Why the Darkspear suck

Wait till he finds out what the blood elves did to the Amani.


They don’t want genocide just the land back.

No. They actually do want genocide. Also. What’s your obsession with genocide? Got some deep rooted feelings?


That requires 1) Killing the people living there or 2) Forcing them off the land….usually by depleting their numbers to a large degree that defending the land isn’t worth it anymore

So yes, they want to genocide anyone living there.

Oh, he knows. He goes from supporting the genocidal Warcraft 2 horde, to supporting the genocidal Amani. He has a disturbing obsession with genocide.


Source for that? Elves and Humans are at fault Here they aren’t inoccent

That tells me you legit know nothing about their lore.

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Human nations come from genocide m Stop playing dumb

Ah yes the Darkspear boogeyman. Simultaneously too small and insignificant to contribute to the Horde and rightfully shunned by the Gurubashi, yet simultaneously so impactful that their “betrayal” devastated the Horde.

Also, Lor’themar and Vol’jin were nobodies up until MoP yet people enjoy their characters now, so I would hardly call that a disqualifying factor.


Because Blizzard’s known for not caring about Horde leaders until they need a voice of reason willing to parley with the other faction.

I have never heard of that in my life. Blizzard cares for Horde leaders so much that they make them the saviours of alternative universes and makes us help redeem them in the afterlife.


Zekhan can read and write, Exploring Kalimdor is just a dumpster fire of contradicting lore that goes against nearly every established aspect of the things it talks about, almost deliberately. Of course a shaman raised and trained in Thrall’s Horde knows how to read and write, shaman are advisors, diplomats, and spiritual leaders. Zekhan isn’t a novice shaman, he’d have been taught the basics at the very least for the sake of his work.

Maybe, maybe he didn’t know how to read and write Thalassian, but Orcish? Come on.

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Oh zell me which great Horde leader minus Thrall had an actual impact Outside of faction war. I’ll wait. :smirk:

Baine has a law degree.


they seem to be really damn bad at protecting their stuff lmao


Great impact on what?

Most faction leaders in WoW have stood in solitary confinement in their capital city for decades outside of specific questlines or novels.

Tell me how well you faire against a literal magic ex machina

Trolls are more than capable of using magic, all tribes are shown to have shamans priests and druids. at the time of the Troll war there were no more than a hundred human mages and novices at that. this was a Skill Issue they got baited into a trap

To be fair, what race would possibly be prepared for the human tendency to bypass rationality for the sake of bigger explosions?

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Stuff like this. You can count the Horde stuff on three fingers.

Not arcane magic. It happened twice… First the fire storm and after Frkn Medivh.

The Jaina equivalent of those cinematics are the Zandalari ones. Varian’s big non faction war moment is killing a Fel reaver and then dying. Vol’jin’s was dying and handing over the reins of the Horde to Sylvanas.

The two arguably are not equal in terms of “coolness”, but they both received moments of their own that their respective writing teams at Blizzard were invested in.