Why the Darkspear suck

Well, that’s a hypocritical thing to say. Genocide is apparently okay when it’s the trolls doing it to others.

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That would be called justice m If you don’t want to die don’t build your nations on the corpses of the natives.

It’s called a genocide. And you’re a big supporter of genocide.

Not a good look to have Erevien.

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You did it first.

Last I checked, the gilneans have nothing to do with the trolls. There’s not even any in the area where the gilneans live.

And that’s because the city state that would be called Gilneas wasn’t founded until long after the troll wars were over

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Lordaeron was Amani land. Whats left is zul’aman and Hinterlands.

Dun morogh was Frostmane and Stormwind Gurubashi. Drakkari were left untouched until the scourge came.

Key word being WAS. Only people resonsible for the troll wars and them loosing their land were Arathorians and their king who was named Trollbane

Last time I checked Danath is alive and being a proud troll slayer still

And last I checked he doesn’t rule Gilneas. Who aren’t responsible for Danath and his people murdering trolls.

All humans need to go back to ulduar where they came from.

Azeroth isn’t even troll land, it belongs to the elementals and primal dragons, since they’re direct descendants of the elementals

The land was empty until trolls settled it.

It wasn’t empty, they just didn’t know the Aq’ir were living underground. Either way the trolls are thieves.

(And if anyone thinks this line of arguement is stupid, it’s because it is. That’s the entire point)

Trolls build their Civilization. Dragons lived somewhere else. But everything changed when the kaldorei empire attacked

Darkspears suck, the real horde trolls are the Amani, i would love to have playable forest trolls, but blizzard will give us humanoid spiders and mecha-pandaren first.


The amount of delusion some players have is astounding.


Because it’s easier for them to ignore the fact that the Amani want both the horde and the alliance eliminated from azeroth and hate both factions with a passion


It would take a whole expac to get the Amani cool with one side like it did for zandalari. Even then, their hatred was deeper than what the zandalari had. There’s one forest troll tribe allied with horde, and their numbers aren’t even that good. It would be cool to have, but I don’t see it happening anytime soon, cause the lore isn’t there


Amani hate the Horde because Doomhammer broke his promise

Still hate the horde. You support a group who wants to genocide both factions. You can’t even make up your mind who you actually support on a minute to minute basis

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