Why the Arena Changes are bad (From a Gladiator)

I would like to disagree on the title, it is nice that they are adding a unique season 1 rank 1 title.

However the rest of what you said 100 damn % the change is not good.

Season 1 and Season 2 full 5 piece sets had no rating requirement just weekly arena point costs. Thus making pre and mid raid gearing a bit easier and it helped to balance out pvp for non hardcore pvpers to have some form of fun white not doing pve content. :confused:

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I have a bunch of friends that fit this description and they’re literally laughing at me for debating on playing TBC or NOT.

They seen this change and thought it was a joke.

integrating TBC into Retail I guess was a lot harder than Vanilla into Retail. That’s the only thing i can think for some of these drastic changes.

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This needs to be a maxed out upvoted thread. TBC arena is DOA right now the discoords full of pvp’rs are going nuts right now. F in chat for all the casual pvp’rs


This right here is why the static rating requirements for gear are a terrible idea. In S4 in some BGs, the rank 1 5v5 team didn’t break 2200. Imagine being the best in the world and not getting shoulders. Where’s you’re git gud now, see? Myah! (of course these guys all broke 2200 in 3s but still it is stupid AS).


Casual PvPers can get the previous season’s weapons with no requirements. That is fine for casual players. Casual players aka players not putting in a high amount of effort SHOULD NOT be able to access the best rewards in the game.

When you make the best rewards in the game easy to get for everyone, it removes any sense of accomplishment or prestige for having those rewards, and lessens the value of any other reward because “just get the arena weapons instead its easy”.

So what if this is not how it was in original TBC? Original TBC no rating requirements on weapons was BAD DESIGN. I am GLAD they realized this and added rating requirements to the weapons, I think it makes the game BETTER.

Casuals can’t easily attain the best weapons in the game? Cry me a river, pick up your welfare epics 1 season later.

What you’re saying here is that someone who can beat 99% of the general wow population and 95% of arena teams is bad and doesn’t deserve a weapon. Because the 95th percentile arena player is NOT getting a weapon when participation bottoms out. Won’t meet the rating requirement.


That is absolutely speculation - you don’t know how precisely how the rating system works and you don’t know battleground sizes.

They changed some aspects of the rating already (starting at 0 rating instead of 1500), it is a reasonable expectation that other aspects could be changed as well. Perhaps rating is gained very quickly at low ranks, perhaps losses are smaller up until a certain point, perhaps evenly matched teams win/lose about 20 points instead of about 15. You are absolutely speculating about that claim.

Someone obtaining a 1h/2h weapon after playing 3-5 weeks of Arena competitively feels like an accomplishment compared to the AFKing leech who spends 10-12 weeks. There is a massive difference in effort in both. What you’re saying is that someone shouldn’t feel like they’re accomplishing anything until they’re able to be in the top 5%? That didn’t go well for Retail at all.

Also in terms of prestige there are titles still handed out a mount. Not only is there that the players with more gear earlier on are the most prestigious already. Someone rolling in 1.2-1.5k Arena points a week compared to someone pulling in 400 is drastic. All this change does is hand money over to boosting companies that may or may not use real world currency.

Killing PvP just to prevent someone from obtaining gear is such an idiotic take on fixing a problem that isn’t actually a problem. This isn’t AV where AFKing equals winning. AFKing equals earning next to nothing for months.


Retail is a clear example of the current bracket and TBC player pool may or may not be the same. Even than I’d still consider the PvE scene to be more appealing compared to attempting to PvP with my friends who won’t earn much because the brackets will be deflated.

Just looking at retail numbers, which is the MMR system they’re going to use. The 90th percentile arena team currently sits at 1785. I mean, saying the 90th percentile players who beat 9/10 arena teams and almost all the general wow population isn’t trying or good enough, man, I don’t know. 2050 rating is current the 98.5th percentile. That means the 98th percentile would not get weapons and those duelists need to ‘git gud’.


Yep, arena is going to be dead but Blizz doesn’t really care.


you’re not prevented from ob

No one is prevented from obtaining gear. People without sufficient rating for current season rewards can obtain the previous season rewards with no rating requirement. People who do not invest the time and are sufficiently skilled are prevented from obtaining THE BEST POSSIBLE GEAR, which is how it should be.

No rating requirement on weapons WAS a problem because it significantly devalued comparable rewards from PvE or professions because it was essentially automatic and assumed that a player would obtain arena weapons that were not noticably different in power level to those other rewards.

all i wanted to do was casual pvp, have already unsubbed!


I could understand if the pvp items were better, but you say they are not visibly different in power. Sounds like this just gives people more options on how they want to gear up, sounds great to me.

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These changes absolutely killed my desire to play tbc classic. Not sure i will even play anymore.


I am not a casual pvp’r

You’re obviously not in one of the MANY pvp discoords for tbc. If you were then nvm you’re prob a 1200 forever guy. Its going to be even worse for you.

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Do you know Russell Crowe? Can you get me his autograph?

Yes but he charges $55 per signature.