Why the arguments for Dual Spec are bad

My experience was only less and less guild runs in Wrath than we had in BC from retail and I’m talking before they added LFG.

I’d go one step further with your suggestion though. Let’s say god forbid they add dual spec. They should separate it out into 3 parts. Open world, PvP, and instance. For each one you will need to choose which one you want.

This will retain some sort of Class identity while making encounters less “cheesable”. But once the thinking becomes, “I’m both a tank and healer” that is pretty much classes being homogenized. Identity is still important in TBC. Are you primarily a tank or a healer? Pick one.

I get that people don’t want TBC. But might as well just skip straight to Wrath in that case.

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Wrath dungeons became much much easier so there was generally less motivation to run with a guild.

Dual Specs are great for the game. There are no downsides. People play 1000’s of alts anyways, and they’re in multiple guilds raiding as mains. You don’t see people complaining about that issue though.

The only favorable argument against dual specs is that it removes the necessity of having a larger guild and bringing more people into the fold to cover specific roles. But it doesn’t really apply that well to the modern era of gaming. Nearly everyone is playing multiple characters. Many people even have two of the same character.


I was a Resto Druid with bear off spec in TBC and wanted Dual Spec back then. I could live with the Class Trainer just remembering 2 specs so I don’t have to redo keybinds and macro’s when I want to switch. I really don’t see a downside to Dual Spec other than players needing on everything in dungeons saying it’s for their “off spec”. That is going to happen anyway.

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Or… Guild says looking for a tank and class who can tank but is specced healer or dps says “sorry can’t help keep looking”.

In the “sorry I’m saved” example… Heroics are once a day… How about “sorry I can’t I’m saved today but let me know tomorrow I still need this piece of gear I can’t get to drop… I tend to look around X time”.

If a guild is pugging because it’s easier than finding people in the guild to play with, maybe that’s more on the guild.

Don’t forget the example like you, a priest, that can’t tank so if a group needed a tank that doesn’t help you… A healer or dps… From helping and the point is moot then.

I disagree. Dual spec would be awesome! The argument that spec change is a gold sink is a bad idea for a company that wants to add the wow token. Then it becomes a money sink.

Dual spec would help me play with my friends more. Maybe add a 1 or 2 hour cooldown to it.

Are we going to add recruit-a-friend (from BC) instead?

I agree with almost all pointa. But, do we agree if we coule somehow get a dual spec that would only allow one PVE and one PVP spec is a good thing ? I am obviously not talking about what was introduced in WOTLK…

Some classes have multiple pve specs, particularly classes that have specs for multiple roles. Now what would be reasonable would be a cool down on spec switching to prevent swapping frequently during a raid.

I specced dps on my druid in BC. As soon as we got dual spec in Wrath I added a resto spec and started to heal. I actually think healing dungeons is more fun than doing them with a cat. There are many other tank and healers classes that have posted the same thing. You are clearly wrong. With dual spec we did get more tanks and healers and groups were easier to find. Of course it didn’t totally solve the problem. But it did make it less severe.

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