Why the arguments for Dual Spec are bad

“SomeChanges” = “changes that are needed” not “changes that are wanted”

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I’d disagree because

A) respeccing is already in the game, dual spec is just an improvement on it. Kind of like how guild banks are just an improvement on banks.

B) Specs are not synonymous with classes and changing class is a lot more impactful than changing spec. Particularly for classes that only fill one role, IE a fire mage just pew pews different color stuff than frost mage. Specs typically only add a few abilities and amplify a few more. Switching classes is a complete ability switch, and depending on class likely a complete gear switch and a complete play style switch.

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That’s gotta be the worst argument of all. What’s the difference of pressing one button to unlearn knowledge over paying a lil fee for it? Feel free to never respec if you don’t like the RP.


haha thanks for this one. funniest response to dual specs ive read yet :slight_smile:

You think it’s an improvement. I don’t.

I disagree here, too. I think a Moonkin-specced Druid has more in common with a Mage, Warlock, Elemental Shaman, and Shadow Priest than it does with a Feral or Resto druid. The biggest distinguishing difference between characters is role, IMO.

Specs are like sub-classes in this game. The way I see it, there are 9 classes and 27 sub-classes. So to me, switching class and sub-class, pretty much the same thing.

In fact, now that I think about it, I’m kind of surprised the class-switch button hasn’t been added to the retail game already. With all the other crap they’ve added, why not this, too?

Anyway, I just want to be able to play through TBC without all the added retail crap. Is that too much to ask? The game was awesome without all of that stuff. Everyone will be fine without it, just like they were fine without it in Classic vanilla.

WotLK, that’s when dual-spec was introduced, and that’s when it should be introduced again, along with normal/hard modes, LFD, and other modern crap.


Should we also be able to switch factions freely? See I can use sarcasm and add nothing to the conversation as well as being a huge troll. Yay…

I thought about that, but switching factions on a whim would be totally impractical, and it’s not a good comparison.

I wish I was being a troll. Trolls don’t actually believe what they say. They’re just trying to get a rise out of people. Unfortunately, every word I say is how I actually feel.

I’d support dual spec, though I doubt it will happen. I currently plan to spec Prot for dungeons but it would be nice to not have to quest that way too.

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Since when did Blizzard do a faithful recreation of Vanilla? Authentic OVERALL Vanilla? Fact is, they chose the watered down version that is 1.12 and lied to our faces about the code, etc. They could have done a retune, gone back to pre-nerf scholo, strath, but they didn’t.

What they did was just plain @#$%ty and whatever they say going forward, I’ll just take with a huge cube salt.

I’m not sure how anything you typed is actually an argument against dual spec. In fact, I’m not sure what you’re really trying to prove based on what’s written.

If we do have a dual spec option, I would be ret/prot. Chances are, if I’m gonna want to run heriocs efficiently, I’m gonna tank. I really wouldn’t want to have to respec each time I’m gonna do dailies, or join a battleground. So if we don’t have a dual spec option, I’d likely not tank very often. I suspect there are others who feel the same way.


This was just going through all the Pro Dual-Specs peoples common arguments and explaining why they are flawed. As far as arguing why dual-spec is bad that I’ve done in other threads and I was making this one to address all the arguments people make in favor of it.

Hmm. That wasn’t entirely clear, either.

Subject Line: “Why the arguments for Dual Spec are bad”

Not sure how I could have made the purpose more clear

That’s the subject line. All the content is non sequitur, however.

The only valid argument you raised was that people would pop between specs too frequently which does impact how certain content gets played.

And the easy answer which most people who would like dual spec are perfectly fine with is to simply give it some kind of a cool down. There actual in game problem solved.

As for your other points, neither dual spec or the way respecs work now are effective gold sinks, so that’s a non issue.

People aren’t asking for dual spec just cause, people are asking for dual spec for legitimate in game reasons. That #nochanges is now firmly out the window means that trying to use #nochanges arguments against adding it is the actual invalid argument.

And sorry but yes more people would tank and or heal with dual spec. How many? Who knows, but it would be more.


The argument wasn’t that more people wouldn’t tank or heal but that people argue that it would increase guild dungeon runs as people would be more willing to swap. With more player power it would be far easier to find a pug and not need your guild.

Also I am NOT using #Nochanges as my argument but instead the intended interpretation of #somechanges to be a way to replicate the authentic TBC experience and not let the modern meta break the game. Dual-spec has absolutely nothing to do with preserving the TBC experience so that change shouldn’t occur.

50g is just an annoyance. This is actually just a tank tax that you will end up paying for.

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Which is a good thing for both pugs and people who prefer running with their guild.

TBC Without Dual Spec:
Guild Member: “Hey we are putting together a Heroic group you want to join?”
Player: “OMG yes I’ve been unable to find a tank for it”

TBC with Dual Spec:
Guild Member: “Hey we are putting together a Heroic group you want to join?”
Player: “Oh sorry I’m saved, I got tired of looking for a tank so I just decided to tank the dungeon and ran with a pug sorry”

And the inverse is also true.

Without dual spec neither the pug or the guild group can find a tank/healer.

And with dual spec both pug groups and guild groups are more likely to find a tank/healer.