Why the arguments for Dual Spec are bad


True but history also tells us that Blizzard doesnā€™t and hadnā€™t made good decisions either. Look at WoD, retail, and various design decisions that caused players to leave like trying to remove flying and adding pathfinder. Not having enough content. Artificial time gating. Removing pvp gear vendors for multiple xpacs and having to bring them back due to player demand.
Players come up with great ideas. Look at other games with voting systems and how they improved for the betterment and health of the game.

No one feature did it. It was a bunch of little things, IMO. But add them all up togetherā€¦

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Fairā€¦ After you add them all up, do you subtract out the ā€œgoodā€ features that made wow better and people universally loved?

Nah, just simply copy paste it from my other threads. Same question, same answer.

You didnā€™t do your homework well chasing my posts though. I have a few more longer posts explaining my viewpoints in details, but this one is the conclusion. So you can go back and read more instead of nagging.

At least my copy-past post is talking about the topic, unlike your response to it, which provides 0 value related to topic.

Sure you could. Personally, I canā€™t think of any offhand, though.

IMO, TBC - as it was - was as close as WoW ever got to the perfect MMORPG. It built upon the genius design of vanilla WoW and fixed some glaring flaws, like broken hybrid specs, etc., but it still kept most of the vanilla design and blueprint intact.

Thereā€™s never been a better MMORPG before or since, and it has been pretty much all downhill since then, IMO. Which is why Iā€™ll probably be jumping off the sinking ship when WotLK releases. I donā€™t want to relive that tragic decline again.

Of course there will be more tanks and healersā€¦how foolish to think otherwise.

Will every capable person spec tank or heal? Will there ever be enough to fill the need? Of course not. But it will 100% cause MORE people to spec tank or heal than would without dual spec.

Except thatā€™s making the assumption that everything that has been added is bad, which is not the case. Dual spec being a perfect example of a positive change.

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I dislike it for RP reasons. The idea that someone can press a button and unlearn knowledge and become specialized in something else, on a whim, is silly to me.

I also like the identity commiting to one spec gives each character. Heā€™s truly specialized and feels more unique because of it. With dual spec, players feel less unique and more just like everyone else, which makes the game feel less flavorful, IMO. Instead of 27 variants of characters running around, there are now only 9.

I donā€™t mind the respeccing process as it currently is, as a corrective measure for someone who mistakenly allocated points or for someone who needs/wants to permanently change roles. But it was never intended that players regularly swap back and forth. The fee was put in place specifically to discourage this. It was a vanilla design decision, that they didnā€™t feel the need to change in TBC, because it was presumably working as intended.

This is nonsensical. Blizzard entertainment owns all of the warcraft universe and the various games, books, and other media as part of their intellectual property. That is not contingent at all with them releasing WoW classic.

Media companies still own copyright to their products even if they stop publishing them.

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Well from an RP stand point I donā€™t see it as any different than say someone who has trained in multiple martial arts switching styles based on the situation.

As for spec identity? The vast majority of people are running around with a cookie cutter spec they pulled off a website. Nor does dual spec remove the ability to do a weird spec if you want, in fact it encourages it as you have can have a ā€œplay aroundā€ spec and a real spec.

I just did a GDKP run in Molten Coreā€¦ where we had 4 full groups of fury warriorsā€¦ we killed some bosses in under 20 secondsā€¦ they all looked the exact sameā€¦

And over 4K gold was spent on items.

So i wouldnā€™t say anything about the current system makes people unique and flavorful.

Because if you want early access to it you should pay more. Otherwise wait till woltk.

Of course, in a game where there are objectively better specs the vast majority of people will be cookie cutter specced that they got off a guide.

What did you just call them? ā€œFury warriors?ā€ There is a reason why you called them that. Because it means something. It says something about those characters. They are specialized in pwnage.

If we had dual spec, you would have just said ā€œwarriors,ā€ because all warriors are the same.

No we would still say fury warriors because A) thatā€™s the capacity they were in during the raid B) not everyone will actually use dual spec some people only want to play their one spec.

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Itā€™s different to me. An MMA fighter that has trained in multiple styles can jump back and forth between styles mid-combat and even combine styles. All the tools are always at his disposal. He never forgets them. He knows them all. So itā€™s really all just one big hybrid spec.

When a WoW character re-specs, he literally forgets everything the old talents taught him how to do, spells, moves, etc. He canā€™t do them anymore, because he no longer knows how. An enhancement shaman who respecs to resto can no longer even pick up 2h axe/mace, because he suddenly forgot how.

So what youā€™re saying isā€¦ with Dual specā€¦ people will just be ā€œwarriorsā€ instead of ā€œfury warriorsā€ā€¦ so when you look at retail damage meters you just see ā€œwarriorā€ on the list? Even though they have access to all 3 specializationsā€¦ you see just ā€œohā€¦ Warrior is goodā€ not ā€œFury warrior is better than Arms warrior because X Y and Zā€ā€¦

so your point doesnā€™t hold because in an environment where MORE than dual spec exists, this isnā€™t the caseā€¦

Edit: Also to elaborate you see ā€œfury warriorā€ as the same as a ā€œwarrior doing damageā€ā€¦ you donā€™t see people saying ā€œcombat roguesā€ā€¦ they just say ā€œroguesā€ and itā€™s assumed they are combat.

And the majority of groups fill by role, IE tank/heals/dps(maybe split between melee and ranged) not class/spec.

Thatā€™ll change a little in TBC since people will want CC and will look for mages/hunters for heroics but tanks/heals are all interchangeable.

Okay, let me ask yā€™all this. As you are for adding dual spec, would you also be for adding a button to change classes on a whim?

Warrior presses a button, changes into a mage, poof. Presses another button, poof, heā€™s a druid.

Because to me, switching specs on a whim is pretty much the same thing.