Erevien!! Coming out with the open admissions!!
I am shook to the core with a new Erevien revelation!
I’m not.
Gnomes are fun, man. It’s hard to be sad when you’re playing a gnome.
I personally like the mecha gnomes. I should bring my lvl 55 one back next week.

I’m not.
Gnomes are fun, man. It’s hard to be sad when you’re playing a gnome.
Erevien now that i took some time to read your posts more carefully let me ask.
Are you Virin? From back in the day? A blood elf toon who suports the alliance. Hmmm you look suspicious, where is deathisnotfinal or treeslotbag to put an end to your madness?

Humans are very illiterate. They made a big deal about how Teretha Foxton never learned how to read in the alt-timeline where Thrall died in infancy.
This is always a interesting idea in medieval fantasy, but probably not. At least not your average adventurer.
Damn that’s rough, don’t lose to a bunch of freshly melanated night elves and midget vykrul then?

Yeah what happened to them?
Don’t know, been years since last I saw some of the old “guard” of this forum.
At the time my English was worst than it is today so I usually just read the forum snd not engaged in any discussion but it was cool to see their answers to some of Virin’s topics and pettiness.
Oh dang, English isn’t your first language? You could have fooled me.
Its my third language. I’m brazilian
Portuguese is my first and sh#t my second so english comes third hahaha.
Edit: In all seriousness English is my second language and this year i intend to learn Japanese. But first my pos graduation is in order. My paycheck must be bigger!
I have returned and I still stick to my opinion. Delete Darkspear and give us Amani.
How about “Keep Darkspear and give us playable Revantusk too?”
Nobody wants illiterate backwater mudhut trolls.
had thrall not come along with his orcs there would be no darkspear tribe left. Adding the Zandalari to the Horde was the right call a great call. I get the theme of the horde was misfits trying to survive blah blah but we are well beyond that. The Horde hasn’t been rag tag since it let high elves in. And then later Highborne. The most noble of all elves are in the Horde. A few are in the alliance but most alliance elves are lowborne scum.