- They are the smallest tribe out of the entire troll race.
- they live in backwater mudhuts and tents.
- they were rightfully bullied by the Gurubashi cause everyone knew they are weak.
- illiterate. Srsly Zekhan can’t read or write.
- betrayed the Horde and cost us the war.
- appointed a nobody as their new leader.
- Blizzard pretend they matter when they never did anything meaningful.
- compare them to the gnomes to see what actual involvement looks like.
- all their fans are also Thrall fanboys.
More Horde hate from Everien.
Just like every other day.
I just call out bad writing. Only idiots like a race that contributes nothing.
The Darkspear are founding members of the Horde. They’ve been there for every engagement, fielding a surprising amount of forces. They’ve been the voice of reason and the soul of the Horde time and again. They also make the place classier.
I may be an idiot or whatever, but the Darkspear are great and I’m neither a boy nor a Thrall fan.
Aren’t most Azerothians illiterate? Like in most societies on Azeroth literacy is a luxury.
voljin was a terrorist
I mean, after some of the stuff that the other tribes did in pandaria, they aren’t the smallest tribe anymore. Also. Legit no one cares about your constant complaints
He was! The only true horde leader was Sylvanas! She did what was necessary for the horde survival! Created the orc bathing day, she actively worked on so orcs can smell better, a truly remarkable feat.
Amani, Ogres, Dragons, Orcs and Goblins. Those are the founding members of the Horde.
Elves and humans and dwarfs aren’t.
Yeah like, all the other tribes having been absolutely decimated over the years through constant troll raids and other events. Pretty sure the Drakkari are almost all zombies now and the dark trolls were all wiped out is Cata. Darkspear and the Zandalari are probably the only two tribe that are actually doing pretty well for themselves these days.
The Horde and humans are responsible for Troll genocide.
So you support the alliance and you hate the horde
Erevien has been revealed!!!
He’s such an Alliance fan at heart.
The Darkspear suck because they’re the underdogs? The Darkspear are the coolest Horde race. They gave up on the idea of racial supremacy and stayed true to their ideals. They spat on Garrosh’s face even as he tried to break their backs.
You suck, Erevien, and you suck even more because you don’t realize it.
I remember when Alliance interacted with Voljin during the events leading to the Siege of Orgrimmar, he was all gross and surrounded by flies.
When my orcs interacted with him the flies weren’t there. Good times.
I wonder if he’ll still have his flies once he ascends to the station of the loa of kings.
Plants are surrounded by flies a lot too, flowers in particular, because they have smells that attract flies (for pollination or whatever).
Being surrounded by flies isn’t indicative of much, as flies surround a lot of stuff in search for food (or fluids to relieve their thirst). Maybe he smelt like flowers?
lol f Blizzard
Lmao the Darkspear are the only troll tribe that’s actually growing in any significant way.
the Amani and Gurubashi have been ground into the dirt, partially by the tribe they used to bully
Why the Darkspear don’t suck:
- Despite being the smallest tribe, they have made one of the largest impacts on Troll society, having one of the largest and respected presences in Dazar’alor.
- Live in really cool open-concept structures, that add variety and flavor to both Orgrimmar and other Horde outposts.
- Were involvbed in pushing back both the Amani and Gurubashi aggression with the help of their Horde allies.
- Zekhan is one of the most wholesome Horde characters, representing young blood to hold up core Horde ideals, he was built upon as a character by literally being a fan favourite. (Also, one Darkspear being illiterate doesn’t speak to all of them.)
- Chose to side with core Horde ideals for the betterment of their Tribe and other Horde races while their Warchief(s) selfishly tried to implode it from the inside for their own selfish ideals.
- Darkspear are a core Horde identity that continues to add unique flavor and depth to the Horde’s races, also having their leader be Warchief for an unfortunately short amount of time.
- Darkspear fans are varied and like them for a lot of different reasons that don’t involve Thrall.
- Currently lead by Rokhan, a character that has been present since WC3.
- One of (if not the) best Horde race(s)!
- Look amazing in transmog of all types.
- Excellent customization options including a wide array of skin and hair colors.
- Unique flavors of Shamanism, Priesthood and Spiritualism.
- Voodoo.
Also: Disliking the Darkspear only proves you to be a huge Alliance simp that wants to kiss all of their leaders (new & old) directly on the forehead. This is the way, I don’t make the rules.
then maybe we should have more than one competent Warchief…
Garrosh and Sylvanas both got hit with the stupid bat the second they took power and had to be put down before they destroyed the Horde.
Vol’jin… eh, you tried.
Imagine supporting garbage above the OG trolls
Destroyed the alliance. Rebels put morality over Victory.
A powerless nobody.
Another nobody
Literal mudhuts
Without Talanji simping No one would care
Outlawed by Thrall for muh honor
More alliance bias to placate all Horde leaders as smelly savages. Blizzard have a hate hard against the Horde it’s known.