Why the Arena Changes are bad (From a Gladiator)

And I was just trying to provide the perspective that you’re clearly making that up

That’s fine if you think that, it doesn’t hurt my argument at all, only makes it better tbh. If the only thing you have to attack is my character and not my actual points then I think my arguments must be pretty solid


You post has been ridiculed ad nauseum. You attempted to give it weight by falsely claiming to be a gladiator. That was determined to be a lie.

Now here we are.

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It wasn’t ‘determined to be a lie’ lol. If this is your form of determining something then at least your brain capacity is at least consistent lol.

Also has it been ridiculed that much? It seems like 3-4 posters have disagreed and I seem to have almost 100 upvotes suggesting otherwise.

Seems like I made a fairly decent argument tbh. How’s your post going about how good the change is? Lol oh wait I think you must be projecting because that seems to be the one you’re talking about.

Also thanks for the bumps

-My girlfriend is really hot. She goes to another school. You wouldn’t know her. Totally not lying though!!!

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Thanks for the bump :slight_smile:

OP, you nailed it, great post.

The system proposed by Blizz is a combination of retail AND TBC, which is a NEW and UNTESTED rewards system never before used in WoW.

I honestly don’t mind the rating requirements, but the team rating reset to zero in combination with rating requirements will kill arena for casuals and the 1500-1800 rated people. Your post explained the problem clearly because people can’t team hop for fun or to cap.

Gonna be a big drought of players who don’t want to slog from zero to 1500, especially when games can take 20-30 minutes or more in TBC without dampening.


Concerning changes coming from Blizzard. They need to stop being proactive on their own and work with the community. That’s how classic WoW was a success to begin with. The dreadful receptions of their recent retail expansions should be evidence enough that they’re clearly not behaving in a manner consistent with increased player enjoyment.

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not having a r1 title doesnt work with the modern ladder system. the only dumb thing about it is the title itself, but thats more so just personal taste. if you or anyone else genuinely thought they wouldnt have a functioning rank 1 in the first season youre out of your mind.

That part was more of a jest tbh. I just think it’s silly I’m not actually going to die on any hill about it. I do think the title is stupid tho lol. It could have literally have been a “gladiator gladiator” and I think it would have been better haha.

yeah, their naming convention for titles is just as much of a letdown for tbc s1 as it has been since idk, wod?

Burning Gladiator
Crusading Gladiator
Outlands Gladiator

Outlandish Gladiator FTW

All would have been pretty good

Literally all of those.

Also looks like we made asmongolds stream. Hi YouTube!

He actually misread my entire argument, called it dumb, and then later on explains what he thinks the real issues are and he basically just repeats exactly what my thread said without even knowing it. Hahah

Lol he actually read the forums on stream? I never watch him but that’s funny.


Idk if he gets into what he thinks is wrong but in the twitch vod he does and he literally explains my entire post without knowing it


LOL he breaks down your post for like 5 mins. I originally thought he was just going to do a quick overview.

Yup that’s hilarious he breaks it down, but still misses the point entirely lol. He is really hung up on the rating req for some reason

100%, this is true for literally every activity in WoW and the S4 requirements are very damaging to Arena participation.

I legit do not want to be stuck playing the same 2 to 5 teams over and over dealing with the guys who dodge and the scumbags who snipe…

YOU KNOW what I am talking about…

Honestly even if he called you a moron (idk why he agreed with alot of what you said) the most popular streamer in wow gave you and your thread 5 mins. Your thread and by extension ideas just got a huuuuuggggee boost

Yeah I’m cool with it I mean he literally agreed with me he just thought my argument was only about rating req. oh well it got exposure now hopefully it gets more.

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