Why the Darkspear suck

Ahh, Kosak.

I hope he stays gone. So much of his writing for me was the equivalent of rubbing aluminum foil over your teeth.

I can’t prove the flies were him, but that sounds like his sense of “humor”.


Says the guy who supports only leaders who flopped their way into defeat.

People who dislike Darkspear trolls are flops.


This was my favorite MoP meme. Gary stans really convinced themselves their guy was owed an honorable duel after sticking a dagger in Vol’jin’s throat.


Vol’jin was the reason the Horde lost the war and the alliance stood in Orgrimmar.

It was you actually. You lost the war, because your love for the alliance was too much and you couldn’t resist running home to team blue :dracthyr_cry laugh:

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Vol’jin and Baine distracted Garrosh long enough to Varian and his army could land.

How’s Anduin by the way? Still shining his boots I hear.

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He still is the high king of the alliance. Nothing changed. Stop starwmanning.

I asked if you’re still shining his boots. Nothing about kings or straw people

I would never serve an alliance leader. That is what Baine and Thrall would do.

Don’t forget to wax those boots okay? Gotta preserve the leather.

Erevien has a point. We need to build bigger and better Darkspear cities y’all.

Dear Blizzard. the Darkspear need a home worthy of them. Please! They actually have really cool aesthetics, it’s just never on the same scale as all the other playable races. We should rectify that!

Thanks for bringing this important issue to light, Erevian. May the Darkspear prosper because of your efforts.


They should stay on their island for an example what happens to you when you willingly serve the Horde. Being irrelevant and powerless.

careful Erevien, your mask is slipping, Alliance sympathizer…


A true ally would support.

I mean, let’s be real here. The trolls are responsible. Anyone who didn’t join, they would attack.

Imagine saying genocide is good becauseChecks notes smelly savages had it coming

I don’t know how the ferraki are even a thing anymore. Supposedly, Zul Farak it a ghost town. I legit could see goblins using it as a money grab. A walk through museum or theme park. lol.

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When did I say genocide is good? This is a video game. Check your arrogance a bit.

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The Trolls have every right to kill the elves and humans who stole their land. Not even hundreds years passed since it happened.