Why the Arena Changes are bad (From a Gladiator)

I believe you are not the one who said they are a gladiator in the title of their post. I will not fall for your scam dirty undead rogue!

You know what you can take your Perception and stick it up your

Edit because im jealous of human racial in pvp

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These changes are awful. I’m gonna quit and I am going to recommend all my family and friends NOT to come back for tbc classic if these changes are not reverted. The whole reason I wanted to play Burning Crusade and not retail is because of retails awful rating requirements for duelist gear. Real scumbag move by blizz.


As someone who was only planning on using Arena for Weapons, I am mildly disappointed in the changes. From what I can tell you need to maintain the rating to use the gear? So even if I did manage to hit 2k one week I’d be totally screwed if I didn’t keep playing and winning at that rating.

Incorrect. Just poor wording on the part of Blizzard.

Translation: We won’t be able to wrekt casuals to bolster our arena rating. We’ll be stuck competing against other sweaty arena teams.

Call me crazy, but I think the Arena changes are great, and here’s why;

I waa in my mid to late 20s during retail TBC. Back in the day, we referred to Arena gear as “welfare epics” because they required as much skill and effort to collect as a monthly welfare check. People were laughed at and looked down on if they came to a raid with mostly Arena gear. In Classic, collecting purples should be a function of both your skill and time commitment, not something you should be granted by beating your head against a brick wall for a week or two.

The way I see it, this change can only increases the prestige of Arena gear, as you now have to earn it with skill and dedication, just like with raid gear. The OP rather reminds me of a single mother in public housing complaining that she can’t get more welfare benefits for kicking out kids like a mill in China kicks out knock-off Calvin Klein jeans.

Pvp will not be good anyways mate. Everything will be rwt 2k+ boosts. People have so much gold it’s insane, hell you can’t even find regular groups anymore unless you are putting the gold up


I don’t remember anyone calling the arena gear during TBC “welfare epics”. It’s been called that way may be in later expansions but no one complained about it during TBC.

Why? Because the hardcore PvPs got the gear faster than the others and the casuals got it with more time but were able to actually work toward it.
Then s3 came, and the shoulders and weapon required ratings. Which was good, it separated the best PvPers from the rest. And S4 came and the ratings that Blizzard have implemented now were similar. Which is fine with me too. (note that S4 was the least played season in TBC Btw).

Why creating a fix to an issue no one had? Did a single post on this forums raised this concern prior to this? Blizzard just loves solving problems that don’t exists and creating themselves issues


As if the time commitment to obtain arena gear isn’t nuts if you don’t at least put in the effort to push ratings under the old system? Let’s get real. The amount of time required to obtain arena gear is immense at ~1500 rating, even in 5’s. By the time you’re able to get those items, people will generally be decked out in badge epics and tier 4 and won’t give a rat’s a** if you’re in season 1 junk.

Even at relatively high ratings, it can take months to get a full Gladiator set, even without the weapon. Where in the world are you getting this “week or two” nonsense?

It’s also a bit ironic that you’d suggest that “collecting purples should be a function of both skill and time commitment” when the overwhelming majority of TBC PvE content is generally considered to be trivial, Sunwell notwithstanding. And hell, if you want an arena set while it’s still seasonally current, you have to be skilled enough to push decent ratings under the old system.

Aside from all of this, the fact remains that imposing steep rating gates only harms the health of the system overall, deflating the ladder and pushing the overall skill level required to compete up and up among those that remain until - at some point - arena is barely more than a playground for the elite that sees very little participation.

The only silver lining here is that we don’t know where the median of the rating distribution will be among players that participate in arena. Depending on the overall level of participation and skill level of people, as well as how rating gains and losses are calculated and whether MMR decides to allow average players to push ratings, we could see players averaging higher than they are in retail. That’s the only hope we have for more casual PvPers to be encouraged to participate.

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No one cares


Aren’t you the guy “0 percent chance it comes out June 1st.”

Seems like you’re just worried you’re going to be incapable of competing and getting the ratings required for the gear. But that’s a cute convoluted opinion attempting to mask that fact.

Arena for free epics lol, gee whiz… /s

Only 1-5% of players will be able to get a weapon.

How are they free?

Apparently working for weeks for something is “free”


Just apply the same standard to PVE and I’m fine with the changes.
If you don’t parse in the top 3% on every fight you don’t get a weapon, if you don’t parse in the top 1% you don’t get any shoulders. Fair is fair.

How is it an issue that only a certain % of players achieves something? Only 1% of the people on the planet will earn an Olympic medal, should they lower this standard so you can sit on your couch and get one? Get better at the game and that % will increase, it’s called a goal, and I know the terms “earning” and “Achieving” are a foreign concept in 2021 because handout culture, but I’m glad blizzard isn’t budging and catering to it.

You want the title, you want the mount, you want the gear, shut up and earn it.

As for the “free epics” I’m repeating what he said, suggesting arena is a place to get “free epics”. Let me edit my post so you can comprehend that was sarcasm.

No, the concern is that lower participation levels due to high rating gates for prominent items (i.e. weapons and shoulders and even helmets) will disincentivize participation for those that aren’t seriously competitive. It isn’t about individual players - it’s about the system as a whole.

Arena is a competitive environment, and you might think that’s a good thing in some sense or another - but it’s one where casuals don’t have any real incentive to participate. This is a fact rooted in observation. We’ve seen it with season 4 participation collapsing, to the point that certain battlegroups were mathematically incapable of getting certain rewards due to rating deflation, and with retail participation routinely hitting new historic lows.


Are you seriously comparing arena in a mass market MMO with the freaking Olympics?

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This system existed a long time ago and plenty of people participated. All your doing is reaffirming the fact that nobody wants to work for it.
If you don’t want to put the effort into improving your rating, you do not get the rewards.
If you do not put the effort into killing Illdian, you do not get the rewards.
Why is this concept lost on people?