!


Yeah, honestly, I feel like the best way to fix this problem is to see more Darkspear.

Also that Zandalari and Wildhammer from the cute dragonriding cinematic having adventures.


That’s what I am hearing from all this wonderful feedback.

We’ll make it happen for you, bud.


Your goofing will not make my takes any less true.

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They never been true. So we’re not worried about that at all.

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I could say something here but I won’t. I know I am right.

Right again! If anything, I am re-contextualizing your takes and making them more true. You’re welcome!


I mean, we could use more high res cinematics with Darkspear. It’s not as dire as “The Gnome Situation”, and obviously Zekhan is so great that the fanbases’ love made him a reoccuring thing. And I liked the two seconds of a troll on a raptor. But we could absolutely do with more of that.

Maybe the rest of the teaser for our TWW cinematic, instead of Anduin and Thrall being Big Sad Strong Men, is just trolls.

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THe entire gnome race is alliance now and they have a real city. Darkspear are in a much worse situation.

Erevien, that was pretty specific, but just for clarity…

How many high res cinematics (like the cinematics for Saurfang, the dragon riding one, the introductory trailers) have gnomes appeared in?

The answer is none, which is the gnome situation to which I referred.


you don’t need those to have it good in both gameplay and lore. Also Gelbin bombed the Zandalari fleet.

That’s great, but has nothing to do with what I was talking about.

Bliz has never paid a third party to lovingly and detailingly animate a gnome, unlike every other base race.


Sounds like we need a real city for the Darkspear and a hi-res cinematic that features gnomes. Of the original eight races, these two have always had less than the others and it’s time to bring them both up to par.


Related: I just discovered that To the Skies made it to the cinematics panel.

I kind of wish Old Soldier was on there even if it’s… well, the Old Soldier stuff, because it’s sort of annoying to track down.

I mean, hell even Greymane got a high res update in his worgen form for the BfA cinematic, which looks amazing mind you, even that’s more than what the gnomes have gotten the last 10+ yrs.


True, but I still think the Worgen and Goblins could use some help too.


The Darkspear don’t need help, because they’re basically the best Horde race anyway.

But a little extra love never goes amiss.


Friend, we’re going on 20 years of all the potential for gnomes to appear in a lovingly rendered cinematic and yet, no gnomes.

If we don’t get a nice cinematic for the 20 year anniversary (or we do and it doesn’t have gnomes again – my preferred version would have a short snippet of every race doing something cool and iconic), I’m going to riot. You know, in my way, so basically I’ll say “HARUMPH” and move on with my day