Eh, Asmon is Asmon. He’ll call people morons and idiots and dolts all day long because, well, that’s kind of his shtick.
Oof. I didn’t think about that until you mentioned it. Yeah that’s going to be a bummer if ActiBlizz does both the rating requirement and starts all teams at 0 rating.
What’s even more damning is their original plan was for season one to start with t5 content. They really REALLY are attempting to not make pvp gear be an option at all in pve, and they are going to mess up pvp because of it. They need to knock it off and leave the tbc pvp meta alone.
They could just tone down the “requirements” for weapons and that would be enough, like set the present season weapon someplace between 1600 to 1800 and that would provide an achievable goal for the average players while also preventing AFK 10 games collect loot BS that they’re trying to avoid.
Put shoulders at like 1900 to 2000, this way you can show off with shoulders, but weapons should never be kept out of reach to mid tier or even lower mid tier, because for them to progress they should have access to the weapons and armor to compete.
Without participation there is literally no point in Arena, because playing the same teams over and over sucks really bad.
Possibly, but I think with these changes it’s fairly obvious on what their ‘plan’ is. They simply do not want players to have pvp gear in pve, so I don’t know if they’ll do this.
At the very minimum they need to make teams start at 1500 again.
Think about this under the proposed system:
Say you are 1600 and you want to play arena but your teammates aren’t on. You need to either: 1) start from scratch 0-1500; or 2) find a new team with similar rating that has an open spotl; or 3) not play.
Without a decent group finding UI like retail, finding a closely rated team will be even harder through trade/LFG.
Finding a closely rated team will be even more difficult since cross-realm groups won’t exist in TBC.
Since groups will be hard to find being single-server and without a good UI, people will xfer even more to the high pop realms, making them bloated and making the low pop realms even more low pop or straight up dead.
Good luck getting your weapon or shoulders on any realm listed as “low pop.”
Since teams are required, Blizz should set the starting team rating at 1500 (maybe a little lower at 1400), so PVPers can actually PUG for fun rather than sit in Shatt spamming trade chat for four hours.
For sure, but the 2050 weapons straight kills arena participation, you and I both know it. Arena is like no kidding half the fun of TBC for a big part of the player base and they’re killing the participation in turn killing half the game.
I can see what you’re saying that they don’t want PVP armor / weapons in PVE but really that’s completely unrealistic and IMO kinda dumb.
If they want the content not to get utterly destroyed then BUFF THE DAMN CONTENT… /sigh…
I’m a casual PVP Andy. I have no illusions about my ability or commitment to rank up in Arena. I ‘was’ planning on having a casual Andy crack at it though because I at least knew that although I’m not great, I’d be able to get some gear. I actually thought that weapon and shoulders was going to have a rating requirement from season one and was cool with that. But now all of the gear is going to have a requirement? Why would I even try to do Arena if I have no chance of getting anything? Seriously, if you guys don’t want casuals in Arena, fine. Mission accomplished.
retail pvp suffers enough from this esport crap they try to put into the game over actually making changes to please their players lol
Wow I did not even think of that, now that they’re making it Battlegroup wide titles, you’re basically DOA on a low pop server…
Totally. These changes are just an attempt to inject esports into TBC so they can market off of it.
This wouldn’t even work tbh. You would start at 0 and I’m pretty sure you need to be within a certain threshold to get points, so either way you are going to be spamming games.
The UI isn’t even the biggest issue, this system was made for cross realm. You are stuck to your server only
Oh you mentioned it, yup
I completely agree.
Completely agree. God forbid we give players incentives to actually play every aspect of the game for their BiS instead of raid logging.
Yeah, that’s one of the weirder arguments coming from the handful of people defending the overhaul. Arena participation is a core staple of the game, and gating its rewards so that only serious players can compete in it doesn’t really serve any function other than to reduce the feeling of “MuH PrEsTiGe!!!” among the idiots that think showing off arena shoulders in a ~15 year old game is the coolest thing since sliced bread.
The lack of critical thinking ability among people defending the overhaul is stunning. They simply don’t acknowledge the very real harm this change is going to have in the long run in TBC’s arena. For them, it’s more about sticking it to the casual plebs than anything, which is petty, juvenile logic. It’s really sad to see.
I know not everyone will arena but tbc was the premier of it and arena without a doubt was the most hyped feature (just like 40 mans were in classic). They are putting unwanted bs in the premier feature of tbc classic and honestly I have no idea why.
I think everyone has a personal and team rating, so if my personal was 1500 and I left my 1500 team to join another 1500 team, I would get points and wouldn’t need to spam games to get caught up.
But my memory might be failing me on if we had a personal rating separate from the team rating.
But did the personal rating reset to 1500 if we left our team? So if I was on an 1800 team and had 1800 personal and left the team, my personal would be 1500? Can’t recall.
This is from the blue post
- To qualify for Arena points, your personal rating must be within 150 of the rating of your team, with at least 10 games played, and you must have participated in 30% of your team’s games the previous week.
If the team was at let’s say 1600 you will need to get your rating back to at least a 1450 to get points.
And when you leave teams in tbc, you don’t bring over your old crs, you start at the minimum rating in terms of CR. So with this change it would be 0
Yup that’s 100% how it worked. I changed teams a lot back then lol. Also on pservers
While I don’t like the starting at 0 change I do think it’s the lesser of the evils they are wanting to add. You and I know 1500 was a cluster since you had everyone terrible to pro (in addition to the true 1400 to 1600 players doing their climb) starting there but I personally was looking forward to it again since that’s how it was.
I do like how we can name teams again (You have no idea how much I liked being able to do that) but watch they will nerf it because people will have “mean team names”.
I see they’re trying to kill off carries for weapons and armor, but these changes will actually make it worse.
With weapons out of sight for “Average Jane and Joe” people will 100% be buying boosts for armor and weapons, its what they do now in retail because the stuff is gated in this way.
This only hurts participation even more, and because of that arena participation in Retail is really low.
Why does it matter what they want to add? This is Classic, not retail.
Hey I agree with you. Throw all this bs out.